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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the service brakes. The master cylinder is describedin the section for THE MASTER CYLINDER. Thesection for THE PARKING BRAKE has the descrip-tion for the brake assembly that is on the traction mo-tor.in the wheel cylinders to move out. The pistons pushthe brake shoes against the drum to stop the lift truck.When the brake shoes touch the drum, the primaryshoe begins to rotate with the drum. This action pushesthe secondary shoe tighter against the drum. Less forceis needed to apply the brakes because the primaryshoe connects directly to the secondary shoe.The clearance between the brake shoes and the drumis adjusted automatically. When the secondary shoeDESCRIPTION ANDmoves, the upper link rotates the pivot. The pivot thenOPERATIONpulls on the lower link. The lower link pulls the ad-juster wheel actuator and raises the actuator a smallA service brake assembly is installed at each end of amount. The greater the clearance between the shoesthe drive axle. The parts of the brake system are shown and the drum, the greater the movement of the ad-in Figure 1. When the brake pedal is pushed, fluid juster wheel actuator. If there is enough clearance,pressure from the master cylinder causes the pistonsFIGURE 1. BRAKE ASSEMBLY1the actuator touches the next tooth on the adjuster The adjuster mechanism becomes longer when thewheel. When the brakes are released, the spring pulls adjuster wheel rotates. This action decreases the clear-the actuator down on the adjuster wheel. If the ac- ance between the brake shoes and the drum.tuator touches the next tooth, it turns the adjuster wheel.REPAIRSFIGURE 2. BRAKE ASSEMBLY - E30-50B, 60BSFIGURE 3. BRAKE ASSEMBLY - E60-120BREMOVAL ANDDISASSEMBLYE. Remove the brake lines from the wheel cylinder.Remove the capscrews that hold the back plate to thegear cover. Remove the special bolt. Remove the backA. Loosen the 10 nuts that hold the drum to the hub.plate from the gear cover.Tilt the upright backward and put blocks at the bot-tom of the outer weldment. Tilt the upright forwardF. Remove the boots, pistons, cups and springs fromjust until the wheels can be turned by hand.the wheel cylinder. Remove the special capscrews fromthe wheel cylinder.B. Remove the nuts that were loosened. Hit the centerof the drum with a large hammer to loosen the taperedsleeves from the studs. Remove the tapered sleevesCLEANINGand washers. Pull the wheel and drum assembly fromWARNINGthe lift truck.C. Remove the shoe return springs with spring pliers.NOTEKeep the brake parts from the left side of the lifttruck separate from the parts from the right sideof the lift truck.DO NOT use solvent to clean the master cylin-der, or brake linings. Do not get oil or grease innew brake fluid or on the brake linings.Use alcohol to clean the master cylinder, wheel cylin-ders and the brake linings. Use solvent to clean all theother parts of the brake system.WARNINGAsbestos is used in the brake lining. Do not usecompressed air to clean the brake assembly. As-bestos dust can be dangerous.D. Remove the spring assemblies that hold the brakeshoes to the back plate. Remove the brake shoes andadjuster assembly.INSPECTIONA. Inspect the bore of the wheel cylinder for scratchesor corrosion. Replace the wheel cylinder if there isany damage.ASSEMBLY ANDINSTALLATIONA. Assemble the wheel cylinder according to Figure 4.Use only HYSTER APPROVED parts. Make surethe lips of the cups are toward each other.B. Check the return springs for defects. Make surethe coils of the springs are touching each other. TheB. Install the wheel cylinder on the back plate. Tightenhooks on the ends of the springs must not be dam-the two capscrews that are near the wheel cylinder toaged.58-66 lbf ft (78-85 N.m). Tighten the two largercapscrews to 67-75 lbf ft (80-102 N.m).C. Inspect the back plate for wear where the brakeshoes touch the back plate. Grind the back plate if itC. Put the anchor pins that hold the brake shoesis not smooth.through the back plate. Install the back plate on theD. Inspect the brake shoes for cracks or damage. If gear cover. Tighten the top three capscrews includingthe linings have defects or are worn more than 50%, the special bolt to 80 1bf ft (110 N.m). Tighten thebottom four capscrews to 130 1bf ft (175 N.m).replace all the brake shoes.D. Install the pivot pin through the brake shoe. InstallReplace all four brake shoes if any shoe has athe links in the pivot plate. Install the pivot plate, linksdefect.and cotter pin.E. Inspect the brake drum for deep grooves or otherdamage. If the brake linings will not be replaced, usemedium sandpaper to clean the surface of the brakelinings.F. The teeth of the adjuster wheel must not be worn.The adjuster wheel must turn freely. Check the ad-juster links for damage.G. Check the threads for the adjuster nut and theadjuster wheel. Repair threads that have damage.WARNINGNOTEThe upper link for the left brake assembly is notthe same as the upper link for the right brakeassembly. Install the pivot plate so that the letter“L” is seen on the left brake assembly. Install thepivot plate on the right brake assembly so that theletter “R” is seen.FIGURE 4. WHEEL CYLINDERFIGURE 5. POSITION OF PARTS FOR AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT MECHANISMzanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl