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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}CL 75A 24VUser´s guideBedienerhandbuchmit MontageanleitungCode Nr. 99 97 0853M 853 GB + DNr.: 603691Versionsnr.: 1.0Big Dutchman International GmbH . Calveslage . Auf der Lage 2 . 49377 Vechta04447/801-0 . Fax 04447/801-237CL 75A 24V Winch motorsPage 21. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................ 3Fig. 1 Operation............................................................................................................................................................ 32. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................................. 33. ELECTRIC INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................ 33.1 NORMALCONTINUOUSLYVARIABLEFUNCTION............................................................................................................. 4Fig. 2 “Stepless” block diagram and connection ........................................................................................................... 43.2 ON/OFF EMERGENCYOPENINGFUNCTION................................................................................................................... 5Fig. 3 “ON/OFF-Emergency opening” block diagram and connection .......................................................................... 54. ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 65. TROUBLE SHOOTING AND EMERGENCY OPERATION ...................................................................................... 8Fig. 5 Motorprint and Noise Capacitor .......................................................................................................................... 8Fig. 6 Mounting of Switch Wire................................................................................................................................... 96. SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES.......................................................................................................................... 107. TECHNICAL DATA...................................................................................................................................................... 10User´s guide CL 75A 24VEdition: 27.05.98�½M 853 GBCL 75A 24V Winch motorsPage 31. Product DescriptionCL 75A is a winch motor designed to control shutters and inlets, e.g. in livestock ventilation systems. CL 75Ahas 2 wires which permit independent adjustment of pulling length and pulling direction. CL 75A is equippedwith a feedback potentiometer for position indication.There is a switch to select between AUT and MAN (B). The winch motor is relay controlled and can be infi-nitely variable controlled between open and closed position. In the automatic position the motor is controlled bythe climate computer, e.g. MC 34H. In the manual position the motor can be opened manually, stopped orclosed with the switch (C). CL 75A has built-in limit switches and a thermal contact to switch off the motor if itgets too hot. Under emergency conditions CL 75A can be operated by means of emergency opening crank, itemNo. 432020, or a battery-operated drilling machine and enclosed coupling piece (D) through the hole (A).CL 75A for 24V is designed particularly for systems with emergency opening, where the energy reserve isa 24V battery.Also possible is ON/OFF-emergency opening, e.g. the winch motor opens a window completely.Fig. 1 Operation2. MaintenanceCheck regularly that the wires are O.K. and not worn in the wire tracks.The motor carbon has a life of approx. 5,000 operating hours, corresponding to approx. 10 years of nor-mal operation. If required a new carbon brush can be ordered with SKOV, see section 6 “Spare Parts andAccessories”.3. Electric InstallationCL 75A is connected to the automatic unit by a seven-core cable (Fig. 2) or five-core cable (Fig. 3).After installation set the switch (B) to MAN, and run the motor from stop to stop via the switch (C) inorder to make sure that the mechanical coupling is O.K. Set the switch (B) to AUT and check that themotor is able to open, stop and close via the automatic unit. The opening and closing directions are labeledon the wire wheel.User´s guide CL 75A 24VEdition: 27.05.98�½M 853 GBCL 75A 24V Winch motors3.1 Normal Continuously Variable FunctionSet the AUT./MAN. - switch (B) at AUT. The motor will be controlled on cable 1 and 3.Page 4If the CL 75A is supplied with 24V DC on the wires 1(= +24V) and 3(= 0V) the motor will open. Re-versed polarity closes the motor. Wire no. 2 is not used when operated continuously variable.Equal polarity on wire 1 and 3 causes a stop. If wire no. 1, wire no. 3 or both are switched off, the motorwill stop. Wire no. 4 (= +24V DC) and 5(= 0V) must always be connected constantly so that the motorcan open/close manually with the switches (B) and (C).To the potentiometer is connected for example 10V DC to wire no. 6 (= +10V) and wire no. 8 (= 0V).Wire no. 7 will then have 0V when motor is closed, approx. 5V when motor is half open and approx. 10Vwhen motor is fully opened.When operating automatically, set the switch (B) at position AUT.In case of power failure the motor can be adjusted by means of the enclosed coupling (D) and emergencyopening crank or a drilling machine, preferably battery operated. The plug (A) is also screwed off with thecoupling.Fig. 2 “Stepless” block diagram and connectionUser´s guide CL 75A 24VEdition: 27.05.98�½M 853 GBCL 75A 24V Winch motors3.2 ON/OFF Emergency Opening FunctionSet the AUT./MAN. switch(B)at AUT.Page 5This function is used for emergency opening of a window in a house with “diffuse” air outlet. As an exam-ple the motor may be controlled by a DOL 2012 thermostat or a mechanical Danfoss thermostat + MC78M emergency opening unit.The motor is controlled ON/OFF (open/close on wire 2 with only one single relay make contact). Whenthe temperature gets too high, the relay switch of the thermostat should switch off +24V for wire 2 and themotor opens fully.As long as wire 2 has +24V the motor is kept completely closed.Wire 1(=+24V) and 3(=0V) must always be connected in this application.Wire 4(= +24V DC) and 5(= 0V) must always be connected to enable the motor to open and close manu-ally with the switches (B) and (C).Fig. 3 “ON/OFF-Emergency opening” block diagram and connectionCable length0 →30 m20→50 mCross section1.5 mm²2.5 mm²Conductor cross sectionUser´s guide CL 75A 24VEdition: 27.05.98�½M 853 GBzanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl