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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description, repair and adjustmentprocedures for the brake assemblies. A troubleshootingtable is at the end of the section.side of the rotor and an armature plate on the other side.Springs push the armature plate against the rotor toforce the rotor against the adapter plate. An electro-magnet pulls the armature plate away from the rotor.An adjustment nut adjusts the spring force.Each brake has the parts shown in FIGURE 2. The dustcover keeps dirt out of the assembly. The adapter plateis the mount for the brake assembly. Capscrews fastenthe adapter plate to the motor housing. Capscrews andspacers fasten the armature plate and electromagnet as-sembly to the adapter plate. The housing of the electro-magnet assembly holds the springs and pins. The ad-justment nut fastens to the electromagnet housing.These brakes are for parking and to stop the truckquickly.DESCRIPTION(See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 2.)There is a brake assembly on each drive unit of theR40BH and R40EH trucks, or at the top of the masterdrive unit of the TWR and Tractor vehicles. These as-semblies are disc brakes that have brake lining materialon each side of the disc or rotor. The rotor has splinesthat fit on splines on the hub. The hub fastens to themotor armature shaft with a key. The rotor and hub ro-tate with the armature. There is an adapter plate on one18742611164531. ASSEMBLYELECTROMAGNET HOUSINGADJUSTMENT NUTDUST COVERARMATURE PLATEROTORADAPTER PLATEMOTOR HOUSING96365FIGURE 1. BRAKE ASSEMBLY11. COVERADAPTER PLATEROTORARMATURE PLATESPRINGPINHUBSPACERADJUSTER NUT, R40EH ONLYELECTROMAGNETCAPSCREWCENTER ADJUSTMENT NUTSNAP RING, R40EH ONLY10791FIGURE 2. BRAKE PARTSREPAIRSCAUTIONThe brakes cannot be released mechanically. If thetruck must be moved and there is no electrical power,remove each brake assembly from each motor be-fore moving the truck. Install a tag in the operatorcompartment stating – DO NOT OPERATE. Re-move the key. If the truck has electrical power, ener-gize the electrical system and depress the brakeswitch during movement of the truck.NOTE:The brake switch is part of the electrical system.Repair procedures for the brake switch is found in thesectionELECTRICAL, 2200 SRM 406.NOTE:The drive units do not need to be removed to re-move or disassemble the brake units.Raise the truck for access to the brakes. Remove anddisassemble the brakes as follows:1. Install blocks on each side of each load wheel to keepthe truck from moving. Make sure the cab is fully low-ered.WARNINGMake sure the spreader bar, chains and crane havethe capacity to lift the batteries. The maximum bat-tery weight is on the truck nameplate. The spreaderbar must not be made of metal or it must have strapsthat are not made of metal.REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY(R40BH, R40EH) (See FIGURE 2.)WARNINGAlways disconnect the batterymaintenance or making repairs.2whendoing2. Disconnect the battery connector and remove thebatteries.3. Fasten chains to the frame near the counterweight. Ifthe truck has a wire guidance system, do not damagethe sensor. Make sure the crane and chains have a mini-mum capacity rating of 450 kg (1000 lb).4. Raise the truck approximately 250 mm (10 in). In-stall blocks under the frame on each side as a supportfor the truck.5. Disconnect the wires from the brake at the terminalblock on the steering axle.6. Remove the dust cover from the brake. Remove thecapscrews from the electromagnet. Do not let the elec-tromagnet or any other brake parts fall.7. Remove the electromagnet, spacers, pins, springs,armature plate and the rotor and hub and the adapterplate. Make sure the key for the hub is not lost.8. If necessary, remove the capscrews that fasten theadapter plate to the motor housing. Remove the adapterplate.9. Do steps 1 through 7 to remove and disassemble theother brake.trol handle to the plate above the brake. Fasten the con-trol handle to the side so that it cannot fall.3. Remove the dust cover from the brake. Remove thecapscrews from the electromagnet. Do not let the elec-tromagnet or any other brake parts fall.4. Remove the electromagnet, spacers, pins, springs,armature plate, the rotor and the adapter plate. If neces-sary, remove the cotter pin and nut that fasten the hub tothe motor shaft. Remove the spacer and hub. Make surethe key for the hub is not lost.5. If necessary, remove the capscrews that fasten theadapter plate to the motor housing. Remove the adapterplate.ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION(See FIGURE 2.)1. If removed, install the adapter plate on the motorhousing.2. Use the key to install the hub on the armature shaft.Install the spacer (TWR–TRACTOR). Install andtighten the nut on the armature shaft. Install the cotterpin in the nut. Install the rotor on the hub.3. Install the armature plate and spacers.4. Carefully install the pins and springs in the electro-magnet. Do not let the springs and pins fall while in-stalling the electromagnet. Install the capscrews thatfasten the electromagnet to the adapter plate.5. Connect the wires from the brake to the terminal onthe steering axle (R40BH, R40EH) or connectors onthe wires (TWR–TRACTOR).6. Adjust the brake as described in the Adjustmentssection.7. Do steps 1 through 6 to assemble and install the otherR40BH, R40EH brake. Always replace both brake ro-tors at the same time.REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY(TWR–TRACTOR) (See FIGURE 2.)WARNINGAlways disconnect the battery when doingmaintenance or making repairs. Disconnect thebattery connector and remove the hood. Removeand disassemble the brake as follows:1. Disconnect the wires for the brake at the wire con-nectors.2. Hold the control handle so that it cannnot fall. Re-move the four capscrews and nuts that fasten the con-3CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTSBRAKE ADJUSTMENT(See FIGURE 3. and FIGURE 4.)NOTE:There is a center adjustment nut to adjust thebrakes. Turn the center adjustment nut clockwise to in-crease the brake force and reduce the stopping distance.The rotor must be replaced if there is no more adjust-ment and there is too great a stopping distance.1. If necessary, raise the R40BH, R40EH as describedin the repair section.2. Check the brake rotor of each brake for wear.3. Remove the guard ring. Use low pressure air to re-move all dust and dirt from the brake assembly.4. Use a thickness gauge to check the clearance at threeequal points between the coil housing and the armatureplate.NOTE:The clearance will only be near the minimumvalue when a new rotor is installed. If the clearance ismore than the minimum clearance, adjustment can benecessary.R40EH TRUCKS (See FIGURE 3.)a. Check for a clearance of 0.4 to 0.7 mm (0.015 to0.028 in). The correct minimum clearance is 0.4 mm(0.015 in). (See FIGURE 3.)b. If the clearance is more than 0.7 mm (0.028 in) turneach adjuster nut (on the mount capscrew) the sameamount. Turn the adjuster nuts for a clearance of 0.4mm (0.015 in) at each nut.c. If the clearance is less than the minimum value, thebrake cannot release. Turn the adjuster nuts for a clear-ance of 0.4 mm (0.015 in) at each nut.R40BH TRUCKS and TWR–TRACTOR(See FIGURE 4.)a. Check for a minimum clearance of 0.3 mm (0.012in). to 0.7 mm(0.015 to 0.028 in).122305963610792BRAKE ASSEMBLYGUARD RINGBRAKE ROTORFRICTION MATERIALCHECK CLEARANCEADJUSTER NUTCENTER ADJUSTMENT NUTMOUNT CAPSCREWFIGURE 3. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT, R40EHb. If the clearance is less than the minimum value, thebrake cannot release. The rotor is too thick or the spac-ers are too short. Use the correct rotor and spacers forminimum clearance.NOTE:Never adjust the center adjustment nut counter-clockwise so that the dimension in FIGURE 3. is morethan 10 mm (0.39 in).c. Turn the center adjustment nut counterclockwiseto the 10 mm (0.39 in) dimension after installing a newrotor.5. Install the guard rings. Make sure there is no oil orgrease on the friction material.9636ADJUSTMENT OF BRAKE FORCEIf the brakes will not hold the lift truck on a grade asdescribed in the sectionPERIODIC MAINTE-NANCE, 8000 SRM 302,adjust the brake force. DONOT ADJUST THE BRAKE FORCE if the brakes DOhold the lift truck on the grade.1. Turn the center adjustment nut for each brake theSAME amount clockwise to increase the brake force.2. Turn the center adjustment nut one notch at a timeuntil the brakes will hold the lift truck. The brakes musthold the lift truck as described in the periodic mainten-mance section of this manual.3. Replace the rotor if there is no more adjustment andthe truck still will not hold the lift truck on the grade asrequired. Replace the rotors on both brake asemblies.0.3 mm(0.012 in)MINIMUM1079210 mm(0.39 in)CAUTIONAlways adjust both brakes the same amount forcorrect operation. Always replace the brake rotor ofBOTH brakes if a brake rotor is worn. WASHERBRAKE ROTORCOILCENTERADJUSTMENTNUT6. PIN7. SPRING8. FRICTIONMATERIAL9. ARMATURE PLATE10. HUB11. ROTORFIGURE 4. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT, R40BHand TWR–TRACTOR5
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