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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}gtLove Speaks UpInterview withDr. James DobsonAndrew Wommack MinistriesGospel TruthFall/Winter 2015Discover theKeys to StayingFull of GodMeet the Instructor:Greg MohrHealing Is HereConference 2015:Hope Was NotDisappointedSpotlight on aCharis Student:It’s All You, God!It’s All YouAndrew’s Antidotes:God’s Kindof “Prepping”And MoreTransforming Lives with the Power of God’s LoveImagine sitting under anointed teaching for four hours each day with like-mindedbelievers of all ages. Imagine gifted instructors who use the Bible as their numberone textbook. Imagine growing in intimacy with the Lord while realizing His plansand purposes for your life. Two decades ago, the Lord led Andrew to start CharisBible College to make this a reality.At Charis, you will be trained for the work of the ministry using an approach thatcombines the rich teaching of God’s Word with practical, hands-on experience.Today, with more than seventy campuses across America and abroad, Charisis transforming thousands of lives, as graduates are taking the news of God’sunconditional love and grace everywhere! This could be you.Imagine what you could be doing with the next two years of your life and howthat would impact eternity. Go to www.charisbiblecollege.org/apply-to-charis todownload your application packet today!Imagine.Apply Today!Call Now: 719-635-6029CharisBibleCollege.orgA MessagefromDear Partners and Friends,Andrew &JamieWhat a year it has been! As you may know, quite a lothas happened this year in our ministry as well as in ournation. With everything that’s going on around us, it’simportant now more than ever to stand together inunity as the body of Christ.In the midst of current events, God has beenawesome! People are being set free, lives are beingtransformed, and the Gospel is going farther anddeeper than ever before. God is still at work in ourworld today. We have some incredible stories linedup for you to glorify His goodness and to counter thethings that the ungodly are doing.In this edition of theGospel Truthmagazine, be sureto read the article onDiscover the Keys to Staying Fullof Godas well as my recent interview with Dr. JamesDobson, where we discuss this past June’s SupremeCourt decision.Thank you so much for your generous support ofAWM. None of this would be possible without you.Jamie and I are truly grateful. You are a blessing!gt161832PublisherGospel TruthRelief to the Shaken Lives of NepalSpotlight on a Charis Student:Fall/Winter 2015Table of Contents6It’s All You, God! It’s All You!Meet the Instructor:1010Greg Mohr14Healing Is HereConference 2015:Hope Was Not Disappointed161814Discover the Keys to Staying Full of GodLove Speaks Up2227A Special Interview with Dr. James DobsonDeclaration of DependencePartnership:People Helping People2020 Vision3028223236Going Farther with the GospelGospel Truth SeminarsSpreading Light in the Sunshine StateAndrew’s AntidotesGod’s Kind of “Prepping”4027Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc.Publications ManagerGreg TroupEileen QuinnJessica KetchumMelissa RoartyRoxanne TroupPhotographersTed MehlPage: 17All Bible references are from theKing JamesVersionunless otherwise noted.GospelTruth®is published by AndrewWommack Ministries, Inc., a nonprofitcorporation, Colorado Springs, CO, USA© 2015 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc. andits licensors. All rights reserved.EditorDavid Moore IIEditorial AssistantsMelissa RoartyAria FischerEileen QuinnSylvia WellsWriters4gtGospel TruthVolume IX | Number 2Andrew WommackDavid Moore IIAria FischerGraphic DesignersSatoshi YamamotoKris StoreyFall/Winter 20155Relief to the ShakenLives of NepalGoing farther and deeper with the Gospel meansrebuilding lives that have been shaken by the Enemy.On April 25, 2015, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hitNepal, a small country nestled between India andChina. The Nepalese live on the slopes and in thevalleys of the Himalaya Mountains. With no modernwarning systems set in place, the villages cannot benotified of any coming natural disaster.Over 8,000 people lost their lives,1and an estimated8 million people were otherwise affected,2overwhelming hospitals and relief organizations.These numbers don’t even include the lossessuffered in neighboring countries. But, thanks tothe support of our friends and partners, AndrewWommack Ministries provided financial support to anumber of ministries already established and on theground in Nepal.Charis Bible College instructor Dr. Delron Shirley isone of those established contacts. He left for Nepalfrom the South American nation of Colombia afterfinding out about the earthquake in Kathmandu—just as he was composing a letter to a Christianleader he knows from Nepal. Delron’s ministry,Teach All Nations Mission, has been preparing fora catastrophe like this for some time because ofthe earthquake-prone nature of Nepal. He wrotean article nine years ago, published in his ministry’snewsletter, urging Christians to pray for Nepal andto spread the Gospel there before devastationclaimed thousands of lives. AWM supported Delronto bring aid to the specific needs of the country.Left: Pastor (middle) offers relief to those devastated bythe earthquake in NepalCharis Colorado graduate Errol Mannon is anothercontact to whom AWM has been able to extendsupport. Errol operates an orphanage in Nepal withtwelve children, all of whom were reported as safe.His own agency’s connections in Nepal are reachingout with physical aid. A couple who works with Errolin Nepal lives just outside of Kathmandu and hasbeen working closely with many Christian pastorsin the city to bring relief. On top of being able tooffer food, bottled water, clothing, blankets, andplastic tarps, they have a wonderful opportunity toreach out to not only Christians but also Hindus andBuddhists—possibly even distributing Nepalesesalvation booklets to them.Bob and Dawa Wesley, Charis Colorado graduatesand founders of Wesley International Ministries,were also in Nepal when the earthquake hit. They,too, are safe and have been taking action to helpsurvivors since the disaster hit. Their ministry’s mainfocus in Nepal is to care for the children and theirmothers. As missionaries to Nepal, they are verygrateful for the donations they received from AWM.Some specific prayer requests they have are forwater, for rescue workers to reach remote villages,and for the wood necessary to burn away the debristhat causes disease.A minister who works closely with Bob and Dawahad been in the country for ten days at the timeof the earthquake. This minister relived the event,saying, “It sounded like a 747 jumbo jet was directlyoverhead, coming down off the mountain.” Dueto the geography of Nepal, it was difficult for themto get to Kathmandu. Nepal’s mountainous terrainFall/Winter 20157creates a landslide-prone environment, whichwas made worse by the start of its rainy season inJune. The main goal of these ministers has been toprovide locals with water, food, and safety.Donations to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fundalso went toward AWM Germany director Juergenand AWM board member Sven, who are leading acharity for an orphanage in Kathmandu. Juergenis directly transferring the donations to pastorshe knows in the area. A couple of other Charisgraduates are working with them toward equippingHimalayan children with the necessary skills to bringhope to their people.The needs of the Nepalese people have been great,but the Gospel is being carried to them throughthe actions of Christ’s love. It’s being shouted fromthe rooftops without anyone having to say a word,as the church steps in to care for those the way theWord of God instructs:Pure religion and undefiled before God and theFather is this, To visit the fatherless and widowsin their affliction, and to keep himself unspottedfrom the world.James 1:27awmi.netA wealth of ministry materials can be accessed 24/7atwww.awmi.net.It’s no wonder it receives over600,000 visits per month! A virtual library of Andrew’smany topics, archived radio and television programs,and a daily devotional are among the many resources,free or for purchase. Go online today.The Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund, providedthrough AWM, brought great aid to the Nepalesecommunities. Thank you to those who supportedthese relief efforts. Please know that you havehelped spread the Gospel in meeting the materialand spiritual needs of the shaken lives of Nepal.12www.cnn.com/2015/05/10/asia/nepal-earthquake-death-toll/https://www.usaid.gov/nepal-earthquake/fy15/fs04TheLiving Commentaryis a computer Bible program withAndrew’s personal study notes on over 20,000 verses. And, asthe name suggests, it’s an ongoing process. He continues toupdate and write new notes all the time. Over the last six years,an average of 125 new notes have been added each month.The monthly updates are available for download, free of charge,from within the WORDsearch Bible software. As a bonus, thecommentary also contains all the notes from theLife for TodayStudy Bibles.As an added bonus,LivingCommentaryowners have free accessto the onlineLiving Commentary.This“mobile-friendly” website lets you readAndrew’s Bible commentary on anydevice with a web browser. It’s a greatway to read Andrew’s notes on the go orfrom a computer that doesn’t have theWORDsearch Bible software installed on it.Make-shift shelters provided temporary housingBible Software with Andrew’s CommentaryPrice: $120Fall/Winter 201598gtGospel Truthzanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl