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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has a description and the repair pro-cedures for the drive axle with a speed reducer inthe hub. This drive axle is used in lift trucks withcushion tires of 1 500-5 450 kg (3,000-12,000 lb)capacities. The drive axles are similar in design,but different in size. The repair procedures are simi-lar.DESCRIPTIONThe parts of the drive axle assembly include theaxle housing, the spindles, the gear covers, and thehubs. The axle housing fastens to the frame of thelift truck. The drive axle housing is the pivot andsupport for the upright. The axles have a gear onthe outer ends of the shafts. This gear engages aring gear on the inside of the hub. This final speedreducer increases the available torque at the drivewheels. The gears in the hub get lubrication fromthe same oil supply in the axle housing that is usedto lubricate the differential assembly.1. BRAKE ASSEMBLY2. GEAR COVER3. FRAME MOUNT4. MOUNT FOR UPRIGHT PIVOT5.DIFFERENTIALFIGURE 1. DRIVE AXLE1. AXLE2. SNAP RING3. BEARING4. SPINDLE5. INNER HUB BEARING6. 0IL S SEAL7. HUB8. OUTER HUB BEARING9. WASHER10. O-RING11. OIL SEAL12. NUT13. GEAR COVER14. BRAKE ASSEMBLYFIGURE 2. HUB ASSEMBLYREPAIRSREMOVALNOTEThe hub assembly and axles can be removedwithout removing the axle housing from thelift truck. Remove the axle housing for theE30-120B series as described in the sectionSPEED REDUCER AND DIFFERENTIAL.A. Put the lift truck on blocks so that the drivewheels are raised from the floor.B. Remove the drive wheels.C. Drain the oil from the axle housing.D. Disconnect the brake lines from the gear cover.Remove the brake assembly as described in thesection THE BRAKE SYSTEM. See 1800 SRM78 for electric lift trucks. See 1800 SRM 87 forinternal combustion lift trucks.E. Remove the back plate for the brakes. Use thenotch in the hub for access to the lower capscrews.See Figure 3.1. OIL SEAL2. INTERNAL RING GEAR3. BEARING CUP1. NOTCH2. WHEEL CYLINDER3. BACK PLATEFIGURE 3. REMOVING THE BACK PLATEFIGURE 4. HUBINSTALLATIONA. Install the bearing and snap ring on the axle.Install the axle in the housing.B. Install the spindle. Tighten the four capscrewsto 380 N.m (280 1bf ft).F. Put a drain pan for oil under the gear cover. Re-move the gear cover.C. If the bearing cups and oil seal were removed,G. Remove the nut that holds the hub on the install them as shown in Figure 4.spindle. Remove the hub and bearings.D. Install the inner bearing cone on the spindle.H. Remove the spindle.I. Remove the axle and bearing. Remove the snapring to remove the bearing from the axle.Lubricate the bearing and the gears with gear oilduring assembly. Use SAE 80W-90EP or SAE85W-140EP gear oil.E. Lubricate the outer bearing with grease. InstallJ. If the bearing cups must be removed from the the hub on the spindle. Install the outer bearing,hub, use a brass drift. The inner bearing cup must washer and nut.be removed to replace the oil seal inside of the hub.F. Tighten the nut to 200 N.m (150 1bf ft) whileSee Figure 4.rotating the hub. Loosen the nut. Tighten the nutto approximately 35 N.m (25 1bf ft). Tighten thenut until one of the slots in the nut align with thehole in the end of the spindle. Install the cotter pin.G. Install a new oil seal in the gear cover. Use anew O-ring on the surface of the gear cover thatjoins the axle housing. Install the gear cover overthe hub and fasten to the axle housing. Align theguide pins andthe brake line connections. Tighten the 14 K. Fill the axle housing to the fill and check plugwith gear oil. Wait five minutes for the oil to flowcapscrews to 110 N.m (80 1bf ft).to the hubs before checking the oil level again.H. Install the back plate and brake assembly asdescribed in the section THE BRAKE SYSTEM. L. Remove the air from the brake fluid as describedThe lower two capscrews on the back plate and in the section THE BRAKE SYSTEM.the wheel cylinder capscrew are tightened to 110N.m (80 lbf ft). The four 5/8 UNF x 1 1/4 inchcapscrews are tightened to 175 N.m (130 1bf ft).AXLE HOUSING FOR S30-12OEI. If necessary, install new studs for the brake drumAND S40-5OF LIFTin the hub. On S/E60-120E units, install the end ofTRUCKS (SEE FIGURE 5)the stud with the slot in the hub. Use LocktiteNo.271 on the stud. Install the studs to the length There is a joint between the axle housing and thedifferential housing for these lift trucks. The axleshown in Figure 4.assembly can be removed from the differentialJ. Install the drive wheel and brake drum assem- housing to replace the seals or repair a leak at theblies. Tighten the wheel nuts as specified in thespecifications at the end of this section.1. AXLE2. AXLE HOUSING3. VENT4. GEAR COVER5. OIL S SEAL6. HUB7. SPINDLE8. BEARING10. BRAKE DRUM11. WHEEL12. O-RING13. GEAR14. SNAP RING15. SHIM16. SPECIAL O-RING17. BRONZE BUSHING18. BEARING PLATE19. O-RING20. DIFFERENTIAL HOUSING21. O-RING22. SEAL RINGFIGURE 5. DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLYjoint. The hub does not need to be disassembled tomake the repairs. Some service persons remove thedrive wheel and brake drum to decrease the weightof the hub assembly when making repairs.RemovalA. Put the lift truck on blocks so that the drivewheels are raised from the floor.5. Carefully push the seals over the bushing andinto the grooves so that they are positioned overthe o-rings as shown in the illustration. Caution:do not use a sharp edged tool (screw driver, knife,etc.) for this operation as it may damage the seals.Do not stretch the rings any more than necessarywhen installing.6. Use a ring compressor or sizing tool (inside di-B. Remove the upright and carriage as described ameter of 3.5 inches, 88.9 mm) to clamp the sealrings in place. Leave the tool in place and make allin the section THE UPRIGHT.necessary preparations to install the axle housinginto the differential. Remove the ring compressorC. Drain the oil from the axle housing.or sizing tool just before installing the axle hous-D. Disconnect the brake line and the brake cable ing into the differential.from the axle housing.B. Install the axle assembly in the differential hous-E. If both axle assemblies are to be removed, put a ing. Install the outer 12 point capscrews that holdblock under the differential to give it support. Make the axle assembly to the frame. Tighten the outermarks for alignment between the axle housing and capscrews as follows:the differential housing.S40-50F 630 N.m (460 lbf ft)F. Remove the special capscrews that hold the axleS30-60ES 630 N.m (460 Ibf ft)assemblies to the frame. Pull the axle assemblyS60-120E 800 N.m (600 1bf ft)away from the differential housing.1. Remove one of the inner caps that holds the axleInstallation (See Figure 5)housing to the frameNOTE2. After both axle housings have been installed,check the clearance between the axle housing andThe design of the seal and bushing wasthe differential housing. If the clearance is morechanged at the end of 1977. If you are mak-than 0.76 mm (0.030 in) use shims to reduce theing repairs to a lift truck that has the designclearance to 0.38 mm (0.015 in) maximum.before 1978 (early models), see Parts-ServiceGram, C-F-8, R2. Contact your Hyster lifttruck dealer for information.NOTEA. Seal ArrangementEARLY MODELS — O-ring sealsLubricate the o-rings (16) with gear oil, then in-stall the o-rings.LATE MODELS - O-rings with seal rings.1. Press new bushing item (17) onto the drive axlehousing, orienting the large chamfer to clear thehousing radius.2. Install o-rings item (21) into the grooves.3. Lube the bushing and sealing surface on sideplate with o-ring lube, silicone grease or similarlubricant.4. Soak seal rings item (22) in hot water for 3-5minutes.The bent part of the shim is used to fastentwo shims together. If one shim is used, bendthe part so that it is flat.3. Install the inner cap that holds the axle housingto the frame. Tighten the inner 12 point capscrewsas follows:S60-120E 800 N.m (600 lbf ft)S30-60ES 230 N.m (170 1bf ft)S40-50F 230 N.m (170 1bf ft)C. Connect the brake lines and the brake cable.D. Install the wheels. Tighten the wheel nut as de-scribed in the Specifications.zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl