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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has a description and the repair proceduresfor the planetary gear axle.a planetary carrier. The differential is also installed inthe axle housing. See the sectionTHE DIFFEREN-TIAL, 1400 SRM 46.DESCRIPTION(See FIGURE 2. and FIGURE 3.)The planetary drive axle has an axle housing and two fi-nal drive assemblies. Each final drive assembly is aplanetary gear unit. The planetary gear assemblychanges the final drive ratio which increases the torqueto the drive wheels. Each unit has an axle shaft, sun gearand ring gear. There are also three planetary pinions andOPERATIONPower from the engine is transmitted through the trans-mission to the differential. The rotation of the differen-tial causes the axle shafts and the sun gears to rotate. Thesun gears then cause the planetary pinions to rotate.Movement of the pinions causes the planetary carriers torotate the hubs and the drive wheels. The ring gears areattached to the axle housing and do not rotate.REPAIRSREMOVALNOTE:The planetary assemblies can be removed withthe drive axle installed in the lift truck. If the drive axlemust be removed, do the following steps. If the driveaxle will not be removed, do only steps 1 and 2, then theDisassembly procedures.1. Put blocks under the lift truck frame to raise the drivewheels from the ground. See “How To Put The LiftTruck on Blocks” in theOPERATING MANUALorthePERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 433.2. Remove the mast assembly from the lift truck as de-scribed in the sectionTHE TWO–STAGE MAST,4000 SRM 445.3. Remove the air chambers as described in the sectionTHE BRAKE SYSTEM, 1800 SRM 441.4. Drain the lubricant from the axle as described in thePERIODIC MAINTENANCEsection.5. Disconnect the drive shaft from the drive axle.6. Remove the wheels. See DISASSEMBLY, steps 1through 3.1. LIFT TRUCK FRAME2. AXLE HOUSING23WARNINGMake sure that the lifting device has the capacity tolift the axle assembly and components. See Table 1 onpage 4 for weights of axle components.7. Use a lifting device (floor jack or the forks of a lifttruck) to remove the drive axle. Put the lifting device un-der the axle to give it support. Remove the bolts and nutsthat hold the axle to the frame. See FIGURE 1. Removethe drive axle from the lift truck frame. Clean all parts insolvent and dry with compressed air.143. BOLT4. NUT12546FIGURE 1. AXLE MOUNT11. DRUMPLUGSET SCREWPLANETARY CARRIERMACHINE SCREWTHRUST BUTTONPLANETARY PINION SHAFTTHRUST WASHERPLANETARY PINIONSNAP RINGSUN GEARTHRUST WASHER2322221716202117161415191846111387258910121312544H8.00–12.00XL(H165–280XL) SHAFTADJUSTMENT NUTRING GEARBEARING CONEBEARING CUPO–RINGHUBOIL SEALSPINDLEAXLE HOUSINGBREATHERFIGURE 2.. PLANETARY AXLE, WHEEL END ASSEMBLY AND HOUSING21. DRUMPLUGCOVERPLANETARY CARRIERMACHINE SCREWTHRUST BUTTONPLANETARY PINION SHAFTPLANETARY PINIONSNAP RINGSUN GEARTHRUST WASHERADJUSTMENT NUT24222322181716201917182114415281136913.–16.00XL(H300–360XL)RING GEARAXLE SHAFTRING GEAR HUBLOCK PLATEBEARING CONEBEARING CUPO–RINGHUBOIL SEALSPINDLEAXLE HOUSINGBREATHERFIGURE 3. PLANETARY GEAR AXLE, WHEEL END ASSEMBLY AND HOUSING3WEIGHTS OF AXLE PARTSCOMPONENTAXLE ASSEMBLYAXLE (without tires, wheeland air brake chambersBRAKE DRUMSDUAL TIRE/WHEELASSEMBLYWEIGHT*kg138565066295lbs305014301456504. Drain the oil from the end of the axle housing. Releasethe parking brake.5. Disassemble the ends of the planetary axle as shownin FIGURE 4.ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION(See FIGURE 1. Through FIGURE 3. andFIGURE 5.)NOTE:During assembly and installation, see Table 2for torque specifications. Lubricate all of the parts withclean axle lubricant.1. If the axle housing was removed, install it as de-scribed in steps 2 through 6. Assemble the planetary as-semblies as shown in FIGURE 5.2. Use a jack or the forks of a lift truck to put the axleunder the frame. Install the mount bolts and nuts asshown in FIGURE 1. Tighten the nuts to 920 N.m (680lbf ft).3. Install the brake components as described in the sec-tionBRAKE SYSTEM, 1800 SRM 441.4. Connect the drive shaft to the differential.5. Add air to the tires. See the sectionPERIODICMAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 433.* These are maximum weights based on theH13.00–16.00XL (H300–360XL) modelsDISASSEMBLY(See FIGURE 2. Through FIGURE 4.)WARNINGCompletely remove the air pressure from the tiresbefore removing the wheels from the lift truck. Airpressure in the tires can cause the tire and rim partsto explode causing serious injury or death.Always wear safety glasses.1. Put blocks under the lift truck frame to raise the drivewheels from the ground. See REMOVAL, step 1. Raisethe axle to remove the weight from the tires, but so thetires are still touching the floor. Loosen the wheel nutsjust enough so they can be easily removed. Remove theair from the tires. Remove the valve core to make sure allof the air is out of the inner tube. Push a wire through thevalve stem to make sure that the valve stem does nothave a restriction.2. Raise the axle so the tires and wheels can be removed.Remove the wheel nuts. Use a tire jack to remove thetires and wheels. See Table 1 for weights.3. If a tire jack is not available, raise the axle onlyenough so the tires are just touching the floor. Slide thetires from the axle while they are still on the floor. It ishelpful to put a lubricant on the floor (oil, grease, liquidsoap, etc.).WARNINGAdd air pressure to the tires only in a safety cage. In-spect the safety cage for damage before use. Whenair pressure is added to the tire, use a chuck that fas-tens onto the valve stem of the inner tube. Make surethere is enough hose to permit the operator to standaway from the safety cage when air pressure is addedto the tire.Do not sit or stand by the safety cage. Do not use ahammer to try and correct the position of the sidering and/or lock ring when the tire has air pressuregreater than 20 kPa (3 psi).6. Install the wheels in the reverse procedure as de-scribed in DISASSEMBLY, steps 1 though 3. See steps7 and 8 on page 9 for wheel installation and axle lubrica-tion.WARNINGMake sure to clean the floor thoroughly if oil, grease,liquid soap, etc. was used as a lubricant to help re-move the wheel and tires.4DANGERBrake linings contain asbestos or other fibers.The dust from these linings is a cancer or lungdisease hazard. Do not create dust! Do not cleanbrake parts with compressed air or by brushing.Use vacuum equipment. When the brake drumsare removed, do not create dust.1. BRAKE DRUM2. PLANETARY CARRIERDo not sand, grind, chisel, hammer orchange linings in any way that will createdust. Any changes to linings must be done ina restricted area with special ventilation. Pro-tective clothing and a respirator must beused.CLEANING PROCEDURE:1. Do not release asbestos dust into the airwhen the brake drum is removed.2. Use a solvent to wet the asbestos dust onthe parts of the brake. If a solvent spray isused, do not create asbestos dust with thespray.3. When the asbestos dust is wet, clean theparts. Put any cloth or towels in a plastic bag oran airtight container while they are still wet. Putan “asbestos” warning label on the plastic bagor airtight container.1254421STEP 1.Release the parking brake. Use thepuller holes in the brake drum to pushthe brake drum from the planetary car-rier.4. Any cleaning cloths that will be washed mustbe cleaned so the asbestos fibers are not re-leased into the air.1. PLANETARY CARRIER2. MACHINE SCREW3. HUB31. GEARAXLE SHAFTSUN GEARWASHERSNAP RING351213H8.00–12.00XL(H165–280XL)461254421H13.00–16.00XL(H300–360XL)2STEP 2.Remove the machine screws that holdthe planetary carrier to the hub. Usethe puller holes to push the planetarycarrier from the hub.12544STEP 3.Remove the axle shaft, sun gear andwasher from the axle housing. Removethe snap ring and sun gear from theaxle shaft.FIGURE 4. DISASSEMBLY OF THE PLANETARY AXLE (1 of 2)5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl