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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and the service pro-cedures for the air compressor.compressor through the inlet valve. As the pistonmoves up, the air in the cylinder is compressed. Thecompressed air leaves the compressor through theoutlet valve. The air then enters the air tank.When the pressure of the air reaches the maximumsetting of the governor, the governor opens. Whilethe governor is open, air from the air tank returns tothe compressor through the governor. The air fromthe air tank enters the chamber for the release plung-ers. The plungers move up and hold the inlet valvesoff of their seats. Now, the air is transferred betweenthe cylinders. There is no compression of the air atthis time. When the pressure of the air in the tankreaches the minimum setting of the governor, the gov-ernor closes. The air is released from the chambersDESCRIPTIONThe air compressor maintains the supply of air for thebrake system. The compressor is driven by the engineand can have air or water cooling. The compressor islubricated with oil from the engine.OPERATIONThe air compressor runs all the time the engine isrunning. The compression of air is controlled by thegovernor. As the piston moves down, air enters theREPAIRSREMOVALA. Use the drain valve to remove the air from the airtank.B. Put tags on the lines at the compressor. Discon-nect the air lines and the oil lines at the compressor.Put caps on the open lines. If the compressor haswater cooling, disconnect the water lines. Put capson the open lines.C. Disconnect the drive shaft coupler at the com-pressor or remove the drive belt.D. Remove the compressor from the engine.E. Clean the exterior of the compressor with solvent.Dry the compressor with compressed air.C. Put marks for identification on the cylinder head,cylinder block and crankcase (on two piston com-pressor).D. Remove the cylinder head. Remove the valve as-semblies from the cylinder head.E. Remove the plate from the bottom of the crank-case.F. Put marks for identification on the caps of the pis-ton rods. Remove the caps from the piston rods. Pushthe piston and rod assembly from the cylinder block.G. Remove the rings from the pistons. remove thepins that hold the rods to the pistons.H. Remove the cylinder block from the crankcase(on two piston compressor).I. Remove the crankshaft.l. On single piston compressor:Remove the end cover. Remove the crank-shaft and bearings from the crankcase.2. On two piston compressor:DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 1)A. If the compressor has a pulley, use a puller andremove the pulley.B. Remove the governor.FIGURE l. AIR COMPRESSOR, TWO PISTONPut marks for identification on the covers forthe crankshaft and on the crankcase. Removeboth of the covers from the crankcase. Pushthe crankcase and bearing crom the crankcase.J. Remove the snap ring and bearings from the crank-shaft.B. On single piston compressor:Install the rear cover, thrust washer and theO-ring on the crankcase. Install the oil seal.Tighten the capscrews on the end cover.Make sure the crankshaft rotates freely.On two piston compressor:Install the rear cover and the gasket on thecrankcase. Install the front cover with the oilseal and gasket. Tighten the capscrews onthe end covers. Make sure the crankshaftrotates freely.C. Install the cylinder block and the gasket on thecrankcase (on two piston compressor).CLEANINGClean all of the parts in solvent and dry with com-pressed air. Make sure all carbon is removed fromthe cylinder head and the cylinder block.ASSEMBLY (See Figure 1)A. Use a press to install the bearings on the crank-shaft. Install the snap ring (two piston compressor).Install the crankshaft into the crankcase.D. Check the clearances of the piston ring as follows:l. Put a piston ring in the cylinder block. Theclearance between the ends of the ring is0.005 to 0.015 inch (0. 13 to 0.38mm).FIGURE 2. AIR COMPRESSOR, SINGLE PISTON2. Put the piston rings on the pistons. Theclearance between the ring and the groove inthe piston is 0.002 to 0.004 inch (0.05 to 0.10mm).E. Install the pins that hold the piston rods to the pis-tons. Install the lock wire in the pins for the pistons.block. Tighten the capscrews to 65 to 85 inch pounds(7.4 to 9.6 N.m).L. If used, install the pulley on the crankshaft.INSTALLATIONF. Move the rings on the pistons so the clearances onthe rings are not aligned. Lubricate the pistons withoil. Install the pistons in the cylinder block.G. Install the bearings on the piston rods and the caps.Lubricate the bearings and install the caps on the pis-ton rods. Make sure the marks are aligned. Tightenthe nuts on the caps to 40 to 50 inch pounds (4.5 to5.7 N.m).H. Install the plate on the bottom of the compressor.1. Lubricate the plunger assemblies (on two pistoncompressor) with a high temperature lubricant. Installthe release plunger assemblies in the cylinder block.Make sure the seals are not damaged.J. Install the inlet and the outlet valve assemblies inthe cylinder head. Install the governor.K. Install the cylinder and the gasket on the cylinderA. Install the air compressor on the engine. Connectthe drive shaft coupler to the engine or install the drivebelt. Use a straight edge to align the coupler betweenthe engine and the compressor. The maximum differ-ence in alignment is 0.006 inch (0.15 mm).B. Connect the air lines and the oil lines at the com-pressor. Connect the lines for water cooling at thecompressor.C. Run the engine and check for oil, water or air leaks.Check for correct operation of the compressor.D. The relief settings of the governor are as follows:1. Minimum setting 110 psi (7.59 bar)2. Maximum setting 125 psi (8.63 bar)TROUBLESHOOTINGzanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl