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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section contains the description and operation ofthe braking system for the E30FR-24, E30FR, E35FR,E40FR, E45FR and E50FR series of electric lift trucks.The repairs and checks and adjustments required formaintaining the brake system is also included.sator port in the housing. The reservoir then fills the borewith fluid. When the pedal is released quickly, the fluidbehind the cup moves to the pressure side of the hous-ing. The compensator port lets fluid move to and fromthe system when the temperature changes. SeeFIGURE 3.WARNINGThis brake system is designed to use DOT 5 brakefluid. Using fluid other than DOT 5 could cause pre-mature wear of some of the parts in the brake systemwhich could lead to a brake failure.THEORY OF OPERATIONStopping the lift truck is normally done through “plug-ging” of the traction motors. Plugging is a method ofslowing the rotation of the drive wheels by changing thedirection of current flow through the traction motor. Thetruck can be stopped by using the brakes. The brake sys-tem is designed to mechanically apply the brakes whenthe operator removes his foot from the pedal. The brakesare hydraulically released when the operator depressesthe pedal.The brake system consists of a brake pedal, a master cyl-inder, and two self-contained disc brake units. The discbrake units incorporate the functions of the traditionalslave cylinders and the mechanical actuators into oneunit. They are attached to the commutator end of thedrive motors to take advantage of the increase in torquesupplied by the gearbox.251. CYLINDER AND UPPERBRAKE PAD2. SOCKET HEAD SCREW3. O-RING4. ADAPTER5. SPACER6. SNAP RING7. SHIM8. SPACER9. ROTOR10. BOTTOM BRAKE PAD11. CAPSCREW12. WOODRUFF KEY13. DRIVE MOTORDESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONThe brake system is designed to mechanically apply thebrakes when the brake pedal is released. The brakes arehydraulically released when the operator stands on thebrake pedal.The master cylinder consists of a housing and a pistonassembly. When releasing the brakes, the brake pedalmoves the piston assembly in the housing. The primarycup pushes the fluid through the check valve and then tothe brake units. A return spring pushes the piston back tothe stop plate. The primary cup slides past the compen-111387634196 71012FIGURE 1 – BRAKE ASSEMBLY1The internal operation of the disc brake unit is the re-verse of an automotive type disc brake. Twenty-four coilsprings supply the force which clamps the top and bot-tom pads to the rotor. Fluid pressure from the master cyl-inder is applied against these springs to spread the brakepads and release the brakes.The disc brake assembly is a free floating unit; the as-sembly is not directly connected to the traction motor.Instead, bushings are inserted into the mounting holes inthe brake assembly through which the mounting caps-crews are installed. This allows the brake assembly tofloat and apply equal pressure to both sides of the rotor.When the operator releases the brake pedal, a micro-switch informs the system controller of the applicationof the brakes. At this point, the system controller re-moves the current flow to the traction motors. This ac-tion also disables the traction motor circuit wheneverthe operator is not standing on the brake pedal.REPAIRSDISC BRAKE UNITRemovalWARNINGThe drive unit is heavy. Be sure that all lifting devices(hoists, cables, chains, slings, etc.) are suitable and ofadequate capacity to lift the drive unit.8. Attach a lifting device to the drive unit.9. Remove the capscrews securing the gearbox to theframe and rotate the drive unit to a vertical position.Install one of the capscrews to hold the drive unit inposition.10. Remove the three capscrews securing the brake as-sembly to the traction motor.WARNINGTo prevent electrical shock and injury, disconnectthe battery, separate the connector and dischargethe capacitor bank before inspecting or repairingany component. DO NOT short the capacitor bankto the frame or ground.1. Check that the key switch is in the off “O” position.2. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.3. Turn the key switch to the “I” position. The operatordisplay will illuminate and go off. After the operator dis-play is completely dark, the capacitor bank is fully dis-charged.4. Turn the key switch to the off “O” position.5. Remove the mast. See the section,MAST RE-PAIR, 4000 SRM 881.6. Remove the encoder assembly. See the section,MASTER DRIVE UNIT, 630 SRM 890.WARNINGBe careful when removing or installing snap rings.These snap rings can come loose during removal orinstallation with enough force to cause an injury. Al-ways use the correct snap ring pliers and wear eyeand face protection during removal and installation.11. Remove the brake rotor snap ring from the tractionmotor shaft.12. Remove the shim(s) and spacer from the tractionmotor shaft.13. Attach a two-bolt puller to the two 1/4-20 threadedholes in the brake rotor (Item 9, FIGURE 1) and removethe rotor and brake assembly from the traction motorshaft.NOTE:Be careful not to lose the woodruff key or thelower shims on the motor shaft.14. Remove the woodruff key from the traction motorshaft.2CAUTIONDO NOT allow brake fluid to drip into the motorwhen removing the brake line from the disc brakeunit.7. Remove the brake line from the disc brake unit.15. Remove the spacers from the traction motor shaft.(Note the number and thickness of the spacers removedfrom the traction motor shaft. The spacers maintain theclearance between the rotor and the lower brake padsurface.)NOTE:Hyster recommends replacing the entire discbrake unit rather than replacing the pads or seals.Installation1. Verify the lower retaining ring is in place on thetraction motor shaft.2. Install shims on top of the lower snap ring. Use two0.13 mm (0.005 in) shims or one 0.25 mm (0.010 in)shim to start.3. Install the disc brake unit on the motor shaft.NOTE:Do not install the woodruff key in the motorshaft at this time.4. Connect the brake line and remove any air from thebrake system. Refer to BLEEDING THE BRAKE SYS-TEM in this section. DO NOT tighten the bleeder plugto more than 12 NSm (9 lbf ft) torque.5. With the brake pedal pressed, check the gap be-tween the rotor and the bottom pad. The gap must be0.25 mm (0.010 in) to 0.38 mm (0.015 in).6. Add or remove shims below the rotor to achieve theproper gap.7. Remove the disc brake unit and install the woodruffkey in the drive motor shaft.8. Align the keyway in the rotor with the woodruff keyin the motor shaft and slide the disc brake unit intoproper position.9. Rotate the brake housing until the mounting holes inthe housing align with the mounting holes in the top ofthe traction motor. Verify the brake line connection onthe brake unit is aligned with the brake line. Fasten thebrake unit to the drive motor with three capscrews andattach the brake line.10. Remove the capscrew temporarily retaining thedrive unit in place. Rotate the drive unit until it is alignedin its original position. Install the capscrews and lock-washers. Tighten the capscrews to 109 NSm (80 lbf ft)torque.3WARNINGBe careful when removing or installing snap rings.These snap rings can come loose during removal orinstallation with enough force to cause an injury. Al-ways use the correct snap ring pliers and wear eyeand face protection during removal and installation.11. Install the spacer and add shims until the top of theshims are flush with the lower surface of the upper snapring groove. Install the snap ring.12. Bleed any air from the brake system. Refer toBLEEDING THE BRAKE SYSTEM in this section.DO NOT tighten the bleeder plug to more than 12 NSm(9 lbf ft) torque.13. Adjust the pedal position. Refer to BRAKE AD-JUSTMENTS in this section.14. Adjust the brake switch. Refer to BRAKE AD-JUSTMENTS in this section.15. Connect the battery.16. Replace the mast. See the section,MAST RE-PAIR, 4000 SRM 881.17. Test the truck for proper stopping distance. If stop-ping distance or holding capacity do not meet specifica-tions, adjust the brake pressure. Refer to BRAKEADJUSTMENTS in this section.BRAKE ACTUATOR ASSEMBLYRemovalWARNINGTo prevent electrical shock and injury, disconnectthe battery, separate the connector and dischargethe capacitor bank before inspecting or repairingany component. DO NOT short the capacitor bankto the frame or ground.1. Check that the key switch is in the off “O” position.2. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.3. Turn the key switch to the “I” position. The operatordisplay will illuminate and go off. After the operator dis-play is completely dark, the capacitor bank is fully dis-charged.4. Turn the key switch to the off “O” position.5. Remove the top cover and the control cover. See thesection,FRAME, 100 SRM 888,for the procedures toremove the covers.6. On forward stance models, remove the mountingbracket for the steering control valve and move it out ofthe way.7. Disconnect the brake pedal rod from the brake leverarm by removing the capscrew, flat washer, spacer andnylon locknut.8. Install the control cover and the top cover. See thesection,FRAME, 100 SRM 888.9. Connect the battery.MASTER CYLINDERRemovalCAUTIONBrake fluid damages paint. Immediately remove anybrake fluid that is on a painted surface.8. Disconnect and cap the brake line from the mastercylinder.9. Remove three capscrews, flat washers and nylonlocknuts and remove the brake actuator assembly.10. Clean the area around the cap of the master cylinderand remove the cap. Drain the brake fluid from the mas-ter cylinder.Installation1. Install the brake actuator assembly and attach it withthree capscrews, flat washers and nylon locknuts.2. Attach the brake line to the master cylinder.3. Connect the brake pedal rod to the brake lever armwith the capscrew, flat washer, spacer and nylonlocknut.4. On forward stance models, install the mountingbracket for the steer control valve.1. Remove the brake actuator assembly. Refer toBRAKE ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY REMOVAL in thissection.2. Remove the master cylinder from the mountingplate by removing the capscrews and lockwashers andsliding the master cylinder off of the push rod.NOTE:The master cylinder may be rebuilt using theavailable seal kit. Refer to MASTER CYLINDER–DISASSEMBLY and MASTER CYLINDER–AS-SEMBLY in this section.Installation1. Install the master cylinder on the mounting plate bysliding the master cylinder onto the push rod and secur-ing it with two capscrews and lockwashers.2. Install the brake actuator assembly. Refer toBRAKE ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY–INSTALLATIONin this section.3. Attach the brake line to the master cylinder.4. Connect the brake pedal rod to the brake lever armwith a capscrew, flat washer, spacer and nylon locknut.5. On forward stance models, reinstall the mountingbracket for the steer control valve.CAUTIONBrake fluid damages paint. Immediately remove anybrake fluid that is on a painted surface.5. Fill the master cylinder with the recommendedDOT 5 brake fluid as specified in the section,PE-RIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 900)andinstall the cap.6. Remove the air from the brake system. Refer toBLEEDING THE BRAKE SYSTEM in this section.7. Adjust the brake pedal height. Refer to BRAKEADJUSTMENTS in this section.CAUTIONBrake fluid damages paint. Immediately remove anybrake fluid that is on a painted surface.6. Open the top of the master cylinder and fill withclean brake fluid (use DOT 5 brake fluid only as speci-fied in thePERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM900).7. Remove the air from the brake system. Refer toBLEEDING THE BRAKE SYSTEM in this section.Periodically verify the brake fluid level in the mastercylinder throughout this procedure. PEDAL ROD ATTACHMENTBRAKE LINEBRAKE ACTUATOR ASSEMBLYCAPSCREWSFLAT WASHERNYLON LOCKNUTCAPSCREWSLOCKWASHER46532871FIGURE 2 – REMOVING MASTER CYLINDER11101. WIREPISTON STOP PLATEPISTONPRIMARY CUPSPRING RETAINER CUPRETURN SPRINGSPRING SEAT CUPMASTER CYLINDER BODYFILLER CAP GASKETFILLER CAPPUSH ROD649687512231FIGURE 3 – MASTER CYLINDER5
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