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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}TU–FLO 501 AIR COMPRESSORGENERALThis air compressor is a two cylinder, single stage, re-ciprocating compressor. It has a rated displacement of0.34 cubic metre per minute (12 cubic feet per minute)of air at 1250 rpm.This air compressor has two major assemblies, thehead and the crankcase. The head has the dischargevalves and is connected to the engine coolant system.The crankcase has the cylinders, inlet valves, crank-shaft and main bearings. An air pressure governor ismounted on the upper part of the crankcase to controlthe output of the air compressor. It uses the cooling andlubrication systems from the engine. A drive belt con-nects to the pulley of the fan drive for the engine. Theair compressor runs when the engine is running.The governor controls the output of the air compressorto maintain the correct pressure in the air tanks. Whenthe pressure in the air system reaches the maximumsetting, the governor stops compression by moving theinlet valves from their seats.discs that are held against their seats by springs. Thevalves operate like check valves and their movement iscontrolled by differences in pressure. The design of theinlet valve permits air to only enter the cylinder. Thedesign of the discharge valve permits air to only leavethe cylinder. Each cylinder has one inlet valve and onedischarge valve.The air compressor operates in two phases. During thecompression phase, the compressor sends air to the airtanks. When the brake system is used constantly, thecompressor stays in the compression phase to maintainthe correct pressure in the air tanks. When the brakesystem is used less frequently, the pressure in the airtanks raises to the maximum setting of the governor.When the pressure in the tanks is at 862 kPa (125 psi),the governor operates to stop the compression phase ofthe compressor. Operation of the governor causes therelease plungers to extend and hold the inlet valvesfrom their seats. Now the compressor is in the idlephase. The compressor continues to run but there is nocompression of air since the inlet valves do not oper-ate. When the pressure in the air tank decreases toapproximately 105 psi, the release plungers release theinlet valves. The air compressor returns to the com-pression stage.1OPERATIONThe inlet and discharge valves in the cylinder head are11. AIR COMPRESSORFIGURE 1. AIR COMPRESSOR ON GM V8 ENGINE1236373839612137302928323334352423 222131272625401417 1618415891345610114142431716201. HEADCAPSCREW (6)GASKETPISTONPISTON PINTEFLON BUTTONBRONZE BUSHINGCONNECTING RODBEARINGBEARING CAPLOCK1912. DISCHARGE VALVEASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 4.)13. GASKET14. CRANKCASE15. END COVER, REAR16. MAIN BEARING (SLEEVEBEARING SHOWN)17. O–RING18. THRUST WASHER19. END COVER, FRONT20. OIL SEAL21. CRANKSHAFT22. WOODRUFF KEY23. PLUNGER, UNLOADER1824., UNLOADERSADDLESPRINGSPRING CAPINLET VALVE GUIDEINLET VALVESPRINGINLET VALVE SEATSPRING SEAT, UNLOADERSPRING, UNLOADERPISTON, UNLOADERSLEEVE, UNLOADERTOP PISTON RINGPISTON RINGOIL RINGEXPANDERADAPTER AND GASKETGASKETBASE PLATESEAL RINGFIGURE 2. AIR COMPRESSOR2REPAIRSNOTE:The governor can not be repaired. Replace agovernor that has a fault.RemovalNOTEThe cylinder head assembly and the governorcan be repaired without removing the air compressorfrom the lift truck.1. Use the drain valve to remove the air from the airtanks. VALVEINLET VALVE GUIDEINLET VALVE SEAT21342. Clean the dirt from the hoses and the lines that con-nect to the air compressor. Put tags on the hoses and thelines. Remove the hoses and the lines.3. Remove the drive belt from the pulley.4. Remove the nuts that hold the air compressor to themount. Remove the air compressor.FIGURE 3. INLET VALVE ASSEMBLY1Disassembly, Cylinder Head1. Use a scribe to mark the cylinder head to show itscorrect position on the crankcase.2. Remove the governor, inlet fittings, discharge fit-tings, and pipe plugs.3. Remove the six cylinder head capscrews. Use a softmallet to loosen the cylinder head and gasket. Removethe cylinder head.4. Remove the inlet valve springs from the cylinderhead and the inlet valve from their guides in the crank-case.5. Remove the inlet valve guides from around the inletvalve seat on the crankcase. Be careful to not damagethe valve seats. Remove any gasket material from thecylinder head and crankcase.6. The discharge valve seats are threaded into the cylin-der head. Remove the discharge valve seats and re-move the discharge valves and springs. STOPSPRINGDISCHARGE VALVEDISCHARGE VALVE SEATCYLINDER HEAD425FIGURE 4. DISCHARGE VALVE ASSEMBLYInspection, Cylinder Head Parts1. Inspect the discharge valve seats for damage, cracksand wear.2. Inspect the discharge valve stops for wear and dam-age. Measure the travel of the discharge valve. The dis-charge travel must not be greater than 1.45 mm (0.057inches).3. If the discharge valve stops must be replaced, put themachined surface of the cylinder head on the bed of apress. Carefully push the discharge valve stops fromthe top of the cylinder head and remove them from the3bottom. Make sure there is enough clearance betweenthe cylinder head and the bed of the press to remove thedischarge valve stops.4. Inspect the bores in the cylinder head for damage. Anew cylinder head must be used if the damage can notbe repaired.5. Discard any damaged parts: inlet valves and springs,discharge valves and springs, and discharge valveseats.Discharge Valves, Valve Stops and Seats1. If the discharge valve seats are not damaged andhave minimum wear, a process called “lapping” can beused to make sure the valves and valve seats correctlyfit together.2. Install new discharge valve springs and valves asnecessary. Install the discharge valve seats. The travelof the valves between the valve stops and the valveseats is 1.04 to 1.45 mm (0.041 to 0.057 in).3. When the discharge valves are installed, test forleaks. Apply 689 kPa (100 psi) through the dischargeport in the cylinder head. Use a soap solution to checkfor leaks from the discharge valves.Disassembly, Piston And Connecting Rods1. Remove the capscrews that hold the base plate to thecrankcase. Use a soft mallet to loosen the base plateand gasket. Remove any gasket material from thecrankcase or base plate.NOTE:Before the connecting rods are disassembled,make a mark on each connecting rod and its cap. Theseparts are a matched set and must be assembled again inthe same position and in the same direction.2. Loosen the locks on the capscrews and remove thecapscrews and the bearing caps.3. Push the connecting rods and pistons out of the topof the cylinders. Install the bearing caps on their con-necting rods. Discard the bearings.4. Remove the piston rings from the pistons. Discardthe piston rings.5. If the pistons must be removed from the connectingrods, remove the lock wires for the piston pin and pushthe piston pin from the piston and connecting rod.a. Inspect the bronze bushing for the piston pin.b. If the bronze bushing is worn or damaged, use apress to replace the bushing.Crankcase, Disassembly1. Remove the woodruff key from the crankshaft if itwas not removed with the pulley. Make sure the metalaround the crankshaft is smooth so that the oil seal isnot damaged when it is removed.2. Remove the four capscrews that fasten the front endcover to the crank case. Remove the front end cover.Make sure the oil seal and front main bearing are notdamaged.3. Remove the two small seal rings from the crankcaseand the O–ring from the front end cover.4. Remove the four capscrews and remove the rear endcover. Make sure the rear main bearing is not damagedduring removal.5. Remove the two small seal rings from the crankcaseand the O–ring from the rear end cover.6. Remove the crankshaft from the crankcase. Removethe main bearings from the crankshaft.Removal, Unloader Assembly1. Use long nose pliers to remove the unloader spring,spring saddle, and spring seat from the crankcase. Re-move the unloader plungers and guides.2. Cover the inlet cavity with a shop rag. Apply low airpressure at the unloader port for the governor to pushthe unloader pistons from their bores. the cylinder bores. The maximum out–of–roundfor a cylinder bore is 0.0254 mm (0.001 in). The maxi-mum taper of a cylinder bore is 0.051 mm (0.002 in).Use a boring bar or a hone to repair a damage cylinderbore. Oversize pistons and piston rings are available inthe following oversizes: 0.010 in, 0.020 in, and 0.030in.The clearance limits between the piston and the cylin-der bore are 0.05 mm (0.002 in) minimum and 0.10mm (0.004 in) maximum.The clearance limit between the piston pin and thebushing in the connecting rod is not greater than 0.018mm (0.0007 in). If a new bronze bushing must beinstall in a connecting rod, make sure the oil hole in thebushing is aligned with the oil hole in the connectingrod. A new bushing must have a clearance of 0.00254to 0.01524 mm (0.0001 to 0.0006 in) between thebushing and the piston pin. Use a reamer or hone to ad-just the clearance.Check the crankshaft for damage and wear. The stan-dard size of the crankshaft journals is 28.575 to 28.554mm (1.1250 to 1.1242 in). The maximum clearance be-tween the main bearings and the crankshaft journals is0.156 mm (0.0065 in)Connecting rod bearing inserts are available in the fol-lowing undersizes: 0.010 in, 0.020 in, and 0.030 in.The clearance limits between connecting rod bearingand the bearing journal are 0.0076 mm (0.0003 in)minimum and 0.053 mm (0.0021 in) maximum.Assembly, Crankshaft1. Use a press as necessary to install the ball bearing onthe front of the crankshaft.2. Use a press as necessary to carefully press the crank-shaft and ball bearing into the front of the crankcase.3. Install the two small seal rings in the recesses at thefront of the crankcase. Put the end cover gasket intoposition on the front of the crankcase.4. Install a new oil seal into front cover. Install the frontcover. Make sure the oil seal is not damaged duringinstallation. Tighten the four 7/16–inch capscrews onlyenough to hold the cover in position5. Install the two small seal rings in the recesses at therear of the crankcase. Install the the large O–ring in thegroove of the rear end cover. Install the thrust washer.5835. SPRING SEAT6. SPRING7. UNLOADER ASSEMBLY(ITEMS 1, 2, 3 AND 4)8. SPRING SADDLE4FIGURE 5. UNLOADER ASSEMBLYInspection Of Crankcase PartsClean all of the parts in solvent. Clean the carbon fromthe cylinder head and make sure the oil and air pas-sages in the parts are clean.Replace the oil seal in the front end cover. Check themain bearings for wear and damage.Check the main bearings for wear and damage. Themain bearings must be a press fit in the end covers.There is a ball bearing for a main bearing in the frontcover and a sleeve bearing in the rear end cover. Theclearance limits between the outer diameter of the ballbearing and the inner diameter of the crankcase hole is0.000 to 0.038 mm (0.0000 to 0.0015 in). The maxi-mum clearance limit between the outer diameter of therear sleeve bearing and the inner diameter recess in theend cover is 0.165 mm (0.0065 in).Check the bore bushings for the unloader valves forwear and corrosion. If these bushings must be re-placed, use a 1/8–inch pipe thread tap to install threadsin the bushing. Then use a rod with a 1/8–inch pipethread to pull the bushing straight from the crankcase.Do not use a tool called an “easy out” to remove thesebushings.
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