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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the differential, speed reducer, axle, and the wheelbearings for the axle housing.used to support the lift truck are solid, one pieceunits.DESCRIPTIONThe drive unit is fastened to the frame of the lift truckwith trunnions and bolts. The outer ends of the axlehousings are the spindles for the wheel bearings. Thecups for the tapered roller bearings for the wheel bear-ings are pressed into the hubs. The nut on the end of thespindle holds the hub and adjusts the preload on thewheel bearings. The axle shafts are fastened to the hubsby capscrews and the studs and nuts that fasten thewheels.The drive axles have an oil seal between the inner andouter bearings of the hub and a second oil seal near theinner bearing.The speed reducer and differential are parts of the sameassembly. See FIGURE 8. One speed reducer gear isinstalled on the shaft of the traction motor. A secondspeed reducer gear is fastened to the pinion shaft for thedifferential.WARNINGThe lift truck must be put on blocks for some types ofmaintenance and repair. The removal of the follow-ing assemblies will cause large changes in the centerof gravity: mast, drive unit, battery and the counter-weight. When the lift truck is put on blocks, put addi-tional blocks in the following positions to maintainstability:a. Before removing the mast and drive unit, putblocks under the counterweight so that thelift truck can not tip backward.b. Before removing the battery and counter-weight, put blocks under the mast assemblyso that the lift truck can not tip forward.The surface must be solid, even, and level when thelift truck is put on blocks. Make sure that any blocksREPAIRSDRIVE UNIT ASSEMBLYRemove The Complete Drive Unit AssemblyAs A UnitNOTE:The drive unit assembly can be removed withthe traction motor as one unit. However, many servicetechnicians remove the traction motor before the driveunit is removed. Motor removal reduces the total weightof the drive unit assembly. If another lift truck is notavailable, remove the motor first. See the following pro-cedure “Removing Traction Motor” to remove the trac-tion motor.Use the following procedure to remove the completedrive unit as one assembly using another lift truck:1. Operate the hydraulic pump and tilt the mast fullybackward. Put blocks under the bottom of the outerchannel of the mast. Tilt the mast forward until thewheels just touch the floor. Put blocks under the frameand counterweight of the lift truck and at the steerwheels to prevent truck movement.2. Remove the battery as described in theOPERAT-ING MANUALor the PERIODIC MAINTENANCEsection. Remove the floor plates and the access panel inthe bottom of the battery compartment.3. Remove the mast assembly as described inMASTREPAIR 4000 SRM 522.Drain the oil from the differ-ential. Remove the floor plates.4. Disconnect the brake lines to the wheel cylinders. Putcaps on the open fittings and ports.5. Disconnect the parking brake cables at the lever as-sembly as described in teh sectionTHE BRAKE SYS-TEM.Remove the tilt hose clamps from the speedreducer.6. Disconnect the power cables from the traction motor.Make an identification of which cable is connected toeach terminal. Disconnect the wires to the brush wearindicator and the thermal switch if installed.7. Carefully move the other lift truck forks under thedrive unit and install a block across the ends of the forks1as a support for the motor. Slowly and carefully raiseand tilt the forks to support the drive unit.8. Make sure blocks are installed under the counter-weight to maintain stability. Remove the capscrews andwashers that hold the drive unit assembly to the trun-nions. Remove the trunnion caps.9. Disconnect the hydraulic line to the main controlvalve so that the motor mount can be disconnected. Putcaps on the open hydraulic fittings and ports. Removethe capscrews that fasten the speed reducer mount at theframe. Disconnect the motor mount.10. If there is a seat brake, put a weight on the seat thatwill hold the seat in the down position. Remove the nut,capscrew, washers and bushing at the pivot of the brakelinkage. Make a note of the arrangement of the parts forcorrect assembly during installation. Disconnect thespring between the linkage and the brake assembly.NOTE:It can be necessary to raise the front of the lifttruck frame using a crane and chains as shown inFIGURE 4.11. Slowly and carefully move the drive unit assemblyout from under the lift truck. Use the lift truck or a craneand slings to move the assembly to a work area to makerepairs.a crane will be used, remove the overhead guard forcrane access. The steering pump and motor must be re-moved for clearance. SeeSTEERING SYSTEM 1600SRM 485for removal.NOTE:The traction motor can also be removed fromunder the lift truck with the use of a floor jack, but ismore difficult. If the traction motor is removed from un-der the lift truck, the lift truck must be on blocks withenough clearance for the jack and traction motor. Somelift trucks require removal of hydraulic lines to removethe traction motor from under the lift truck.211. SLING2. USE A WOODBLOCK ANDBOARD UNDERTHE SLING FORA LEVER3. TRACTIONMOTOR311513FIGURE 2. INSTALL A SLING TO LIFT THETRACTION MOTOR1.Remove the battery as described in theOPERATINGMANUALor the PERIODIC MAINTENANCE sec-tion. Remove the floor plates and the access panel in thebottom of the battery compartment.2. If there is a seat brake, Put a weight on the seat thatwill hold the seat in the down position. Remove the nut,capscrew, washers and bushing at the pivot of the brakelinkage. Make a note of the arrangement of the parts forcorrect assembly during installation. Disconnect thespring between the linkage and the brake assembly.3. Disconnect the power cables from the traction motor.Make an identification of which cable is connected toeach terminal. Disconnect the wires to the brush wearindicator and the thermal switch if installed.FIGURE 1. TRACTION MOTORTraction Motor, RemovalThis procedure describes the removal of the tractionmotor through the battery compartment. A lifting devicecan be fastened to the overhead guard to lift the motor. If2WARNINGThe motor is heavy. Make sure that any lifting devicehas enough capacity to lift the weight. The motor canweigh approximately 90 to 140 kg (200 to 310 lb).Drive Unit And Speed Reducer, RemovalThe procedure in this section will describe removal ofthe rest of the drive unit after the traction motor has beenremoved.1. Remove the mast assembly as described inMASTREPAIR 4000 SRM 522.Drain the oil from the differ-ential. Remove the floor plates.2. Disconnect the brake lines to the wheel cylinders. Putcaps on the open fittings and ports.3. Disconnect the parking brake cables at the lever as-sembly. SeeTHE BRAKE SYSTEM 1800 SRM 620.Remove the tilt hose clamps from the speed reducer.11514FIGURE 3. USE A CRANE TO LIFT AND MOVETHE ACTION MOTOR11540Drive unit is different. Procedure is the same.4. Temporarily put the lift truck on blocks as describedinPERIODIC MAINTENANCE 8000 SRM 623.Raising the lift truck will allow easier access to the bot-tom bolts between the traction motor and the speedreducer. Install a sling to hold the traction motor. Use awood block and a board under the sling as shown inFIGURE 2. to control the traction motor during remov-al. Use the crane to hold the weight of the traction motor.5. Disconnect the motor mount. Remove the bolts be-tween the speed reducer housing and the motor.NOTE:The traction motors are in different configura-tions for different applications of the lift trucks. Tractionmotors weigh approximately 90 to 140 kg (200 to 310lb). Make sure that the sling can not slide and permit thetraction motor to fall.6. Use the crane to move the traction motor to a workspace to make repairs as shown in FIGURE 3.FIGURE 4. LOWER THE DRIVE UNIT TO THEFLOOR4. Disconnect the power cables from the traction motor.Make an identification of which cable is connected toeach terminal. Disconnect the wires to the brush wearindicator and the thermal switch if installed.5. Remove the drive wheels and lower the lift truck sothat the drive unit is on the floor. The crane and chainsmust be the support for the front of the frame. SeeFIGURE 4. The steer wheels support the rear of the lifttruck.6. Make sure blocks are installed under the counter-weight to maintain stability. Remove the capscrews andwashers that hold the drive unit assembly to the trun-nion. Remove the trunnion caps.7. Remove the capscrews that hold the speed reducerhousing to the mounts at the frame.3NOTE:It may be necessary to raise the front of the lifttruck frame using a crane and chains as shown inFIGURE 4.8. Slowly and carefully move the drive unit assemblyout from under the lift truck. See FIGURE 5. Use a lifttruck or a crane and slings to move the assembly to awork area to make repairs.Drive unit is different. Procedure is the same.FIGURE 5. SLIDE THE DRIVE UNIT FROMUNDER THE LIFT TRUCK1. PLUGPLUGPLUGHUBOIL SEALBEARINGBEARINGOIL SEALAXLE SHAFT (RH)AXLE SHAFT (LH)LOCKNUTLOCKWASHERWASHERCAPSCREWSTUDWASHERLOCKNUTBRAKE ASSY (RH)BRAKE ASSY (LH)1432723612852420212210111391817161215419FIGURE 6. DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLYDisassembly Of The Drive Axle(See FIGURE 6.)1. Remove the two capscrews that fasten each axle to thehub. Remove the axles. If the axles are difficult to re-4move from the hub, hit the end of the axle flange with ahammer to loosen the axle seal and splines. Do not use aprybar between the axle flange and the hub. Use of a pry-bar can damage the seal surface and cause leaks.2. Install blocks under the axle housing as a supportwhen the hubs are removed.bly. Make sure that you do not change the parts from theright and left sides of the differential.4. Use a soft piece of metal (copper or aluminium) toprevent the speed reducer gear from turning when thenut is removed. Place the soft piece of metal between thespeed reducer gears or between the intermediate gearand the housing. Remove the nuts and lockwasher fromthe pinion shaft.5. Remove the washer with the key tab and the bearingcup. Use a brass hammer to remove the pinion from thespeed reducer case. The speed reducer gear and spacerwill slide from the pinion shaft as it is removed from thespeed reducer case. Make a note of the shim arrange-ment between the bearing and the spacer.6. Remove the speed reducer gear and spacer from thehousing.7. Remove the key from the pinion shaft. Use a press toremove the bearing cone from the pinion.8. Use a press or a puller to remove the bearing cupsfrom the differential case.9. Remove the ring gear. Remove the twelve capscrews.Do not use a press or a hammer to remove the ringgear.10. Disassemble the differential. Remove the shaft, spi-der gears, and axle gears. See FIGURE 7.WARNINGThe hub is heavy. Use care to prevent injury.3. Bend the lock plate so that the castle nut can be re-moved from the axle spindle. Remove the nut, lockplate, washer, and bearing. Carefully slide the hub on thesupport surface to remove it from the spindle. Hold thehub to keep the hub and spindle aligned to prevent oilseal damage. Do not permit oil or grease to get on thebrake shoes.4. Remove the inner bearing and oil seals from thespindle.5. If the brakes must be repaired, disassemble the brakeassembly as described in the section,THE BRAKESYSTEM.If necessary, remove the brake assemblies.Remove the six washers and special locknuts that fasteneach back plate to the axle. Slide each brake assemblyfrom the axle spindle.6. Use a sling and crane as a support for the speed reduc-er. Remove the ten capscrews and washers that hold thespeed reducer to the axle and differential housing. Re-move the speed reducer and differential assembly fromthe differential housing.Disassembly Of The Differential And SpeedReducer1. Remove the six capscrews and washers that hold thecover to the top of the speed reducer. See FIGURE 8.Remove the cover.2. Disassemble only the parts of the speed reducer anddifferential that must be repaired. If a new ring gear andpinion are not to be installed, but other new parts of thedifferential must be installed, check the contact patternbefore disassembly. The pattern and the gear clearanceare used as references for assembly. See “Assembly OfThe Drive Unit” in this section for the procedures.3. Remove the cotter pins from the adjustment nuts.Make marks on the parts so that they will be assembledagain in the same positions. Remove the bearings, ad-justment nuts, bearing cups, and the differential assem-3121231. GEARAXLE GEARTHRUST WASHERPINSHAFTCASE564FIGURE 7. DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY11. Remove the retaining ring for the input gear to thespeed reducer. Remove the gear and bearings. Use apuller to remove the inner bearing from the speedreducer case.5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl