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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the drive axle, wheel bearings and the mounts for theaxle housing. The differential and ring and pinion gearsare described in the sections for theSINGLE–SPEEDPOWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION, 900 SRM 347and 900 SRM 348.can rotate in the mounts. The outer ends of the axle hous-ings are the spindles for the wheel bearings. The wheelbearings are tapered roller bearings with the cupspressed into the hubs. The nut on the end of the axlehousing adjusts and holds the wheel bearings. The axleshafts are fastened to the hubs by capscrews and twodowel pins. The back plate and brake assembly are fas-tened to the axle mounts. The axle housing also has thebearing journals for the upright.The outer wheel bearing is lubricated by gear oil fromthe differential housing. The inner wheel bearing is lu-bricated by wheel bearing grease.DESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)The drive axle assembly is fastened to the frame of thelift truck by separate mounts. The drive axle assembly1. HOUSINGAXLE MOUNTBRAKE ASSEMBLYBRAKE DRUMSEAL15610111297831413211217926. CONEBEARING CUPHUBADJUSTMENT NUTLOCK WASHERLOCK NUTAXLE SHAFTTIRE AND WHEELMOUNTING PINDOWEL PIN35467FIGURE 1. DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLY1REPAIRSREMOVAL1. Remove the upright assembly as described in the sec-tion for theVISTA MASTS, 4000 SRM 340.2. Raise the front of the lift truck and put blocks underthe frame. Drain the oil from the differential housing.3. Remove the drive wheels.4. Remove the capscrews that hold the axle shafts to thehubs. There are two holes with threads in the flange ofthe axle shaft. Put capscrews (M16x2) in these holes topush the axle shaft from the hub. Or, hit the end of theaxle shaft with a soft hammer. Remove the axle shaft.REMOVALWARNINGBrake linings contain dangerous fibers. Breathingthe dust from these brake linings is a cancer and lungdisease hazard. Do not create dust! Do not cleanbrake parts with compressed air or by brushing. Usevacuum equipment approved for brake dust or fol-low the cleaning procedure in this section. When thebrake drums are removed, do not create dust.Do not sand, grind, chisel, hammer or change liningsin any way that will create dust. Any changes to lin-ings must be done in a restricted area with specialventilation. Protective clothing and a respiratormust be used.5. Remove the nut, lock washer and flat washer. Removethe hub and brake drum and the bearings. If the brakedrum cannot be easily removed, loosen the brake shoesby turning the adjuster wheel.6. Disconnect the brake lines at the wheel cylinders. Re-move the brake shoe assemblies from the back plates.Remove the back plates from the axle housings.7. Put a block for support under the transmission. Re-move the capscrews that hold the axle housing to thetransmission housing.8. Use a lifting device to hold the weight of the axlehousing. Use a puller (see FIGURE 2.) to remove themounting pins from the frame and the axle mount. Re-move the bolts that hold the axle mounts to the frame.Remove the mounts from the axle housings.2INSTALLATION1. FRAME2. AXLE MOUNT3. MOUNTING PIN4. BOLT5. SPACERFIGURE 2. AXLE MOUNTNOTE:If a mounting pin cannot be removed, soak it inpenetrating oil or use a hacksaw blade to saw a slot in thepin. Use a puller as shown in FIGURE 2. to remove thepin.CLEANING1. Do not release brake lining dust from the brake liningsinto the air when the brake drum is removed.2. Use a solvent approved for cleaning of brake parts towet the brake lining dust. Follow the instructions andcautions of the manufacturer for the use of the solvent.towet the asbestos dust on the parts of the brake. If a sol-vent spray is used, do not create brake lining dust withthe spray.with the frame and install the axle housing onto thetransmission housing. Install the capscrews and wash-ers. Tighten the capscrews to 65 Nm (50 lbf ft).3. Install the capscrews for the axle mounts, but do nottighten them. Lubricate the mounting pins with an anti–sieze compound. Use the bolt and spacer shown in Fig-ure 2 to install the mounting pins in the axle mounts andthe frame. Make sure the mounting pins are installed asshown in Figure 2. After the mounting pins are installedtighten the capscrews for the axle mounts to 320 Nm(235 lbf ft).4. Assemble the brake assembly to the mount for theaxle housing as described in the section forTHEBRAKE SYSTEM, 1800 SRM 338.CAUTIONDo not use an oil solvent to clean the wheel cylinder.Use a solvent approved for cleaning of brake parts.Do not permit oil or grease in the brake fluid or onthe brake linings.3. When the brake lining is wet, clean the parts. Put anycloth or towels in a plastic bag or an airtight containerwhile they are still wet. Put a “DANGEROUS FIBERS”warning label on the plastic bag or airtight container.679115327WARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic, andcan cause skin irritation. When using cleaningsolvents, always follow the safety instructions for thesolvent manufacturer.4. Any cleaning cloths that will be washed must becleaned so that fibers are not released into the air.5. Clean all parts of the drive axle with solvent. Dry withcompressed air.1086841INSPECTIONInspect the bearings and seals for defects. The axlehousings must rotate freely in the mounts. The splinesfor the axle shafts must not be damaged.12190ASSEMBLY (See FIGURE 1., FIGURE 2.AND FIGURE 3.)1. Use a lifting device to hold the axle housing. Applysealant Hyster Part No. 264159 on the flange of the axlehousing.2. Lubricate the surface for the axle mounts on the axlehousing with an anti–sieze compound. Slide the axlemounts onto the axle housing. Align the axle mounts1. HOUSINGAXLE MOUNTBRAKE SYSTEMHUBAXLE SHAFT6. ASSEMBLYADJUSTMENT NUTLOCK WASHERLOCK NUTFIGURE 3. DRIVE AXLE5. Install the seal in the center of the hub. Lubricate theinner bearing with grease. Install the inner seal in thehub. Install the brake drum on the hub. Install the huband brake drum on the axle. Use care not to damage the3seals when installing the hub. Lubricate the outer bear-ing cone with grease and install the outer bearing cone.6. Install the adjustment nut. Tighten the nut to 205 Nm(150 lbf ft) while rotating the hub. Loosen the nut untilthe hub rotates freely. The torque must be less than 25Nm (20 lbf ft). Tighten the nut to 35 Nm (25 lbf ft) or tothe first alignment position after 35 Nm (25 lbf ft). In-stall the lock washer to hold the nut. Install the lock nutand tighten it to 135 Nm (100 lbf ft).7. Apply sealant Hyster Part No. 264159 to the flange ofthe axle shaft. Install the axle shaft. Tighten thecapscrews to 225 Nm (165 lbf ft).8. Install the wheels. Tighten the wheel nuts to 610–680Nm (450–500 lbf ft).CAUTIONWhen the wheels have been installed, check all wheelnuts after 2–5 hours of operation. Tighten the nuts ina cross pattern to the correct torque value. When thenuts stay tight after an eight hour check, the intervalfor checking the torque can be extended to 350hours.9. Install the upright as described in the section for theUPRIGHT. Fill the differential housing with80W–90EP or 85W–140 gear lubricant through the fillhole. Remove the air from the brake system as describedin the section forTHE BRAKE SYSTEM, 1800 SRM338.TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEMCAUSEThe lift truck will not move.The drive axle assembly has leaks.An axle shaft is broken.The drain plug or fill plug is loose.The seals are damaged.The drive axle makes noise.The bearings are damaged.The brake assembly is installed wrong.The oil level is too low.The capscrews for the axle shaft(s) or axle housingare loose or missing.The brake drum is damaged.4
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