Zgryźliwość kojarzy mi się z radością, która źle skończyła.


School:                                                                                                  Department: ECE

Name of the faculty member: ritika singal                                                        Course No: ECE211

Course Title: : Instrumentation system design Class:      Term:                     Section:  E6912      Batch :

Max. Marks: 7                                           Date of Allotment:19/4/11               Date of Submission:25/04/11




      PART A:


1)      What is the difference between a thermocouple and a thermistor?

2)      A certain crystal has a coupling coefficient of 0.32.  The applied electrical energy is 10mJ then what is the mechanical energy?

3)      What is load cell and where is it used?

    PART B:


1)      State the different possibilities for multi-channel DAS?

2)      How a computer does based DAS aid the operator?

3)      What is the objective of the DAS?








Date:                                                                                                                                                           Sig. of Faculty member


Remarks by HOD (Mandatory)

                                                                                                                                                Sig. of HOD with date


Remarks by HOS (Mandatory)

                                                                                                                                                   Sig. of HOS with date



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