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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section contains the description and repair proce-dures for the complete steering assembly fitted to theE30FR-24, E30FR, E35FR, E40FR, E45FR, E50FR se-ries of lift trucks. See the section,HYDRAULIC SYS-TEM, 1900 SRM 894,for additional information on thesteering system. See the section,D.C. MOTORMAINTENANCE, 620 SRM 889for additional in-formation on servicing the steer pump motor.Hydraulic fluid from the reservoir is drawn into thesteering system by the steer pump. This gear pump isdriven by a DC electric motor and is controlled by thelift amplifier (or by a contactor on the E30FR-24). Apressure relief valve is included in the pump assembly.Pressurized fluid is directed to the steer control valve.The steer control valve meters the flow rate and direc-tion of the oil flow to the hydraulic motor. Speed anddirection of hydraulic motor rotation is dependent on theamount of oil the steer control valve passes and thedirection of the flow.The hydraulic motor converts the hydraulic flow intorotational movement. Fluid is directed to the motor inproportion to the amount of movement of the steeringtiller. As the tiller is moved, a metered amount of hy-draulic fluid is directed to the hydraulic motor. As thisfluid enters the motor, the output shaft of the motor is ro-tated. A pinion gear attached to the output shaft of themotor rotates the spur gear, which is attached to the steerfork assembly.DESCRIPTIONThe steering system of the E30FR-24, E30FR, E35FR,E40FR, E45FR, E50FR lift trucks consists of the fol-lowing components: the steer motor and pump, the steercontrol valve and tiller, the hydraulic motor, the steeringgears and the steer fork assembly. A potentiometer, at-tached to the top of the steering fork, is used by the sys-tem controller to determine the position of the steer tire.An indicator is incorporated in the operator’s display toshow the angle of the steer wheel(s).REPAIRSSTEER PUMP & MOTOR ASSEMBLYRemovalNOTE:The steer pump can be removed from themotor without removing the steer pump and motorassembly from the truck. Refer to STEER PUMP–RE-MOVAL procedure in this section.2. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.3. Turn the key switch to the “I” position. The operatordisplay will illuminate and go off. After the operator dis-play is completely dark, the capacitor bank is fullydischarged.4. Turn the key switch to the off “O” position.5. Remove the battery.6. Remove the left drive unit (the drive unit in front ofthe steer pump and motor assembly). See the section,MASTER DRIVE UNIT, 630 SRM 890.7. Label and disconnect the electrical cables from thesteer pump motor.8. Clean the area around the hydraulic connections tothe steer pump.WARNINGTo prevent electrical shock and injury, disconnectthe battery, separate the connector and dischargethe capacitor bank before inspecting or repairingany component. DO NOT short the capacitor bankto the frame or ground.1. Check that the key switch is in the off “O” position.1WARNINGBefore disconnecting any hydraulic lines, relieve thepressure in the lines. To relieve pressure in any auxil-iary lines, let the truck sit for approximately fiveminutes.When removing hydraulic hoses, use care to avoidcontaminating electrical components with oil.9. Disconnect and cap the hydraulic lines from thesteer pump.10. Attach a lifting device to the steer pump and motorassembly for support.49FOR HOSES, CONNECTIONS,AND STEER PUMP, REFERTO THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM594101113141. POSITION POTENTIOMETERMOUNTING BRACKETFLEXIBLE COUPLINGCAPSCREWFLAT WASHERFASTENERUPPER PLATEHYDRAULIC MOTORLOCKWASHERWOODRUFF KEYPINION GEARCOTTER PINSLOTTED HEX. NUTGEAR BOXJAM NUTBUSHINGSPUR GEAR484756312151612NUT WITHPART 116 17STEER FORK ASSEMBLY (NOTSHOWN) IS INSTALLED HERE.FIGURE 1 – HYDRAULIC MOTOR AND STEERING GEAR ASSEMBLY2WARNINGThe steer pump and motor assembly is heavy. Besure that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,slings, etc.) are suitable and of adequate capacity tolift the steer pump and motor assembly.11. Remove the four capscrews, flat washers and flangelocknuts securing the steer pump and motor assembly tothe front frame of the truck.12. Remove the steer pump and motor assembly fromthe truck.Installation1. Align the steer pump and motor assembly with themounting holes in the front frame of the truck.2. Attach the steer pump and motor assembly to thefront frame of the truck with four capscrews, flat wash-ers and flange locknuts.3. Attach the hydraulic lines to the steer pump.4. Reattach the electrical cables on the steer pump mo-tor. (Ensure the electrical cables are returned to the cor-rect terminals.)5. Replace the left drive unit. See the section,MAS-TER DRIVE UNIT, 630 SRM 890.6. Install and reconnect the battery.3. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.4. Turn the key switch to the “I” position. The operatordisplay will illuminate and go off. After the operator dis-play is completely dark, the capacitor bank is fullydischarged.5. Turn the key switch to the off “O” position.6. Remove the front cover. See the section,FRAME,100 SRM 888.7. Clean the area around the hydraulic connections tothe steer pump.WARNINGBefore disconnecting any hydraulic lines, relieve thepressure in the lines. To relieve pressure in any auxil-iary lines, let the truck sit for approximately fiveminutes.When removing hydraulic hoses, use care to avoidcontaminating electrical components with oil.8. Disconnect and cap the hydraulic lines from thesteer pump.9. Remove the four capscrews and lockwasherssecuring the steer pump to the steer pump motor.10. Separate the steer pump from the steer pump motor.11. Remove the steer pump from the truck.12. Disassemble the steer pump as necessary forrepairs.Installation1. Position the steer pump on the steer pump motorshaft.2. Attach the steer pump to the steer pump motor withfour capscrews and lockwashers. Tighten the screws to23 NSm (17 lbf ft).3. Attach the hydraulic lines to the steer pump in thecorrect locations.4. Install the front cover. See the section,FRAME,100 SRM 888.5. Connect the battery.STEER PUMPRemovalNOTE:If the steer pump and motor assembly has al-ready been removed from the lift truck, proceed toStep 9.1. Tilt the mast to the full forward position.WARNINGTo prevent electrical shock and injury, disconnectthe battery, separate the connector and dischargethe capacitor bank before inspecting or repairingany component. DO NOT short the capacitor bankto the frame or ground.2. Check that the key switch is in the off “O” position.3STEER CONTROL VALVERemoval9. Remove four socket head screws, flat washers andnylon locknuts. Remove the steer control valve mount-ing bracket from the lift truck.10. Place the steer control valve and bracket on a cleanwork surface. Remove the four capscrews, lockwashersand flat washers. The steering column will separatefrom the bracket and valve.Installation1. Attach the steer control valve and the steering col-umn to the mounting bracket, in the same orientationnoted in Step 7 of REMOVAL, with four capscrews,lockwashers and flat washers.2. Install the steer control valve and mounting bracketassembly to the truck and secure them with four sockethead screws, flat washers and nylon locknuts.WARNINGTo prevent electrical shock and injury, disconnectthe battery, separate the connector and dischargethe capacitor bank before inspecting or repairingany component. DO NOT short the capacitor bankto the frame or ground.1. Check that the key switch is in the off “O” position.2. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.3. Turn the key switch to the “I” position. The operatordisplay will illuminate and go off. After the operator dis-play is completely dark, the capacitor bank is fullydischarged.WARNINGThe hydraulic hoses MUST be connected to the cor-rect ports or the steering system will not operate asexpected. This operation that is not expected cancause damage or personal injury. Make sure thehoses are identified and connected correctly.3. Install the hydraulic hoses in the correct locations.WARNINGBefore disconnecting any hydraulic lines, relieve thepressure in the lines. To relieve pressure in any auxil-iary lines, let the truck sit for approximately fiveminutes.When removing hydraulic hoses, use care to avoidcontaminating electrical components with oil.4. Turn the key switch to the off “O” position.5. Remove the top cover and the control cover. See thesection,FRAME, 100 SRM 888.6. Remove the pad on the left side of the operatorcompartment. See the section,FRAME, 100 SRM 888.WARNINGBefore disconnecting any hydraulic lines, relieve thepressure in the lines. To relieve pressure in any auxil-iary lines, let the truck sit for approximately fiveminutes.4. Install the steering tiller using the socket headshoulder bolt.5. Connect the battery.6. Check the operation of the steering system.7. Check all hydraulic connections for leaks.8. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.9. Remove the socket head shoulder bolt and removethe steering tiller.10. Install the left hip pad in the operator compartment.See the section,FRAME, 100 SRM 888.11. Install the control cover and the top cover. See thesection,FRAME, 100 SRM 888.12. Connect the battery.4WARNINGThe hydraulic hoses MUST be connected to the cor-rect ports or the steering system will not operate asexpected. This operation that is not expected cancause damage or personal injury. Make sure thehoses are correctly identified and connected correct-ly.7. Place identifying tags on all of the hydraulic hoses.Note the orientation of the steer control valve to themounting bracket.8. Remove the hydraulic hoses from the steer controlvalve.91086735FORWARDSTANCE1. CONTROL VALVESOCKET HEAD SCREWFLAT WASHERLOCKNUTSTEER COLUMN BRACKETCAPSCREWLOCKWASHERTILLERKNOBSHOULDER BOLT14 32SIDE STANCEBRACKET MOUNTSTO THESE HOLES.5SIDESTANCEFIGURE 2 – STEER CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLYHYDRAULIC MOTORRemoval6. Remove the steer position potentiometer (refer toSTEER POSITION POTENTIOMETER–REMOVALprocedure in this section).WARNINGTo prevent electrical shock and injury, disconnectthe battery, separate the connector and dischargethe capacitor bank before inspecting or repairingany component. DO NOT short the capacitor bankto the frame or ground.1. Check that the key switch is in the off “O” position.2. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector.3. Turn the key switch to the “I” position. The operatordisplay will illuminate and go off. After the operator dis-play is completely dark, the capacitor bank is fullydischarged.4. Turn the key switch to the off “O” position.5. Remove the top cover and the control cover. See thesection,FRAME, 100 SRM 888.5WARNINGBefore disconnecting any hydraulic lines, relieve thepressure in the lines. To relieve pressure in any auxil-iary lines, let the truck sit for approximately fiveminutes.When removing hydraulic hoses, use care to avoidcontaminating electrical components with oil.WARNINGThe hydraulic hoses MUST be connected to the cor-rect ports or the steering system will not operate asexpected. This operation that is not expected cancause damage or personal injury. Make sure thehoses are correctly identified and connected correct-ly.NOTE:The hydraulic lines must be removed beforeremoving the mounting screws from the hydraulicmotor. Hoses should be labeled to help install themcorrectly.zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl