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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and the repairprocedures for the parts of the steering mechanism.These parts are the handle assembly, pivot plate andwelded support. The master drive unit and brakeassembly are a single unit that turns on the supportbearing when the handle is moved. Repair of the brakeand master drive unit are in separate sections.the assembly turn for steering. Moving the handle in ahorizontal arc turns the pivot or disc and the MDU.On the W/B60-80XT units the handle assembly hasmounts for the switches and control grips for operatingthe lift truck. The handle assembly fastens to the pivotusing a pin. The handle can move vertically using thepin as a pivot. A large spring returns the handle to thevertical position. One edge of the handle has a cam thatoperates a lever to release the brake. The brake isreleased when the handle is moved approximately 15degrees from the vertical or horizontal positions.The handles on the C60-80XT and T5 Tractor are in afixed vertical position. They have hand levers to operatethe brakes. The handle may be adjusted to three differentpositions to provide comfort to the operator.DESCRIPTIONThe handle assembly of the steering mechanism fastensto the pivot or disc. The pivot or disc fastens to thewelded support. The welded support fastens to themaster drive unit (MDU). The MDU is fastened to thelift truck frame by a large ball bearing. The bearing letsREPAIRSREMOVAL W/B60-80XT (See Figure 1)It is not necessary to remove the MDU or steeringadapter for most repairs. These units can be removed byfollowing the procedures in the sectionsBRAKES,1800 SRM 535orMASTER DRIVE UNIT, 630 SRM533.The large ball bearing can be replaced by followingthe procedures in the MDU section. The handleassembly and pivot plate can be removed withoutremoving the other assemblies. The electrical parts ofthe handle can also be removed without removing thehandle. Replace the handle, pivot plate or the handlebushings, pin or spring when necessary.capacitor before inspecting or repairing any compo-nent in the drive unit compartment. Wear safetyglasses. Make certain the battery has been discon-nected. Use a screwdriver or jumper wire to make ashort–circuit across the B+ and B– terminals of thetransistor controller.2. Disconnect the wiring harness plug located underthe control handle pivot. Tag and disconnect the wires tothe brake switch. Remove the clamps retaining thecontrol handle harness to the motor and control handlebracket. Be certain to note the routing of the wiringbefore disconnecting any wiring. The wiring must berouted properly at assembly to prevent steeringproblems and prevent chafing of the harness. See thesectionDIAGRAMS CURTIS TRANSISTOR, 8000SRM 457.3. Remove the two set screws retaining the handle tothe pivot pin. Note that the set screws are positioned onebehind the other in the same hole. Remove the pivot pinfrom the control handle pivot. Remove the controlhandle assembly from the control handle pivot. Removethe cam, spacers and the spring from the control handleassembly.4. Remove the cotter pin and clevis pin retaining thebrake linkage to the bellcrank. Remove the threecapscrews and lockwashers retaining the control handle1WARNINGAlways disconnect the battery connector so that theconnector is completely free before repairing thesteering mechanism. If the connector is notcompletely free, it can reconnect the battery. Tag theconnector- “DO NOT CONNECT’.1. Disconnect the battery connector. Remove thedrive unit compartment hood to access the wiring andcontrol handle mounting.WARNINGThe capacitor in the transistor controller can hold anelectrical charge after the battery is disconnected.To prevent electrical shock and injury, discharge thepivot to the support weldment. Remove the controlhandle pivot.5. Disassemble the nut, lockwasher and capscrewretaining the bumper to the control handle pivot.Remove the bushings from the control handle pivot.Remove the two jam nuts, capscrew and adjustingbracket.6. Disassemble the four capscrews and lockwashersretaining the support weldment to the drive motor.Remove the two capscrews and lockwashers retainingthe support weldment to the drive unit housing andremove the support weldment.2. Install the capscrews and lockwashers to retain thesupport weldment to the drive motor. Tighten thecapscrews to 49 NSm (36 lbf ft) torque.3. Install the bushings in the control handle pivot.Install the bumper on the control handle pivot with thecapscrew, lockwasher and nut. Align the control handlepivot on the support weldment and install the capscrewsand lockwashers. Tighten the capscrews to 49 NSm (36lbf ft) torque.4. Align the control handle assembly, spacers, spring,cam and the control handle pivot and install the pivotpin. Install the set screws, one behind the other to retainthe pivot pin.5. Align the brake linkage to the bellcrank and installthe clevis pin. Install new cotter pin in the clevis pin.6. Install the clamps to retain the wiring harness.Connect the wires to the brake switch and connect thewiring harness plug. Make certain that the wiring isproperly routed to prevent steering problems andchafing of the harness.12INSTALLATION – W/B60-80XT(See Figure 1)1. Align the support weldment with the tapped holesin the drive unit housing. Install the capscrews andlockwashers. Tighten the capscrews to 149–163 NSm(110–120 lbf ft) torque. HANDLEBRAKE CAMSET SCREWSPACERTORSION SPRINGCLAMPFLAT WASHERLOCKWASHERCAPSCREWPINBELLCRANKSUPPORT WELDMENTCAPSCREWLOCKWASHERADJUSTERCAPSCREWLOCKNUTCAM FOLLOWERCOTTER PINCAPSCREWRUBBER BUMPERJAM NUTPIVOT SHAFTBUSHINGPIVOTNUTLOCKWASHERLUBE FITTING3262725232418172216151989101128212045467141312FIGURE 1. CONTROL HANDLE – W/B60-80XT27. Install the adjusting bracket on the control handlepivot.8.9.Install the drive unit compartment hood.Connect the battery.2. Disconnect the wiring harness plug located in thearea of the drive motor.3. Remove the two capscrews retaining the frontcover to the tower and remove the cover.4. Remove the cotter pin and pin retaining the upperbrake linkage to the bellcrank. The bellcrank is attachedto the disc.5. Remove the four capscrews, lockwashers and nutsretaining the tower to the disc. The control head and thetower can be removed from the lift truck as a completeunit.REMOVAL – C60-80XT, T5XT(See Figure 2)NOTE:To disassemble the control handle tower referto the sectionBRAKES, 1800 SRM 535.WARNINGAlways disconnect the battery connector so that theconnector is completely free before repairing thesteering mechanism. If the connector is notcompletely free, it can reconnect the battery. Tag theconnector- “DO NOT CONNECT’.1. Disconnect the battery connector. Remove thedrive unit compartment hood to access the wiringharness.INSTALLATION – C60-80XT, T5XT(See Figure 2)1. Align the tower and control head to the holeslocated in the steer disc. Install the four capscrews,lockwashers and nuts. Tighten the nuts to 49 NSm (36lbf) torque.2. Align the upper brake rod and the bellcrankattached to the steer disc and install the pin. Install a newcotter pin.3. Align the front cover on the tower and install thetwo capscrews to retain the cover.4.5.6.Connect the wiring harness plug.Install the drive unit compartment hood.Connect the battery.WARNINGThe capacitor in the transistor controller can hold anelectrical charge after the battery is disconnected. Toprevent electrical shock and injury, discharge thecapacitor before inspecting or repairing anycomponent in the drive unit compartment. Wearsafety glasses. Make certain the battery has beendisconnected. Use a screwdriver or jumper wire tomake a short–circuit across the B+ and B– terminalsof the transistor controller.CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTSSTEERING HANDLE – W/B60-80XT(See Figure 1)This adjustment makes sure the handle returns to thevertical position. Check the brake spring adjustmentbefore adjusting the tension of the control handle spring.Refer to BRAKE ADJUSTMENT, see the sectionBRAKES, 1800 SRM 535.1.2.Loosen the jam nuts behind the adjuster.Turn the capscrew clockwise to increase the springtension, causes the control handle to return to the uprightposition with more force.3. Turn the screw counter-clockwise to decrease thespring tension.4. Check that the handle will return to the verticalposition each time it is released.5. The maximum handle pull down effort is 5.4 kg (12lbs).6. Hold the screw and tighten the jam nuts after thespring has been properly adjusted.311. HEADCOVER PLATEBACK COVERCAPSCREWLOCKWASHERNUTFRONT COVERKNOB15E-RINGROD WELDMENT2529. NUTSWITCH PLATESWITCHBRAKE RODEYE BOLTARM AND CAMPINSNAP RINGWIRE HARNESSTOWER910129141711131491610 91962021 19211. WELDMENTROLL PINBUSHINGHANDLE242329303231347284128 39304237364345444541. RINGSTEER HANDLEKNOBNUTPIN w/COTTER PIN50515246284847492848302953NUTLOCKWASHERCAPSCREWPINSNAP RINGBELLCRANKBRAKE RODCOTTER PINFLAT WASHERDISCCAPSCREWLOCKWASHERARM CAM WELDMENTFIGURE 2. CONTROL HANDLE C60-80XT, T5XT4TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEMSteering is rough or difficultPOSSIBLE CAUSESupport bearing worn, has a defect or needslubrication.Casters need lubrication or have a defect. See thesectionPERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM281orTHE FRAME, 100 SRM 9.Steering handle does not return to the verticalpositionSpring needs adjusting or lubricationSpring is weak or broken.5
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