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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the steering axle assembly. SeeSTEERING SYS-TEM, 1600 SRM 485; HYDRAULIC SYSTEM,1900 SRM 559; and STEERING CONTROL UNIT,1600 SRM 512.for additional information for the steer-ing system.There are O–rings, seals and wipers in the cylinderguides to seal the guides to the shell and rod. The ends ofthe piston rod extend from both ends of the cylinder. Asingle piston and seal are at the center of the rod. Oilpressure on one side of the piston moves the piston in thebore. The piston pushes an equal amount of oil from theopposite side of the cylinder.When the piston reaches the end of the stroke, a reliefvalve in the steering circuit controls the oil pressure. Theintermediate links that connect the spindle arms to thecylinder are not adjustable.The wheels rotate on two tapered roller bearings and areheld on the spindles by a castle nut. The wheel bearingpreload is adjusted by the castle nut. The grease sealsprotect the bearings from dirt and water. Wear sleevesprotect the hub from wear by the seals.243DESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)The steering axle assembly includes an axle weldment,steering cylinder, and two spindle and hub assemblies.See FIGURE 1. The steering axle assembly is con-nected to the frame by rubber mounts. The rubbermounts permit the steering axle to move in the lift truckframe when the lift truck travels over rough surfaces.The steering cylinder is held into the axle weldment us-ing four bolts from the bottom of the axle weldment. ASSEMBLYAXLE WELDMENTMOUNT PLATERUBBER MOUNTSTEERING CYLINDERBOLT AND WASHER416512917366FIGURE 1. STEERING AXLE ASSEMBLY1REPAIRSSTEERING AXLE ASSEMBLY(See FIGURE 2.)RemovalThe steering axle can be removed without removing thecounterweight. However, the counterweight can be re-moved as described inTHE FRAME, 100 SRM 617.1. Make sure the wheels are set for straight travel. Putthe lift truck on blocks as described inPERIODICMAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 623.The blocks mustbe high enough to let the axle, with it’s wheels, to roll outfrom under the rear of the lift truck.2. Disconnect the hydraulic lines at the steering cylin-der. Install pipe plugs in the cylinder ports and put capson the hydraulic lines. The pipe plugs will prevent thespindles from turning during removal of the axle.3. Slide a floor jack or the forks of another lift truck un-der the steering axle. Raise the lifting device until itholds the weight of the steering axle assembly. Removethe four hex head screws and nuts that fasten the tworubber mounts to the lift truck. See FIGURE 1. Removethe two mount plates and slowly lower the axle assem-bly onto the wheels. Carefully roll the axle assemblyfrom under the rear of the lift truck.*On opposite side of spindle.See FIGURE 3.213589231. FITTINGEXPANSION PLUGKING PINNEEDLE BEARINGTHRUST BEARINGLOCKNUTSETSCREWAXLE WELDMENTLINK PININTERMEDIATE LINKSPINDLEOIL SEALSHIMSROLLER BEARINGWHEEL ASSEMBLYWASHERCASTLE NUTCOTTER PINGREASE CAP46*7*1918171614154 13114121261291611101FIGURE 2. SPINDLE AND LINK ASSEMBLY2Installation1. Install the rubber mounts on the axle. See FIGURE 1.Make sure the face of the rubber mount with the partnumber is away from the axle. Make sure the part num-ber will be right side up after the axle is installed.1. Install the rubber mounts on the axle.See FIGURE 1.Make sure the face of the rubber mount with the part number isaway from the axle. If the truck has the 14 x 41/4x 8 steer tires,install the mounts so that the thick parts are on top. If the truckhas the 15 x 5 x 111/4steer tires, install the mounts so that thethick parts are on the bottom.CleaningWARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic andcan cause skin irritation. When using cleaning sol-vents, always follow the solvent manufacturer’s rec-ommended safety procedures.Clean all parts with petroleum solvent. Make sure thebearings are clean. Make sure all solvent has evaporatedfrom inside the bearing cones before filling them withgrease.Assembly And Installation2. Apply a lubricant, that is approved for use with rub-ber, to the rubber mount. The lubricant is used where therubber mount fits into the frame brackets. Make sure thelift truck is on blocks as described for Removal.3. Use a floor jack or another lift truck to put the steeringaxle into the position in the frame. Make sure the rubbermounts fit inside the frame brackets for the mounts.4. Install the mount plates. Tighten the four plate bolts to41 to 49 Nm (30 to 36 lbfft) torque.5. Remove the plugs and caps and connect the hydrauliclines to the steering cylinder.6. Operate the steering system to remove the air from thesystem. Turn the steering wheel several times from onestop to the other stop. Check for hydraulic leaks.1. If new wheel bearings will be installed, use a press toinstall the new bearing cups in the wheel. SeeFIGURE 2. Install the grease seal on the spindle. Fill thebearing cones with the wheel bearing grease specified inPERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 623.Make sure the bearings are completely filled withgrease. Install the inner bearing cone on the spindle.CAUTIONDo not damage the seals during installation.2. Carefully slide the wheel onto the spindle withoutdamaging seals. Install the outer bearing cone.3. Install the castle nut. Tighten the castle nut to 200 Nm (150lbfft) torque while the wheel is rotated. Loosen the castle nutuntil the wheel turns freely. Tighten the castle nut to 34 Nm(25 lbfft) torque. Install the cotter pin at the nearest alignmentposition. Install the hub cap.WHEELS AND HUBS (See FIGURE 2.)Removal and Disassembly1. Put the lift truck on blocks as described inPERIOD-IC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 623.The steerwheels must just touch the floor.2. See FIGURE 2. Remove the grease cap. Remove thecotter pin and the castle nut. Remove the outer bearingcone. Slide the wheel from the spindle. Remove the in-ner bearing cone and the seal from the spindle.3. If new wheel bearings will be installed, use a brassdrift to remove the bearing cups and the wear sleeve.4. Follow this same procedure to remove the otherwheel.4. Follow this same procedure to assemble and installthe other wheel.SPINDLES, BEARINGS AND LINKS(See FIGURE 2. and FIGURE 3.)Removal And Disassembly1. Remove two locknuts, two setscrews, two link pinsand the intermediate link.2. Remove the upper and lower expansion plugs, lock-nut, setscrew, king pin, spindle, thrust bearing, shimsand the oil seal. Discard the oil seal.3. Remove damaged lubrication fittings. Make a note ofthe direction of the 90° fittings.4. Using a press, remove the upper and lower needlebearings from the axle weldment.3111962315654,5476425681491013121. WELDMENTLINK PINCYLINDERSETSCREWLOCKNUTLUBE FITTINGINTERMEDIATE LINKNEEDLE BEARING119. PINOIL SEALEXPANSION PLUGSHIMSBUSHINGSPINDLETHRUST BEARINGFIGURE 3. SPINDLE ASSEMBLY45. Do Steps 1 through 4 to remove and disassemble theother spindle, bearings and links.6. If the link bushings in the spindles are loose on thepins or in the bores, remove the bushings from thespindles and discard.CleaningCAUTIONThe shims used in step 6 are very thin and are easilybent. Use care when installing the shims and the kingpin to prevent damage to the shims.7. Install the shim pack, of Step 6, between the bottom ofthe spindle and the axle weldment.NOTE:Do steps 3 and 4 only if the bearings are worn orthe lubrication fittings are damaged.NOTE:It can be necessary to use a tapered drift to alignthe holes in the axle weldment, spindle, bearings andshims.8. Carefully install the king pin into the axle weldmentwith the the indent facing the setscrew hole in thespindle.9. Install the setscrew into the spindle and king pin.Install the locknut to lock the setscrew.10. Install a new oil seal and new upper and lower ex-pansion plugs into the axle weldment. Use a punch atthree equal points on each expansion plug to seal theplugs into the bores.NOTE:If the steering cylinder is not installed on theaxle weldment, install the cylinder before installing thelink pins.11. Install the intermediate link onto the steering cylin-der and the spindle.12. Install the link pins to fasten the intermediate link tothe cylinder and spindle. Make sure the indents of thelink pins are facing the setscrew holes in the intermedi-ate link.13. Install the setscrews to fasten the link pins. Then,tighten the locknuts.14. Follow this same procedure to assemble and installthe other spindle, bearings and intermediate link.WARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic andcan cause skin irritation. When using cleaning sol-vents, always follow the solvent manufacturer’s rec-ommended safety procedures.Clean all parts with petroleum solvent. Make sure thebearings are clean. Make sure all solvent has evaporatedfrom inside the bearing cones before filling them withgrease.Assembly And InstallationNOTE:Perform steps 1 through 3 only if the needlebearings, bushing and/or the lubrication fittings were re-moved.1. If removed, install a new bushing into the spindle.Make sure the lubrication hole in the bushing is alignedwith the lubrication fitting hole in the spindle.2. Lubricate new needle bearings with the wheel bearinggrease specified inPERIODIC MAINTENANCE,8000 SRM 623.Install the needle bearings into the axleweldment using a press. Make sure the lubrication holesin the bearing races are aligned with the lubrication fit-ting holes in the axle weldment.3. Install new lubrication fittings as necessary. Makesure the 90° fittings are pointing in the same direction asremoved for access during lubrication.4. Coat the new oil seal with grease, and install it into theaxle weldment with the lip of the oil seal facing up.5. Lubricate the thrust bearing with the wheel bearinggrease specified inPERIODIC MAINTENANCE,8000 SRM 623.Install the spindle and thrust bearinginto the axle weldment.6. Lift the spindle and thrust bearing combination ashigh as possible so that all the clearance is is at the bot-tom. Using a feeler gauge, measure the distance be-tween the bottom of the spindle and the oil seal. Subtract0.2 mm (0.008 in) from the measured dimension to findthe shim pack thickness.STEERING CYLINDERRemoval And Disassembly (See FIGURE 4.)1. Disconnect the hydraulic lines at the steering cylin-der. Install caps on the cylinder fittings and the hydrauliclines.2. Remove the capscrews, and washers that fasten thecylinder to the axle weldment. Remove the steering cyl-inder from the axle weldment.3. Hold one port of the steering cylinder over a contain-er. Remove the caps from the hydraulic fittings of the5
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