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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the steering housing and the steering control unit.Additional information on parts of the steering systemare in the following sections:STEERING AXLEandHYDRAULIC SYSTEM.freely through the steering control unit. The oil does notflow to the steering cylinder.NOTE:Instrument cluster not shown.1DESCRIPTIONThis section covers the steering column assembly usedon the “XM” series of lift trucks. This assembly uses asteering control unit with hose connections on the bot-tom of the unit. See FIGURE 4. The steering housinghas the mounts for the steering column and the steeringcontrol unit. The steering wheel is installed on the steer-ing column. The housing is adjustable and is held inposition by a latch. The position of the housing can bechanged for operator comfort. The steering housing isalso the mount for some control levers and the instru-ment cluster.The steering system is a hydraulic system that does nothave a mechanical connection between the steeringwheel and the steering axle. The control of the steeringis through a hydraulic circuit.If the hydraulic pump for the steering system does notoperate, steering is still possible. A check valve permitsthe steering control unit to control the steering cylinder.The lift truck is difficult to steer when the steering pumpis not operating, but the steering control unit can operatethe steering cylinder and make steering possible.25676H2.00–3.20XM(H45–65XM)SHOWN81. STEERING WHEEL2. STEERING COLUMN3. STEERINGCONTROL UNIT4. KNOB5. LATCH6. COVER7. COWL8. MOUNT43OPERATION (See FIGURE 2.)The steering control unit is a rotary valve operated bythe steering wheel. During the steering operation, thesteering control unit controls the direction of flow andamount of oil that flows to the steering cylinder. Thesteering cylinder in the axle actuates the steering linkageto move the steer tires. Hydraulic oil returns from thesteering cylinder to the steering control unit and then re-turns to the hydraulic tank.Turning the steering wheel actuates three main parts ofthe steering control unit: (1) The spool for the controlsection, (2) the sleeve for the control section and (3) therotor in the metering section. When the steering wheel isnot moving, the spool and sleeve are held in the neutral(center) position by springs. During this time, oil flowsFIGURE 1. STEERING HOUSING ASSEMBLYAs the steering wheel is turned, the spool just begins torotate. The springs try to move the sleeve to keep theneutral position between the spool and sleeve. However,the force necessary to turn the rotor is greater than thepressure of the springs. The springs begin to bend, let-ting the spool move a small amount within the sleeve.The spool stops moving when it touches the center pin.In this position, the holes in the sleeve and the spool arealigned. Oil coming into the control unit flows to themetering section.More rotation of the steering wheel causes the spool torotate the pin. This action causes the rotation of thesleeve and the rotor in the metering section. The oil then1flows to one side of the steering cylinder. Hydraulic oilfrom the other side of the steering cylinder returnsthrough the control section of the steering control unit.When the steering wheel stops moving, the metering ac-tion in the metering section also stops. The neutral posi-tion springs return the sleeve to the neutral positionstopping oil flow to or from the cylinder. The pressure243stays in the steering cylinder to keep the steer tires in po-sition. Oil from the pump flows through the steeringcontrol unit to the tank or other parts of the system. Toreturn the steer wheels to the straight position, the steer-ing wheel must be rotated in the opposite direction. Thesteering control unit will operate as described, but allparts will rotate in the opposite direction.67151. SETSPOOLSLEEVECENTER PINGEAR SETCONTROL SECTIONMETERING SECTIONFIGURE 2. STEERING CONTROL UNITREPAIRSSTEERING WHEEL AND COLUMNASSEMBLY(See FIGURE 3. through FIGURE 5.)The upper end of the steering shaft has splines for thesteering wheel. A large nut holds the steering wheel ontothe steering shaft. The horn button is the cover for thecenter of the steering wheel. The lower end of the steer-ing shaft has splines or a tang to engage the steering con-2trol unit. A push rod from the horn button actuates thehorn switch.The steering column assembly is adjustable and held inposition by a latch. The position of the steering columnassembly can be changed as needed for different opera-tor requirements. An access cover on the steering col-umn give access to the steering control unit, key switch,horn switch and if installed, the direction switch.18TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT ELECTRICUNITS1621172219Direction Lever (Optional)20181On–Demand Power Steering (Optional) BUTTON ASSEMBLYNUTSTEERING WHEELSTEERING COLUMNHOUSINGKEY SWITCHSTEERING COLUMNSLEEVEWASHERHORN SWITCHREAR COVER9102635784111211. CONTROL UNITMOUNT BRACKET12. STEERING CONTROLUNIT13. LATCH14. SPRING15. PIN16. DRIVEN GEAR17. DRIVE GEAR18. BRACKET19. OPTICAL ENCODER20. TRANSDUCER21. DIRECTION SWITCH22. DIRECTION LEVERHANDLE151314FIGURE 3. STEERING WHEEL AND STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY3115326141415139810115WHTBLK412GRNRED71211363611011959REAR VIEW11. HEAD SCREWACTIVATOR ASSEMBLYBRACKETOPTICAL ENCODER ANDBRACKET15. ENCODER/ACTIVATOR WIREHARNESS1. CONTROL UNITSTEERING SHAFTPLASTIC TUBELATCHPIN6. SWITCHCLAMPBRACKETHORN SWITCHLIFT TRUCK WIRE HARNESSFIGURE 4. STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY41815 1314674186141516181920178591011321718168919PETRI STEERING WHEEL1. COLUMNSTEERING CONTROL UNITBRACKETSTEERING WHEELSTEERING SHAFTHORN COVERBASE PLATEBEARINGPLASTIC TUBEPLASTIC WASHERSPRINGLATCHLOCK RINGADJUSTER SPOOL NUTSTEERING WHEEL NUTEXTERNAL SNAP RINGINTERNAL SNAP RINGPUSH RODPINHORN SWITCHBRACKETLATCH PIVOT PINSOCKET HEAD SCREW212223112SIDE VIEWRETURN11959INPUTINPUT2TR LPRIGHT TURN12LEFT TURNRIGHTTURNDANFOSSRETURNLEFT TURNTRWFIGURE 5. STEERING WHEEL AND STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY5
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