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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the repair procedures for the service brakes.The pedal adjustments are also shown. Instructions for re-pair of the master cylinder are found in the section THEMASTER CYLINDER, 1800 SRM 13. The parking brake is aseparate system. See the section THE PARKING BRAKE,1800 SRM 205.brake assembly has a single wheel cylinder at the top of eachback plate. The support flange has an anchor for each shoe.When the wheel cylinder is actuated by fluid pressure fromthe master cylinder, the shoes touch the drum. The primaryshoe starts to turn with the drum. This action pushes thesecondary shoe right against the drum and the anchor. Thisservo action increases the force applied to the brake drums.When the lift truck is traveling in reverse, the primary shoe ispushed against the anchor and the drum by the secondaryshoe.The service brake assembly is the same for the “BS” and“BH” lift trucks. The hub and brake drum assembly is differ-ent because the clearances needed for cushion tires (BS) andpneumatic tires (BH) is different.An electric switch is actuated by the hydraulic pressure inthe brake system. This brake switch is found in the brake linenear the master cylinder. The purpose of the brake switch isto prevent the traction motor from working against the brakes.The brake switch is normally open. When the brake pedal ispushed, the hydraulic pressure closes the switch and stopsthe power to the traction motor.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONDifferent brake assemblies are used on later model trucksthan on early models. The early brake assemblies were usedthrough the following truck serial numbers:E20BS, B l14V 4591D, B114T 1622D, andB114A 2825EE20BH, B159A 2138EThe later brake assemblies were used after the above serialnumbers.A service brake assembly is used at each end of the housingfor the drive axle housing. Each serviceREPAIRSREMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLYDrive AxleThe axles must be removed for access to the brake assembly.See the section DRIVE AXLE SPEED REDUCER, AND DIF-FERENTIAL, 1400 SRM 209 for information on removal andinstallation of the drive axles. Remove the brake drum andhub assembly. Put a cover over the inner bearing cone toprotect it from dirt. If the brake drum cannot be easily re-moved, loosen the brake shoes by turning the adjuster.1. BRAKE SHOE2. WHEEL BEARING3. SHOE RETURN SPRING4. WHEEL CYLINDERFIGURE 1. BRAKE ASSEMBLYBrake AssemblyDISASSEMBLY, EARLY MODELS (See Figure 2)E. Remove the two capscrews from the wheel cylinder andremove the wheel cylinder.CLEANINGA. Put a clamp on the wheel cylinder to hold the pistons inthe wheel cylinder.B. Use spring pliers to remove the shoe return spring.C. Remove the two “C” washers and flat washers that holdthe shoes to the shoe adjusting cam. Remove the anchorspring. Remove the shoes.D. If the wheel cylinder must be repaired or replaced, discon-nect the brake line from the wheel cylinder.CAUTIONDo not use solvent to clean the wheel cylinder orthe brake lings. Use alcohol to clean the liningsand the wheel cylinders.Clean the parts of the brake assembly.WARNINGAsbestos is used in the brake lining. Do not usecompressed air to clean the brake assembly.FIGURE 2. BRAKE ASSEMBLY, EARLY MODELSDISASSEMBLY, LATE MODELS (See Figure 3)A. Remove the spring and adjuster linkage from the brakeshoes. Remove the spring assemblies that hold the brakeshoes to the back plate. Remove the brake shoes. Discon-nect the parking brake cable from the lever.B. Disconnect the brake line at the wheel cylinder. Removethe capscrews that hold the back plate to the axle mount.Remove the back plate.C. Remove the wheel cylinder.FIGURE 3. BRAKE ASSEMBLY, LATER MODELSASSEMBLY, EARLY MODELSA. Install the wheel cylinder on the back plate. Connect thebrake line.B. Set the shoe adjusting cams so that the shoes will have thelease expansion.C. Install the brake shoes. Install the anchor springand and shoe return spring. Install the flat washers and “C”washers. Make sure both shoes are in the correct positionagainst the pistons of the wheel cylinder, against the anchor,and against the shoe adjusting cams.D. Install the brake drum and hub assembly. See the sectionDRIVE AXLE, SPEED REDUCER, AND DIFFERENTIAL,1400 SRM 209.ASSEMBLY, LATER MODELSA. Install the wheel cylinder on the back plate. Connect thebrake line.B. Install the brake shoes, adjuster parts, springs, and otherparts as shown in Figure 3. Put NEVER SEEZ on the threadsof the adjuster wheel.C. Turn the adjuster wheel into the adjuster nut so that theadjuster assembly is in the shortest position.D. Install the brake drum and hub assembly. See the sectionDRIVE AXLE, SPEED REDUCER, AND DIFFERENTIAL, 1400SRM 209.CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTSCHECKSCheck that the drums are not damaged. Make sure that thedrums are round. Use emery cloth to make the surface rough.The drums must not have large grooves.Check that the lining on the shoes is not worn or loose.Check that the shoes do not have cracks. Check that there isno oil or brake fluid on the linings.Check that the springs do not have defects.Brake Shoes, Later ModelsUse a brake adjuster tool to adjust the brake shoes so that thebrake drum will not rotate. Push the automatic adjuster leveraway from the adjuster wheel with a small screwdriver. Usethe brake adjuster tool to loosen the adjuster wheel approxi-mately 20 teeth.Remove the lift truck from the blocks. Operate the lift truck inthe Forward and Reverse directions. Stop the lift truck 10times in each direction.Removing the Air From The Brake SystemCheck that the bearings and seal surfaces have no defects.Check for leaks in the wheel cylinders. Replace the wheelcylinder assembly if it has defects. Check for cracks in thebrake lines.Check the adjuster screw wheel for wear. Make sure theadjuster screw turns.The air must be removed from the brake fluid. Fill the reservoirof the master cylinder with brake fluid. Put one end of a rubberhose on the special fitting of the wheel cylinder. Put the otherend in a container with brake fluid. Loosen the special fittingone turn.Push slowly on the brake pedal. Repeat the procedure until noair bubbles are seen in the container. Check the fluid level inthe master cylinder. If necessary, close the special fitting andpush on the pedal. Quickly release the pedal and repeat untilthere is resistance. Loosen the special fitting to remove theair bubbles. Repeat the procedure on the other wheel cylinder.ADJUSTMENTSPut the lift truck on blocks so that the drive wheels are clearof the floor or ground.Brake Shoes, Early ModelsTurn the adjusting cams until the wheel will not turn. Backoff the adjusting cam just enough so the wheel will turnfreely.TROUBLESHOOTING
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