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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the repair instructions for the serviceand parking brake assembly. These instructions includethe description, removal, disassembly, checks and ad-justments, and troubleshooting procedures. The in-structions for the master cylinder are in the section fortheMASTER CYLINDER, 1800 SRM 119.4314192610930 856721127 28242516683019 18 20 12 29 17151. PLATE23SUPPORT FLANGE21CAPSCREW AND LOCKWASHERCAPSCREW AND LOCKWASHERWHEEL CYLINDER ASSEMBLYSPRING AND RETAINER ASSEMBLYPISTON CUPPISTONPUSH RODFITTINGBOOTANCHOR PINSHOE AND LINING ASSEMBLYSHOE GUIDE SPRING PINSHOE GUIDE SPRING CLIP16. SPRING – BLACKRETURN SPRING – GREENADJUSTER SCREW SPRINGADJUSTER SCREW WHEELADJUSTER SCREW NUTADJUSTER SCREW GUIDEAUTOMATIC ADJUSTER SPRING LEVERACTUATOR LINKANCHOR END LINKLINK PIVOTSHOE ADJUSTER SLOT PLUGPARKING BRAKE LEVERSPRING CLIPPARKING BRAKE CONNECTING LINKSPECIAL FITTING22FIGURE 1. BRAKE ASSEMBLY – RIGHT1DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION(See FIGURE 1.)A service brake assembly is used at each end of thehousing for the drive axle housing. Each service brakeassembly has a single wheel cylinder at the top of eachback plate. The support flange has an anchor for eachshoe. When the wheel cylinder is actuated by fluidpressure from the master cylinder, the shoes touch thedrum. The primary shoe starts to turn with the drum.This action pushes the secondary shoe tight against thedrum and the anchor. This servo action increases theforce applied to the brake drums. When the lift truck istraveling in reverse, the primary shoe is pushed againstthe anchor and the drum by the secondary shoe.The parking brake uses the service brake shoes. Addi-tional linkage pushes the shoes apart when the hand le-ver pulls the cables. The electric lift trucks also have anoptional seat brake. The seat brake is on the drive mo-tor. The seat brake on the J40A, 50A, 60AS releases au-tomatically when the power steering pump is activated.NOTE:To manually release the seat brake on theJ40–50A, 60AS, loosen the four bolts that hold themount bracket to the frame. The bolts are between thetwo pump motors in the pump motor compartment.The automatic adjusting linkage turns the adjusterscrew wheel to adjust the shoe to drum clearance. Thesecondary shoe and the links move with the drum dur-ing a stop when the truck is traveling in reverse. Thelinks permit the adjuster spring lever to rotate the ad-juster screw wheel. The adjuster screw wheel can turnonly when there is clearance between the lining and thebrake drum. The adjuster screw wheel can be turnedmanually through a slot in the back plate.REPAIRSREMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY(See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 2.)NOTE:The axle on the H60–110E lift trucks does nothave to be removed to repair the brakes. Access to the91243FRONT OF TRUCKbrakes is by removing the drive wheels and brakedrums.1. Remove the nuts for the drive axle. Hit the axleflange with a large hammer to loosen the tapered do-wels. Remove the dowels. Remove the axle.6829WHEEL CYLINDERBACK PLATERETURN SPRING – GREENADJUSTER LINKSADJUSTER SPRING LEVERADJUSTER SCREW WHEEL(RIGHT HAND THREAD)7. ADJUSTER SCREW NUT8. FRONT BRAKE SHOE9. RETURN SPRING – BLACK1. SIDE SHOWN76FIGURE 2. BRAKE ASSEMBLY – LEFT2CAUTIONDo not hit the studs.2. Tilt the mast backward. Put blocks under the mast.Tilt the mast forward to raise the wheels from theground.3. Put some grease on the floor under each wheel. Tiltthe mast back until the wheels just touch the floor.4. Remove the oil seal, lock nut and the bearing adjust-ment nut from the axle housing.5. To remove the outer bearing cone push on one side ofthe wheel and then on the other. Remove the bearingand protect it from dirt.6. Remove the wheel and drum assembly. Raise or low-er the truck as needed. To loosen the brake shoes turnthe adjuster screw.7. Disconnect the anchor link and the actuator link. Re-move the adjuster spring lever.8. Use spring pliers to remove the shoe return springs.9. Remove the three spring clips.CLEANINGCAUTIONDo not use an oil solvent to clean the wheel cylinder.Use a solvent approved for cleaning of brake parts.Do not permit oil or grease in the brake fluid or onthe brake linings.WARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic, andcan cause skin irritation. When using cleaning sol-vents, always follow the safety instructions of the sol-vent manufacturer.1. Do not release brake lining dust from the brake lin-ings into the air when the brake drum is removed.2. Use a solvent approved for cleaning of brake parts towet the brake lining dust. Follow the instructions andcautions of the manufacturer for the use of the solvent.If a solvent spray is used, spray at a distance so that thedust is not released into the air.3. When the brake lining dust is wet, clean the parts.Put any rags or towels in a plastic bag or an airtightcontainer while they are still wet. Put a “DANGER-OUS FIBERS” warning label on the plastic bag or air-tight container.4. Any cleaning rags that will be washed must becleaned so that fibres are not released into the air.WARNINGWhen the brake shoes are removed do not createdust in the air. See the cleaning procedure in this sec-tion.10. Pull the shoes from the wheel cylinder rods. Re-move the adjuster screw spring. Remove the adjusterscrew assembly.11. Remove the parking cable from the lever. Removethe lever from the primary shoe.12. Disconnect and put a cap on the line to the wheelcylinder. Remove the support flange and back plate.Remove the two capscrews that hold the wheel cylin-der to the back plate. Remove the cable clamp and pullthe cable through the back plate.13. If necessary, disassemble the wheel assembly to re-move the brake drum. Remove the oil seals.14. Repeat steps 4. to 13. for the other wheel assembly.CAUTIONDo not permit oil or grease on the brake linings. Use abrake cleaning fluid as necessary to clean linings thatwill not be replaced.CAUTIONDo not use solvent to clean the wheel cylinder. Do notget oil or grease in the brake fluid or on the linings.Use alcohol to clean the linings and the brake hy-draulic parts.Clean all metal parts except the linings and the wheelcylinder with solvent.WARNINGBrake linings can contain dangerous fibers. Inhalingthe dust from these brake linings is a cancer or lungdisease hazard. Do not make dust! Do not clean3brake parts with compressed air or by brushing. Usevacuum equipment approved for brake dust or fol-low the cleaning procedure in this section. When thebrake drums are removed, do not create dust.Do not sand, grind, chisel, hammer, or change liningsin any way that will make dust. Any changes to brakelinings must be done in a restricted area with specialventilation. Protective clothing and a respiratormust be used.NOTE:A small amount of metal mustbe removed from the parking brakeconnecting link on some H60–110E lifttrucks. This additional clearance isneeded to remove the primary shoe.FRONT OF TRUCKGRINDINSPECTION1. Check the bore of the wheel cylinder for holes orscratches. Replace the wheel cylinder assembly if thereis any damage.2. Check the return spring for damage. Inspect the backplate for wear where the brake shoes touch the backplate. Grind the back plate if it is not smooth.3. Inspect the brake shoes for cracks or damage. If thelinings are badly worn or damaged or the shoes aredamaged, replace the brake shoes. It is recommendedthat if one brake shoe is replaced, both shoes on thewheel be replaced.1368312WARNINGThe brake shoes on both wheels must be replaced ifany shoe is damaged. The brake performance onboth ends of an axle must be equal or the lift truckcan be difficult to steer when the brakes are applied.4. Inspect the brake drum for deep grooves or other da-mage. Use sandpaper on the surface for the brakeshoes.NOTE:If the brake drums require grinding, do notgrind more than 1.5 mm (0.060 in) from the diameter.The maximum drum diameter including wear is 320 mm(12.6 in). If the diameter is larger than this measure-ment, replace the drum.5. The teeth of the adjuster wheel must not be worn.The adjuster wheel must turn freely. Check the adjusterlinks for damage.6. Make sure the parking brake levers move freely.7. Check the surfaces of the seals for wear or damage. BRAKE CONNECTING LINKPARKING BRAKE LEVERLINK PIVOTSHOE ADJUSTERFIGURE 3. BRAKE ASSEMBLY – RIGHT8. Inspect the bore of the master cylinder for holes orscratches. Replace the master cylinder assembly if theeis damage.ASSEMBLY1. Install the wheel cylinder on the back plate. Push theparking cable through the back plate and fasten theclamp.2. Install the back plate and support flange. Install thetapered dowels. Use the sequence shown in FIGURE 4.and tighten the nuts to 54 to 81 N.m (40 to 60 ft lb). Usethe same sequence and tighten the nuts to 108 to 131N.m (80 to 90 ft lb).3. Connect the brake line to the fitting on the wheel cyl-inder.4. Install the link pivot on the secondary shoe. Installthe parking brake lever on the primary shoe. Install theanchor pins in the support flange so that they engagethe brake shoes.CAUTIONThe link pivot and shoe adjuster are stamped “L”and “R” for left and right hand thread. The partsmarked “L” go on the right side of the lift truck. Theparts marked “R” go on the left side of the lift truck.5. Lubricate the shoe pads of the back plate with mo-lybdenum grease. Put the shoes on the back plate andinstall the hold down pins and clips. Engage the con-necting link with the parking lever. See FIGURE 3.The shoe return springs are not the same. One springis green and the other black. The black spring goes tothe front and the green spring to the rear on the leftbrake assembly. The green spring goes to the frontand the black spring to the rear on the right brake as-sembly.6. Install the shoe return springs. The green spring fitson the rear shoe. Connect the cable for the parkingbrake to the lever.7. Lubricate the adjuster screw with Never–Seeze.Turn the adjuster screw in for installation of the drum.Install the adjuster between the shoes. Align the adjust-er screw wheel with the slot in the back plate. Installthe adjuster spring with the long hook at the rear. Installthe adjuster spring lever and the two links.8. If the brake drum was removed, install the brakedrum on the hub. If the drum fastens to the inside of thehub, tighten the inside nuts to 300 to 325 N.m (220 to240 ft lb). Use the sequence shown in FIGURE 4.Tighten the nuts that hold the wheel to the hub andbrake drum assembly to 610 to 678 N.m (450 to 500 ftlbs). On models with dual wheels, tighten the spacernuts to 610 to 678 N.m (450 to 500 ft lbs).9. Install new oil seals and lubricate the inner bearingswith grease.10. Put some grease on the floor and push the wheel as-sembly on the axle housing.CAUTIONDo not damage the seals when installing the hub as-sembly.11. To adjust the wheel bearings tighten the adjuster nutto 203 N.m (150 ft lbs) while turning the wheel. Loosenthe nut to less than 27 N.m (20 ft lbs). Tighten the nut to34 N.m (25 ft lbs). Lock the adjuster nut at this positionor tighten until the nut aligns with the lock plate. Installthe lock nut and tighten it to 135 N.m (100 ft lbs).12. If the axle has an O–ring, use grease to hold it inposition. On other models use silicone sealant to sealthe axle flange to the hub. Install the axle and the ta-pered dowels. Tighten the nuts to 81 N.m (60 ft lbs). Ifthe hub uses tapered capscrews, tighten them to 162N.m (120 ft lbs).13. Repeat the installation procedures for the otherside.SUPPORT PLATE6833WHEEL ASSEMBLYFIGURE 4. TIGHTENING SEQUENCE14. Remove the air from the brake fluid and adjust thebrakes as specified in CHECKS AND ADJUST-MENTS in this section.5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl