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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and the repair proce-dures for the electric brake assembly.When the operator does not use the brake switch, thebrake is automatically applied. When the brake is ap-plied, springs push the armature plate against the fric-tion disc and push the friction disc against the backplate. The operator must push the brake switch to re-lease the brake. The brake switch energizes the electricmagnet. The magnet pulls the armature plate awayfrom the friction disc.Several conditions can cause application of the brakebecause the brake is used on several different units.These are the conditions that apply the brake:SBrake switch is released.SKey switch is turned to OFF.SPower disconnect circuit is activated.SA side rail on the operator’s compartment is raised.SThe automatic shut–off circuit is activated.SA lift chain loosens and activates an interrupt44DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONElectric Brake (See FIGURE 1.)The electric brake is installed on the top of the drivemotor. The brake assembly has an electric magnet, afriction disc, a hub, and two brake plates. The electricmagnet is fastened to the housing of the drive motor.The hub is installed on the shaft of the drive motor. Thefriction disc is installed between the brake plates,which are mounted on the magnet assembly. The fric-tion disc engages the hub and rotates with the shaft ofthe motor.123switch.Brake Switch (See FIGURE 4.)The brake switch assembly is in the floor of the opera-tor’s platform. The assembly can have one switch ortwo switches. When two switches are installed, themechanism operates both at the same time.NOTE:If the lift truck must be moved without batterypower, the brake can be manually released. There arethree holes with 1/4–20 UNC threads in the back plate.Install capscrews in the holes. Use the capscrews to pushthe armature plate away from the friction disc. PLATEFRICTION DISCHUBHOLES WITH THREADSWARNINGWhen the brake is manually released, put a “DONOT OPERATE” tag on the steering wheel.FIGURE 1. ELECTRIC BRAKE (TYPICAL)1REPAIRSELECTRIC BRAKERemoval and DisassemblyR25A, R30C, R30CA, R30CH, R30DH,N30–50CA, N30–40CR (See FIGURE 2.)1. Disconnect the wires for the electric magnet.2. Remove the six capscrews that fasten the brake as-sembly to the motor.3. If the friction disc and the hub are connected bysprings, remove the springs.4. Remove the brake assembly from the motor. If nec-essary, remove the hub from the shaft of the motor.Keep the key for installation with the hub.5. Disassemble the brake by removing the three adjust-ment nuts on the back plate. Remove the back plate, thethree springs, and the friction disc. Remove thecapscrews that fasten the armature plate to the magnetassembly. Keep the set of washers with each capscrew.Remove the armature plate and the springs.R30E, R30EA (See FIGURE 3.)216574WARNINGDisconnect the battery connector before you beginrepairs.NOTE:Replacement of the friction disc does not re-quire removal of the brake. Use the necessary proce-dures in steps 3. and 5. to remove the friction disc. Af-ter a friction disc is installed, make sure the adjustmentin step 3., Assembly and Installation, is correct.WARNINGDisconnect the battery connector before you beginrepairs.NOTE:Replacement of the friction disc does not re-quire removal of the brake. Use the necessary proce-dures in step 5. to remove the friction disc. After a fric-tion disc is installed, make sure the adjustment in step 4.,Assembly and Installation, is correct.1. Open the motor compartment. Check for alignmentof the four holes in the friction disc with the fourcapscrews in the magnet assembly. Slowly operate thetraction motor to align the holes and the capscrews.Disconnect the battery connector.2. Disconnect the wires for the magnet at the connectorin the wire harness.3. Remove the four capscrews that fasten the brake as-sembly to the motor. The capscrews are installed withadhesive sealant.4. Remove the brake assembly from the motor. If nec-essary, remove the hub from the shaft of the motor.Keep the key for installation with the hub.30.28 to 0.33 mm(0.011 to 0.013 in)24 VOLT UNIT – 17.5 mm (0.69 in)36 VOLT UNIT – 34.0 mm (1.34 in)8114361.2.3.4.BACK PLATEARMATURE PLATESPRING (6)SPRING (3)5. FRICTION DISC6. HUB7. ADJUSTMENTNUT (3)8. WASHERSFIGURE 2. ELECTRIC BRAKE231425767capscrews to 6 N.m (5 lbf ft). If springs were removedfrom the hub and the friction disc, install the springs.5. Connect the wires for the electric magnet.R30E, R30EA (See FIGURE 3.)1. Install the twelve springs in the magnet assembly.123500.33 to 0.38 mm(0.013 to 0.015 in) PLATERETURN SPRING (3)CAPSCREW (3)SPRING WASHER (3)BACK PLATE8HUBFRICTION DISCSPRING (12)MAGNETASSEMBLY10. BORE,CAPSCREW6. Install the three capscrews and spring washers in theback plate. Put the return springs on the capscrews. Putthe friction disc against the back plate and install the ar-mature plate on the capscrews.3. Install the plate assembly on the magnet assembly.Carefully turn the capscrews to engage the threads.4. Evenly tighten the capscrews until the clearance be-tween the electric magnet and the armature plate is 0.33to 0.38 mm (0.013 to 0.015 in). See FIGURE 3.5. Install the brake assembly on the motor. Use an ad-hesive sealant on the capscrews and tighten thecapscrews to 12 N.m (9 lbf ft).NOTE:Acceptable adhesive sealants include those be-low:LoctiteR CorporationFel–Pro Inc.Saf–T–Lok Chemical Corp.No. 290Pro–LockSaf–T–Lok S90FIGURE 3. ELECTRIC BRAKE,R30E AND R30EA5. Disassemble the brake by removing the threesocket–head capscrews and spring washers. Then re-move the back plate, return springs, friction disc, arma-ture plate, and twelve brake springs.Assembly and InstallationR25A, R30C, R30CA, R30CH, R30DH,N30–50CA, N30–40CR (See FIGURE 2.)1. If the hub was removed, install the key and the hub.Install the washer and the nut. Tighten the nut to 108N.m (80 lbf ft). Loosen the nut to the first alignmentposition for the cotter pin. Install the cotter pin.2. Install the six springs and the armature plate on themagnet assembly. Install each capscrew with a set ofwashers. There are 13 washers for each capscrew on 24volt units. There are 29 washers for each capscrew on36 volt units. Tighten the capscrews to get the dimen-sion shown in FIGURE 2.3. Install the springs for the back plate. Install the fric-tion disc, the back plate, and the adjustment nuts.Evenly tighten the nuts until the clearance between theelectric magnet and the armature plate is 0.28 to 0.33mm (0.011 to 0.013 in). See FIGURE 2.4. Align the friction disc with the hub and install thebrake assembly on the motor. Install the six capscrewsthat fasten the brake assembly to the motor. Tighten the6. If the hub was removed, install the key and the hub.Install the washer and nut. Tighten the nut to 108 N.m(80 lbf ft). Loosen the nut to the first alignment positionfor the cotter pin and install the cotter pin.7. Connect the wires for the electric magnet.BRAKE SWITCH (See FIGURE 4.)WARNINGDisconnect the battery connector before you beginrepairs.The brake switch assembly is in the floor of the opera-tor’s platform. Remove the cover of the assembly to getaccess to the switch. Put labels on the wires. Make surethe labels accurately describe the connections on theswitch. Disconnect the wires and remove the switch, orthe switches, as necessary. When a switch is installed,connect the wires according to the labels. Figure 4shows typical connections. If necessary, see the sectionDIAGRAMSfor your model.3245321SINGLE SWITCH ARRANGEMENT*44511DOUBLE SWITCH ARRANGEMENT*, SWITCH MOUNTPLUNGERCOVERHOUSINGSWITCH3920*See the sectionDIAGRAMSfor the codes of the wires on a specific model.FIGURE 4. BRAKE SWITCHTROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEMThe brake will not release.POSSIBLE CAUSEThe battery is discharged.The battery is not connected.The wires to the brake assembly are not connected.The wires to the brake switch are not connected.The brake switch is damaged.The brake assembly is not adjusted correctly.The automatic shut–off circuit has applied the brake.The brake will not stop the lift truck.The brake is not adjusted correctly.The friction disc is worn or damaged.There is oil or grease on the friction disc or brake plates.4
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