Zgryźliwość kojarzy mi się z radością, która źle skończyła.
School: Department: ECE
Name of the faculty member: ritika singal Course No: ECE211
Course Title: : Instrumentation system design Class: Term: Section: E6912 Batch :
Max. Marks: 7 Date of Allotment:19/4/11 Date of Submission:25/04/11
1) What is the difference between a thermocouple and a thermistor?
2) A certain crystal has a coupling coefficient of 0.32. The applied electrical energy is 10mJ then what is the mechanical energy?
3) What is load cell and where is it used?
1) State the different possibilities for multi-channel DAS?
2) How a computer does based DAS aid the operator?
3) What is the objective of the DAS?
Date: Sig. of Faculty member
Remarks by HOD (Mandatory)
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