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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and the repair proce-dures for the brake system.NOTE:Many of the procedures need the compart-ment door open. To open the door, turn the capscrew thatfastens the door one quarter turn and open the door.The brake assembly is a mechanical brake mechanismthat is installed on the top of the traction motor. Thebrake assembly has a brake drum, two brake shoes, acam and cam lever and the return spring for the brakeshoes. The cam moves the brake shoes against the brakedrum. A spring and linkage operates the cam lever to ap-ply the brake. A hydraulic slave cylinder moves thissame linkage to release the brake. The brake drum ro-tates with the armature of the traction motor. The brakeshoe assembly and the linkage are fastened to the trac-tion motor housing.A master cylinder and brake pedal assembly is fastenedto the frame at the floor of the operator compartment.The brake pedal of the assembly goes through the floorplate for operation by the foot. There is a hydraulic linebetween the master cylinder and the slave cylinder. Themaster cylinder assembly operates the slave cylinder us-ing hydraulic pressure from the master cylinder andpedal operation. A reservoir for the brake fluid ismounted on the traction motor compartment door.The brake on these models of lift trucks is normally ON.The brake is fully applied when the brake pedal is in theUP position. Releasing the brake pedal permits a springto move the cam lever and apply the brake shoes againstthe brake drum. A brake switch prevents the operationof the traction system when the brake pedal is released toapply the brake.To RELEASE the brake, the operator must step on thebrake pedal. The brake pedal activates the master cylin-der and applies hydraulic pressure to the slave cylinder.The slave cylinder push rod moves the control bar,which moves the actuation rod attached to the brake camlever causing the brake shoes to release. The brake shoesprings move the brake shoes away from the brakedrum. The brake shoes will be gradually released as thebrake pedal is depressed. The brake pedal must be de-1pressed as far as possible to completely release thebrake. Movement of the control bar operates the brakeswitch when the brake pedal is depressed to release thebrake. The brake switch must be ON before the tractionsystem can operate.12341.2.3.4.BRAKE RESERVOIRBRAKE ASSEMBLYBRAKE PEDAL AND MASTER CYLINDERTRACTION MOTORFIGURE 1 – BRAKE ARRANGEMENTBRAKE ASSEMBLYNOTE:Turn the screw that fastens the door one quar-ter turn and open the door.Removal and Disassembly(See FIGURE 1 and FIGURE 3)NOTE:The complete brake assembly normally doesnot need to be removed to make repairs. Remove onlythe parts necessary to make the repair.1. Disconnect the battery. Put blocks on each side ofthe drive wheel to prevent movement of the lift truck.Open the motor compartment door for access to thebrake assembly.624341212087356WARNINGPut a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag in the operator’scompartment and remove the key as a warning toprevent operation. To help prevent injury or dam-age, do not operate the lift truck without a brake.2. Remove the nut that attaches the brake drum to thearmature shaft of the traction motor. Remove the hard-ened washer (FIGURE 3, Item 2). Depress and hold thebrake pedal to release the brake shoes. Remove thebrake drum from the armature shaft.3. Check for damaged or broken parts. Replace anydamaged or broken parts. Replace both brake shoes ifthe minimum thickness of either brake lining is 2.4 mm(0.09 in) or less. Disconnect the shoe return springs toremove the brake shoes. See FIGURE 2. The maximumallowable inside diameter of the brake drum is 153.2mm (6.032 in). Replace the brake drum if the maximuminside diameter exceeds the maximum allowable insidediameter.1. CAM LEVER2. CAM3. BRAKE SHOE4. SHOE RETURN SPRING5. SUPPORT PLATE6. BRAKE LININGFIGURE 2 – BRAKE ASSEMBLYCAUTIONBrake fluid damages paint. Immediately remove anybrake fluid that is on a painted surface.5. Loosen the jam nut retaining the setscrew and pushrod to the slave cylinder. Remove the capscrew, lock-washer and hose clamp retaining the hose assembly.Back off on the setscrew far enough to remove the pushrod. Position a container under the slave cylinder tocatch any excess brake fluid. Remove the hose assem-bly. Cap the hose assembly. Remove the capscrew andlockwashers retaining the slave cylinder to the brakemounting bracket. Refer to SLAVE CYLINDER–DIS-ASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY if the slave cylinderrequires repairs.6. Tag and remove the wires to the brake switch. Re-move the two screws, lockwashers, nut plate and insula-tor retaining the brake switch to the brake mountingbracket.WARNINGDo not allow brake fluid, grease or oil to get on thebrake linings or shoes.4. Loosen the locknut on the actuation rod. Removethe jam nut and lockwasher retaining the actuation rodto the cam lever on the brake assembly. Remove the twosocket head capscrews and lockwashers retaining thebrake assembly to the brake mounting bracket. Be cer-tain to note the position that the capscrews are as-sembled in. Remove the brake assembly.WARNINGThe brake spring (FIGURE 3, Item 21) has tensionand can release with enough force to cause an injury.7. Use a drift pin to remove the groove pin retainingthe spring guide to the control bar. Remove the controlbar, bushings and brake spring.28. Remove the locknut, tube, bearing and actuationrod from the control bar.9. Remove the shoulder screw, bushings, flat washerand nut to remove the control bar from the brake mount-42434445ing bracket.10. Remove the four socket head capscrews and lock-washers retaining the brake mounting bracket to thetraction motor. Remove the brake mounting bracket,brake drum spacer and the brake assembly spacer.1236.–DRUMNUT PLATEJAM NUTJAM NUTSETSCREWBUSHINGRESERVOIRCLAMPFEED HOSETY-WRAP31. WASHERBRAKE DRUMSOCKET HEAD CAPSCREWLOCKWASHERSOCKET HEAD CAPSCREW 5LOCKWASHERBRAKE ASSEMBLYJAM NUT6LOCKWASHERCAPSCREW7LOCKWASHERSLAVE CYLINDERHOSE ASSEMBLYBRAKE MOUNTING BRACKETCLAMPLOCKWASHERCAPSCREWPUSH RODACTUATION RODBRAKE SPRINGSPRING GUIDEBUSHING38CAPSCREWFLAT WASHER37CONTROL BARGROOVE PINBEARINGTUBELOCKNUT36SCREWLOCKWASHER35MICROSWITCHINSULATORSPACER-BRAKE–ASSEMBLY343332314567891011121312151416411718263919202122402830 292523242627FIGURE 3 – BRAKE ASSEMBLY311. Check for damaged or broken parts. Replace anydamaged or broken parts.Assembly and Installation(See FIGURE 3 and FIGURE 4)1. Align the brake assembly spacer and brake mount-ing bracket on the traction motor. Position the brake as-sembly on the spacer and install the four socket headcapscrews and lockwashers. Tighten the capscrews to23 NSm (17 lbf ft ) dry.2. Install the bushings for the spring guide in the con-trol bar. Position the brake spring on the spring guide,align the spring guide and spring with the control barand install the groove pin.3. Install the bushings for the shoulder screw in thecontrol bar. Align the control bar with the brake mount-ing bracket. The spring guide must be located so theguide will fit through the opening in the brake mountingbracket. Position the flat washer between the control barand the brake mounting bracket and install the shoulderscrew and jam nut. The control bar must be free to move.4. Install the bushing for the actuation rod in the con-trol rod. Install the actuation rod in the control rod.Install the tube and locknut on the actuation rod. Installthe two socket head capscrews and lockwashers to re-tain the brake assembly to the brake mounting bracket.Align the cam lever of the brake assembly and the actua-tion rod and install the jam nut and lockwasher.5. Align the slave cylinder with the brake mountingbracket and install the capscrews and lockwashers.Install the hose clamp, capscrew and lockwasher. Con-nect the hose to the slave cylinder. Loosen the jam nutand loosen the setscrew and install the push rod betweenthe setscrew and the slave cylinder. Adjust the setscrewso the push rod remains in place between the slave cylin-der and the setscrew, then tighten the jam nut.6. Depress the brake pedal. Install the brake drumspacer, brake drum, hardened washer and locknut.Tighten the locknut to 136 NSm (100 lbf ft).7. Install the brake switch on the brake mountingbracket using the insulator, lockplate, capscrew andlockwasher. Connect the wires to the brake switch. Ad-just the switch so that the switch will open when the ped-al is depressed.8. Adjust the brakes as described in CHECKS ANDADJUSTMENTS.9. Remove the air from the brake system as describedin CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS.10. Remove the blocks from under the drive wheel.Close the compartment door. Connect the battery.136 NSm (100 lbf ft)23 NSm(17 lbf ft ) dryFIGURE 4 – BRAKE ASSEMBLY INSTALLATIONFLOOR PLATE ASSEMBLYRemoval and Disassembly1. Remove the floor plate assembly from the opera-tor’s compartment.NOTE:The floor pad has an adhesive backing. If it isremoved, the floor pad will have to be replaced with anew pad.2. Turn the floor plate over. Disconnect operator sens-ing switch plug. The floor pad must be removed to re-move the operator sensing switch.Assembly and Installation1. Align the operator sensing switch on the floor plateand pass the plug through the hole in the floor plate.2. Install a new floor pad.3. Install the floor plate assembly in the operator’scompartment.4MASTER CYLINDER AND PEDALASSEMBLYRemoval and Disassembly(See FIGURE 5)1. Remove the floor plate assembly from the opera-tor’s compartment.CAUTIONBrake fluid damages paint. Immediately remove anybrake fluid that is on a painted surface.2. Position a drain pan under the master cylinder. Re-move both the hose assembly and brake fluid feed hosefrom the master cylinder. Install caps on the brake hosesand master cylinder port or fitting.1231. PADOPERATOR SENSING SWITCHFLOOR PLATEHOSE ASSEMBLYMASTER CYLINDERBRAKE FLUID FEED HOSEGROOVE PIN13BUSHINGROD END PIN12BRAKE PEDAL WELDMENTFLAT WASHERCOTTER PIN11BRAKE PEDAL PAD10456789FIGURE 5 – MASTER CYLINDER AND PEDAL ASSEMBLY5
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