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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the repair instructions for the mastercylinder. The repair instructions for the service andparking brakes are in the section for theBRAKE SYS-TEM: 1800 SRM 78 for E30–60B, E60–120B; 1800SRM 80 for H30–60H, H40–50J, H60JS, H60–90C,J40–50A, J60AS; 1800 SRM 87 for S30–120E,S40–50F; 1800 SRM 210 for E20–30B, E20–30BC.bly. When stopping the brake pedal moves the pistonassembly in the housing. The primary cup pushes thefluid through the check valve and then to the wheel cy-linders. A return spring pushes the piston back to thestop plate. The primary cup slides past the compensatorport in the housing. The reservoir then fills the borewith fluid. When the pedal is released quickly, the fluidbehind the cup moves to the pressure side of the hous-ing. The compensator port lets fluid move to and fromthe system when the temperature changes. The pres-sure switch on the electric trucks interrupts the currentflow to the drive motor when the brake pedal is pushed.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION (SeeFIGURE 1.)The master cylinder has a housing and a piston assem-68341. ENDJAM NUTPUSH RODSPRING CUPRETURN SPRINGBOOTLOCK WIREPISTON STOP PLATEPISTON ASSEMBLYPRIMARY CUPRETURN SPRINGCHECK VALVEBODYFILLER PLUGGASKETFIGURE 1. MASTER CYLINDERREPAIRSREMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY (SeeFIGURE 2.)2. Remove the capscrews that hold the cylinder to theframe.3. Slide the master cylinder from the push rod. Drainthe fluid in the reservoir.4. Put the master cylinder in a vise with soft jaws. Putthe end of the housing with the piston away from the11. Remove the floor plate. Remove the wires to thepressure switch of the J40–50A, 60AS. Disconnect andput caps on the hydraulic line and the cylinder port.vise. Hold the piston against the return spring with ascrew driver. See FIGURE 2.5. Remove the lock wire and piston stop plate. Slowlyremove the piston from the cylinder.CLEANINGCAUTIONDo not use solvent to clean the parts of the master cy-linder. Solvent will damage the rubber parts.WARNINGThe piston return spring will push the piston fromthe cylinder with great force.Remove the spring and check valve.Clean all parts with alcohol. Use compressed air to drythe parts. Do not get oil or grease in the brake fluid.ASSEMBLY1. Lubricate all parts with clean brake fluid.2. Use a repair kit. Install the parts in the order shownin FIGURE 1. Hold the piston in the cylinder with ascrewdriver. Make sure the lock ring is in position.3. Remove the air from the master cylinder. Fill the res-ervoir. Push on the piston with a screwdriver. Repeatuntil at least 0.25 pt (0.12 litres) of brake fluid comesfrom the fitting.F0064. Install the dust cover. Slide the master cylinder to-ward the push rod. Install and tighten the capscrews.5. Connect the hydraulic line. Remove the air from thesystem. Adjust the brakes.FIGURE 2. REMOVING THE PISTONCHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTSCHECKS1. Check the bore of the master cylinder for damage. Ifany defect is found replace the master cylinder.2. Check the clearance between the push rod and thepiston. To adjust the clearance loosen the locknut andturn the push rod. The clearance must be 3 to l3 mm(0.12 to 0.5 inch).3. Check for oil or grease in the system. Remove all thefluid in the system if oil is found. Fill the master cylin-der with SAE J1703 brake fluid.24. On electric trucks, check that the pressure switch isactivated when the pedal is pushed. The switch is nor-mally closed.5. Remove the air from the system. Loosen the specialfitting at a wheel cylinder. Put one end of a rubber hoseon the special fitting. Put the other end in a container ofclean brake fluid. Push down on the pedal and then re-lease it. Continue until there are no air bubbles in thecontainer. Tighten the special fitting and remove thehose. Repeat this procedure on the other wheel cylin-der.zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl