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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERAL53This section has the description, adjustments, repair andtroubleshooting for the Electric Power Steering (EPS)system. The system electrically controls a motor to turnthe Master Drive Unit (MDU) for steering.NOTE:This section is for lift trucks that do NOT havethe optional wire guidance steering system. To checkand adjust the steering system for these trucks, see thesectionWIRE GUIDANCE – DESCRIPTION, 2200SRM 421.To repair the parts of the steering system forthese trucks, see the sectionWIRE GUIDANCE – RE-PAIR, 2200 SRM 422.482111028796DESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)There are two types of steering available. The return–to–center steering and the multi–turn steering. The re-turn–to–center steering has a steering handle that re-turns to the center position when released. The handleonly moves 100°each side of center for a full right orleft turn. The optional multi–turn steering has a steeringwheel and is available only on the lift trucks withoutwire guidance. This steering wheel has a range of seventurns from a full right to a full left turn (lock–to–lock).The steering wheel does NOT automatically return tothe center position.A signal from a potentiometer at the steering wheel orhandle assembly goes to the Electronic Control Module(ECM). The ECM controls the steering gearmotor tomove a sprocket and steering chain. The steering chainmoves the MDU and steer wheel for steering.The EPS system contains the following parts: (1) steer-ing handle or wheel, (2) steering potentiometer assem-bly, (3) control wires in the multiple conductor cable, (4)ECM, (5) lift truck battery, (6) steering gearmotor, (7)MDU potentiometer and (8) the MDU and steeringchain. WHEEL OR HANDLESTEER POTENTIOMETERMULTIPLE CONDUCTOR CABLEECMTRACTION CIRCUITBATTERYSTEERING GEARMOTORMDU POTENTIOMETERMDU AND CHAINFIGURE 1. ELECTRIC POWER STEERINGThe signal from both the steering and MDU potentiome-ters depends on their settings. The setting of the steeringpotentiometer changes with movement of the steeringhandle or steering wheel. The setting of the MDUchanges as the MDU moves for steering. The ECMreads the signal from the steering potentiometer to findwhat steer angle the operator has selected. The ECMthen checks the signal from the MDU potentiometer tomake sure the MDU is at the selected angle. If the MDUis not in the correct position, the ECM energizes thegearmotor to move the MDU to the correct position. Ifthe MDU moves to the correct position, the signal fromthe MDU potentiometer will be correct and the ECMwill wait for another input signal from the steering po-tentiometer. If the MDU does not move to the correctposition, the signal from the MDU potentiometer willstill not be correct. The ECM will then deenergize thegearmotor and the traction system. The lift truck will notmove until the problem is corrected.1NOTE:If there are no changes to the steering wheelposition in a 10 second period, the ECM will removepower from the steering gearmotor.The steering handle or steering wheel and potentiometerassembly are fastened to the instrument panel. TheECM and gearmotor are in the motor compartment be-side the MDU. They are fastened to a frame plate. Thepotentiometer at the gearmotor is fastened at the speedreducer section of the gearmotor and is driven by thegears. The steering chain goes from the sprocket of thegearmotor through the frame panel to the MDUsprocket. The ECM is fastened to the same frame plate.CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTSGENERALNOTE:If a check or an adjustment takes longer than 10seconds, it can be necessary to move the steering wheelor handle slightly. The ECM will remove power fromthe steering gearmotor if there are no changes to thesteering wheel position in a 10 second period. Somechecks or adjustments require power to the gearmotor.NOTE:Do not do any adjustments if the system oper-ates correctly.Open the motor compartment door and remove thecover on the ECM. Have the operator turn the key to theON position and push the foot switch.2 1345 678WARNINGDo not operate a lift truck that needs adjustment orrepairs. Report the need for adjustment or repairsimmediately. If adjustment or repair is necessary,put a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag in the operator’sarea. Remove the key from the key switch.Some of the checks and adjustments are done withthe battery connected. Never have any metal on yourfingers, arms or neck. During some checks or adjust-ments, the operator must move the lift truck. Theperson doing the adjustments must make the adjust-ments with the system energized. Make sure the op-erator does not move the lift truck to cause an injury.123601.2.3.4.ECM CIRCUIT BOARDR2TEST POINTSR35.6.7.8.LED 1R4LEDs 2 TO 6SWITCH S1FIGURE 2. ECM PARTSCHECKSThe ECM test circuit of the steering system can be usedto check and adjust parts of the system. The Light Emit-ting Diodes (LEDs) 1 through 6 on the ECM circuitboard, indicate the system operation. See Table 1.ECM Check (See FIGURE 2.)The ECM check includes checks for the steering poten-tiometer and the potentiometer at the gearmotor.2TABLE 1. ECM COMPONENT FUNCTIONSCOMPONENTR2R3R4S1–1S1–2S1–3S1–4TP3TP4TP5TP6TP7TP8FUNCTIONSLOW TRAVEL SPEEDMDU CENTERINGSTEERING INPUT BALANCELIFT HEIGHT MODENOT USEDNOT USEDNOT USED5 VOLTS14 VOLTSSTEERING INPUT SIGNALMDU COARSEMDU FINEBATTERY NEGATIVE (COMMON)the meters and transistors. When using other meters,compare the resistance values of the transistors beingtested to the resistance values of a new transistor of thesame manufacturer. Allow a + or – 10% variation forcorrect readings. The readings must be within the valuesshown in the table.4. Connect the meter to each of the locations show in Ta-ble 3 and check for the resistance values listed. If any ofthe 12 readings for each transistor block (M1 and M2)are not within the values shown, replace the transistorblock that has the incorrect reading. See Repair of thissection to replace a power transistor block.TABLE 2. EPS LED DISPLAYNOTE:The following ECM checks and adjustmentsare for lift trucks that do NOT have the optional wireguidance steering system. To check and adjust thesetrucks, seeTHE WIRE GUIDANCE SYSTEM, 2200SRM 421.WARNINGMake sure the operator does not move the speed anddirection controller to move the lift truck.Check the normal display of Table 2 for the conditionsshown. If there is a fault, check the lower part of Table 2to identify the fault.Check The ECM Power Transistors(See Table 3)1. Disconnect the battery. Open the motor compartmentdoor and remove the cover on the ECM.2. Remove the electrical plug at the right side of the logiccard.3. Use a Fluke model 8060A multimeter. Set the multi-meter to do the diode test as described in the Fluke in-struction manual.NOTE:The specifications values shown in Table 3were taken using a Fluke Model 8060A multimeter.Other meters and other transistor manufacturers willgive different readings because of internal differences inCONDITION12360NORMALDISPLAYLED 1 2 3 4 5 6STEERING LEVER CENTEREDSTEERING LEVER CLOCKWISESTEERING LEVERCOUNTERCLOCKWISEHIGH LIFT TRACTIONA ASHUT–OFFFAULTTRACTION SHUT–OFFCONDITIONMDU TURNED IN WRONGDIRECTIONMDU DID NOT TURNMDU SIGNAL OUT OF RANGESTEERING SIGNAL OUT OFRANGEMDU AND STEERING SIGNALSOUT OF RANGECHECKSUM ERRORWATCHDOG RESETNO POWER TO ECMLED ONLED OFFA AA AA AA AA AA AA A A A A AA LED ALTERNATING3TABLE 3. TRANSISTOR RESISTANCETERMINALCONNECTIONS+–B11B11C1C1C2/E1C2/E1B22B22C2/E1C2/E1E2E212RESISTANCE VALUESIN OHMS80 – 400450 – 600OPENOPEN350 – 55080 – 40080 – 400450 – 600OPENOPEN350 – 55080 – 4004. If the steering is too slow, there can be a mechanicalproblem or the ECM has a fault. Check the ECM as de-scribed in this section.5. If there is still a problem after the adjustments are cor-rectly done, there is a mechanical problem or the steer-ing wheel or handle assembly is damaged.Check Slow Travel SpeedNOTE:The slow travel speed is checked during the ad-justment procedure. See ADJUSTMENTS in this sec-tion.Check High Lift Traction Shut–Off1. Have the operator raise the platform above 3810 mm(150 in).2. If the unit is an R30E, check that the traction systemwill NOT operate regardless of the steering position. Ifinstalled, push and hold the traction override button.The traction system must now operate normally.3. If the unit is an R30EA, check that the traction systemwill NOT operate when the steering is set for 7°or more.If installed, push and hold the traction override button.The traction system must now operate normally. If thesteering is set for less than 7°, the traction system mustoperate normally.Check Steering ContactorC2/E1C1B11C2/E1C1B11E2C2/E1B22E2C2/E1B22Plug pin 4 (M1), pin 7 (M2)Plug pin 6 (M1), pin 9 (M2)12370Check The Steering System For CorrectOperation1. Make sure the battery has a corrected specific gravityof at least 1.250. To check the system for correct opera-tion, move the steering wheel or handle from a full leftturn to a full right turn. The MDU must move 85° to 95°in each direction from straight travel.2. The MDU must also move from a full turn in one di-rection to a full turn in the other direction in five secondsor less. The lift truck must be on smooth concrete with afully charged battery and no load.3. If the MDU moves less than 85°in either direction(step 1.) or the system is deenergized, the steering is notcorrectly adjusted, the steering contactor is damaged orthere is a mechanical problem. Check the contactor ac-cording to the procedures in this section. Adjust the sys-tem as described in ADJUSTMENTS in this section.4The steering contactor is fastened to the housing of thesteering motor in the motor compartment.NOTE:Make sure Fuse 4 is good before checking thecontactor. Fuse 4 is in an in–line fuse holder near theElectronic Control Module (ECM).1. Disconnect the battery and open the motor compart-ment doors.2. Check that wires 10 and 13 are connected to the con-trol terminals of the contactor. Check that cables 3P2and 4P2 are connected to the power terminals. Checkthat all connections and wires are in good condition.3. If all connections are good, remove wire 10 or 13 fromthe control terminals. Use an ohmmeter to check forcontinuity between the control terminals. If there is con-tinuity, the contactor coil is good. If not, replace the con-tactor. See REPAIR of this section.ADJUSTMENTS5GeneralNOTE:Make sure the battery has a corrected specificgravity of at least 1.250.NOTE:The following adjustments must be done in theorder they are listed because some steps depend on ad-justments made in previous steps. Once the steeringwheel or handle is accurately centered, it must not bemoved until the procedure tells you to move it.Put the lift truck in an open area where it can be driven ina straight line for a distance of at least 9 metres (30 feet).Adjust Return–To–Center Steer And RangePotentiometers (See FIGURE 3.)NOTE:This adjustment procedure is for adjusting a lifttruck that is NOT equipped with the Guidance option.See the sectionWIRE GUIDANCE – DESCRIP-TION, 2200 SRM 421,to adjust lift trucks with theGuidance option.The return–to–center steer and range potentiometers areat the steering mechanism in the instrument panel. Re-move the screws at the top of the instrument panel andtilt the panel to the open (down) position for access tothe potentiometers.1. This adjustment is NOT necessary if the system hasbeen previously adjusted correctly. An internal springreturns the steering handle to the straight travel position.The return–to–center potentiometer must be at the mid–range position when the steering handle is in the straighttravel position. The potentiometer is at the mid–rangeposition when the resistance readings between wires19–20 and wires 20–21 are equal within 100 ohms. Ad-just the potentiometer by loosening the retaining nut androtating the body until the correct resistance value is ob-tained. Tighten the nut without moving the potentiome-ter.2. This adjustment is NOT necessary if the system hasbeen previously adjusted correctly. Set the steeringrange potentiometer to the maximum clockwise posi-tion. This potentiometer is near the return–to–center po-tentiometer.360.25–2.3 mm(0.01–0.09 in)3211236141. STEERING HANDLE2. INSTRUMENT PANEL3. STEERPOTENTIOMETER54. RETAINING NUT5. RANGE (SRA)6. COWLCAPSCREWSFIGURE 3. RETURN–TO–CENTERSTEERING ASSEMBLY3. Make sure the battery is connected and move the keyto the ON position. Measure the voltage between wire19 (positive) and wire 21 (negative) of the return–to–center potentiometer. Record the voltage value.4. Move the steering handle for a full left turn. Measurethe voltage between wire 20 (positive) and wire 21(negative) at the potentiometer. Record the voltagevalue.5. Move the steering handle for a full right turn. Measurethe voltage between wire 20 (positive) and wire 21(negative) at the potentiometer. Record the voltagevalue. Subtract the value of step 4. from the value meas-ured in this step. Record the value. If the value is 3.26 to3.46, go to step 8. If not, go to step 6.6. Divide 3.36 by the value of step 5. Record the value.Multiply this value by the value of step 3. Record the re-sult.7. Measure the voltage at the return–to–center potenti-ometer wire 19 (positive) and wire 21 (negative). Thisvalue must be the same as the resultant value of step F. Ifthe value is not correct, adjust the steering range potenti-ometer for the resultant value of step 6. within 0.05volts.8. Measure the voltage between wire 20 (positive) andwire 21 (negative). This voltage must be 2.45 to 2.555
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