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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the steering axle. See the following sections for addi-tional information about the parts of the steering system:STEERING HOUSING, 1600 SRM 565; STEER-ING CONTROL UNIT, 1600 SRM 257; STEERINGSYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC LIFT TRUCKS, 1600SRM 485;andHYDRAULIC SYSTEM, 1900 SRM539.frame. The oil is kept inside the cylinder by O–rings,seals, and wipers in the end caps. The ends of the pistonrod extend from both ends of the cylinder. A single pis-ton and the seal are at the center of the rod. Oil pressureon one side of the piston moves the piston in the bore.When the piston moves in the bore, it pushes an equalamount of oil from the opposite end of the cylinder. Thisoil returns to the steering control unit.When the piston reaches the end of the stroke, a reliefvalve controls the oil pressure so that the componentsare not damaged. Links connect the spindle arms to thecylinder.Each spindle turns on two tapered–roller bearings. Thespindle and bearings are held in the axle frame by a kingpin. A roll pin and locknut assembly holds each king pinin the axle frame.The wheel or hub rotates on two tapered–roller bearingsand is held on the spindle by a castle nut. The castle nutadjusts the preload on the bearings. Grease seals in theinner hub and a hub cap protect the bearings from dirtand water.DESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)The steering axle assembly includes an axle frame,steering cylinder, and two spindle and hub assemblies.The steering axle is connected to the frame with centerpivot mounts. The center pivot mounts on the axle frameare fastened to the lift truck frame with rubber mounts.The steering axle can make an articulated motion whichgives the lift truck a smoother travel over rough sur-faces.There are two plates welded to the steering cylinder thatallow the cylinder to be mounted to the steering axle1. AND HUB ASSEMBLYAXLE FRAMEBRACKETRUBBER MOUNTSTEERING CYLINDER246.7.8.9.CAPSCREW, CYLINDER MOUNTINGCAPSCREW, AXLE MOUNTINGPINLINKH1.50–1.75XM, H2.00XMS(H25–35XM, H40XMS) SHOWNS25–35XM, S40XMS SIMILAR895483167FIGURE 1. STEERING AXLE1REPAIRSHOW TO PUT THE LIFT TRUCK ONBLOCKS3. Slide a floor jack or the forks of another lift truck un-der the steering axle. Raise the lifting device until itholds the weight of the axle assembly. Remove the fourcapscrews that fasten the two brackets under the rubbermounts. Remove the brackets and slowly lower the axleassembly onto the wheels. Carefully roll the axle assem-bly from under the lift truck.Installation (See FIGURE 1.)1. Install the rubber mounts onto the axle.2. Install the bottom brackets. Tighten the four bracketcapscrews and nuts to 41 to 49 N.m (30 to 36 lbfft).3. Remove the plugs and caps and connect the hydrauliclines to the steering cylinder.4. Operate the steering system to remove the air from thesystem. Turn the steering wheel several times from onestop to the other stop. Check for hydraulic leaks.WARNINGThe lift truck must be put on blocks for some types ofmaintenance and repair. The removal of the follow-ing assemblies will cause large changes in the centerof gravity: drive axle, battery or counterweight.When the lift truck is put on blocks, put additionalblocks in the following positions:1. If the mast and drive axle are removed, put blocksunder the counterweight so that the lift truck can notfall backward.2. If the counterweight is removed, put blocks underthe mast so that the lift truck can not fall forward.Put the lift truck on blocks on a solid, even and levelsurface. Make sure the blocks of stands have enoughcapacity to hold the lift truck. Use additional blocksnext to the tires as necessary to prevent movement ofthe lift truck. Make sure the lifting devices used dur-ing repairs can lift the weight of the parts and assem-blies.WHEELS AND HUBSRemoval and DisassemblyH1.50–1.75XM, H2.00XMS(H25–35XM, H40XMS) (See FIGURE 2.)STEERING AXLE ASSEMBLYWARNINGNOTE:The steering axle assembly without the wheelsweighs approximately 115 kg (250 lb)Removal (See FIGURE 1.)The steering axle can be removed without removing thecounterweight.1. Make sure the wheels are set for straight travel. Putthe lift truck onto blocks so that the steering axle can beremoved. The top of the axle frame must have clearanceunder the counterweight so that the steering axle can beremoved.2. Disconnect the hydraulic lines at the steering cylin-der. Install caps onto the cylinder and put plugs into thehydraulic lines. The caps will prevent the spindles fromturning when the axle is removed from under the lifttruck.2Completely remove the air from the tires before re-moving them from the lift truck. Air pressure in thetires can cause the tire and rim parts to explodewhich can cause serious injury or death.Never loosen the nuts that hold together the innerand outer–wheel halves when there is air pressure inthe tire.1. Put the axle onto blocks so that the tires are raisedfrom the floor. Completely remove the air from the tires.Remove the wheels. Remove the grease cap. Removethe cotter pin and the castle nut. Remove the outer bear-ing cone. Slide the hub from the spindle. Remove the in-ner bearing cone and the seal from the spindle.2. If new wheel bearings must be installed, use a brassdrift to remove the bearing cups.3. Repeat the procedure for the other wheel.9122073152213813512362317181916* H1.50–1.75XM, H2.00XMS(H25–35XM, H40XMS) ONLY@S25–35XM,21292129212816119212030971320121823*18171424*32@15* ONLY1. FRAMEWASHERBOLTCOTTER PINRUBBER MOUNTBRACKETNUTSTEERING CYLINDERPINCAP, HUBBUSHINGLINKGREASE FITTING25CASTLE NUTWHEEL NUT*SEALBEARING CONEBEARING CUPSPINDLESETSCREWO–RINGKING PINHUB*STUD*WASHERNUT, SPINDLESLEEVE, LOWERSLEEVE, UPPERFITTINGSPACERGROOVE PINHUB/WHEEL@LOCKNUT, SPINDLEFIGURE 2. STEERING AXLE3Removal and DisassemblyS25–35XM, S40XMS(See FIGURE 2.)2. Carefully slide the hub onto the spindle. Install theouter bearing cone.3. Install the castle nut. Tighten the castle nut to 200 N.m(150 lbfft) while hub is rotated. Loosen the nut to lessthan 27 N.m (20 lbfft). Tighten the nut to 34 N.m (25 lbfft). Tighten the castle nut until the cotter pin can beinstalled. Install the cotter pin.WARNINGThe steer wheel and tire assembly weighs approxi-mately 41 kg (90 lb). Use the following procedure toremove the tire and wheel assembly from the steeraxle. Use a lifting device if the tire and wheel assem-bly must be lifted.NOTE:The steer axle does not have to be removedfrom the truck to remove the wheel/hub assembly.1. Apply a coat of axle grease to the bottom surface ofthe tire. Put the axle onto blocks so that the side of thetire with the grease just touches the floor. Remove thegrease cap. Remove the cotter pin and the castle nut. Re-move the outer bearing cone. Slide the wheel/hub as-sembly from the spindle. Remove the inner bearingcone and the seal from the spindle.2. If new wheel bearings must be installed, use a brassdrift to remove the bearing cups.3. Repeat the procedure for the other wheel.CleaningWARNINGAdd air pressure to the tires only in an safety cage.Inspect the safety cage for damage before use. Whenair pressure is added, use a chuck that fastens ontothe valve stem of the inner tube. Make sure there isenough hose to permit the operator to stand awayfrom the safety cage when air pressure is added to thetire. Do not sit or stand by the safety cage.4. Inflate the tire to 0.69 MPa (100 psi). Mount the wheeland torque the wheel nuts to 114 to 136 N.m (84 to 100lbfft)5. Repeat the procedure for the other wheel.Assembly And InstallationS25–35XM, S40XMS(See FIGURE 2.)WARNINGThe steer wheel and tire assembly weighs approxi-mately 41 kg (90 lb). Use the following procedure toinstall the tire and wheel assembly onto the steeraxle. Use a lifting device if the tire and wheel assem-bly must be lifted.1. If new wheel bearings are installed, use a press toinstall the new bearing cups in the hub. Install the greaseseal on the spindle. Lubricate the bearing cones and seallips with grease. Make sure the bearings are filled withgrease. Install the bearing cone onto the spindle.WARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic andcan cause skin irritation. When using cleaning sol-vents, always follow the solvent manufacturer’s safe-ty procedures.Clean all parts with solvent. Make sure the bearings areclean.Assembly And InstallationH1.50–1.75XM, H2.00XMS(H25–35XM, H40XMS)(See FIGURE 2.)1. If new wheel bearings are installed, use a press toinstall the new bearing cups in the wheel or hub. Installthe grease seal on the spindle. Lubricate the bearing con-es and seal lips with grease. Make sure the bearings arefilled with grease. Install the bearing cone onto thespindle.CAUTIONDo not damage the seals during installation.2. Apply a coat of axle grease to the bottom surface ofthe tire. Carefully slide the wheel/hub assembly onto thespindle. Install the outer bearing cone.3. Install the castle nut. Tighten the castle nut to 200 N.m(150 lbfft) while tire and wheel assembly is rotated.Loosen the nut to less than 27 N.m (20 lbfft). Tighten thenut to 34 N.m (25 lbfft). Tighten the castle nut until thecotter pin can be installed. Install the cotter pin.CAUTIONDo not damage the seals during installation.44. Repeat the procedure for the other wheel.SPINDLES, BEARINGS, AND TIE RODSRemovalH1.50–1.75XM, H2.00XMS (H25–35XM, H40XMS)air pressure is added, use a chuck that fastens ontothe valve stem of the inner tube. Make sure there isenough hose to permit the operator to stand awayfrom the safety cage when air pressure is added to thetire. Do not sit or stand by the safety cage.3. Inflate the tires to 0.69 MPa (100 psi). Mount thewheels and tighten the wheel nuts to 114 to 136 N.m (84to 100 lbfft)RemovalS25–35XM, S40XMS(See FIGURE 2.)(See FIGURE 2.)WARNINGCompletely remove the air from the tires before re-moving them from the lift truck. Air pressure in thetires can cause the tire and rim parts to explodewhich can serious injury or death.Never loosen the nuts that hold together the innerand outer–wheel halves when there is air pressure inthe tire.Put the lift truck onto blocks so that the tires are raisedfrom the floor. Completely remove the air from the tires.See the section in this manual WHEELS and TIRES,Removal and Disassembly, for the procedure for remov-ing the wheels. Remove the wheels. Remove the hubfrom the steering axle spindle. Remove the pin to dis-connect the link from the spindle. Remove the king pinlocknuts. Use a driver to remove the king pin. Use adriver to remove the bearings and seals from the axle.Installation (See FIGURE 2.)1. If new spindle bearings are installed, use a press toinstall the new bearing cups into the spindle. Lubricatethe bearing cones and seal lips with grease. Lubricatethe O–rings with O–ring lubricant. Install the bearings,seals, sleeves, and O–rings into the spindle. If thegroove pin was removed from the king pin, install a newgroove pin. Apply grease to the king pin. Position thespindle in the axle and install the king pin. Install thefirst locknut onto the king pin and tighten the nut to 121N.m (89 lbfft). Completely loosen the nut. Tighten thenut to 30 N.m (22 lbfft). Install the second locknut ontothe king pin and, while holding the first nut so that itdoes not turn, tighten the second nut to 81.5 to 98 N.m(60 to 72 lbfft).2. Connect the links. Align the setscrews with the set-screw holes in the pins. Tighten the setscrews and lock-nuts.WARNINGPut the lift truck onto blocks so that the tires are raisedfrom the floor. See the section in this manual WHEELSand TIRES, Removal and Disassembly, for the proce-dure for removing the wheel and tire assembly. Removethe wheel and tire assembly from the steering axlespindle. Remove the pin to disconnect the link from thespindle. Remove the king pin locknuts. Use a driver toremove the king pin. Use a driver to remove the bearingsand seals from the axle.Installation (See FIGURE 2.)1. If new spindle bearings are installed, use a press toinstall the new bearing cups into the spindle. Lubricatethe bearing cones and seal lips with grease. Lubricatethe O–rings with O–ring lubricant. Install the bearings,seals, sleeves, and O–rings into the spindle. If thegroove pin was removed from the king pin, install a newgroove pin. Apply grease to the king pin. Position thespindle in the axle and install the king pin. Install thefirst locknut onto the king pin and tighten the nut to 121N.m (89 lbfft). Completely loosen the nut. Tighten thenut to 30 N.m (22 lbfft). Install the second locknut ontothe king pin and, while holding the first nut so that itdoes not turn, tighten the second nut to 81.5 to 98 N.m(60 to 72 lbfft).2. Connect the links. Align the setscrews with the set-screw holes in the pins. Tighten the setscrews and lock-nuts.3. See the section in this manual WHEELS and TIRES,Assembly and installation, for the procedure for instal-ling the wheel and tire assembly.5WARNINGAdd air pressure to the tires only in a safety cage. In-spect the safety cage for damage before use. When
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