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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the drive axle assembly. The differential and ringgear and pinion are described in the sections,SPEEDREDUCER AND DIFFERENTIAL, 1300 SRM346,orTHE MANUAL TRANSMISSION, 1300SRM 335.SINGLE WHEELNOT SHOWNhousing are the spindles for the wheel bearings. Thewheel bearings are tapered roller bearings with thecups installed in the hubs. The nut on the end of theaxle housing holds and adjusts the wheel bearings. Theaxle shafts are fastened to the hubs by capscrews. Theback plate and brake assembly are installed on the axlehousing.The outer wheel bearing is lubricated by gear oil fromthe differential housing. The inner wheel bearing is lu-bricated by grease.DUAL WHEELSNOT SHOWN39283215867112591479591.2.3.4.AXLE SHAFTLOCK NUTLOCK PLATEADJUSTMENTNUT5. OIL SEAL6. HOUSING ANDSPINDLE7. BRAKE DRUM8. BEARINGASSEMBLY9. HUB81065411838FIGURE 1. DRIVE AXLE, LATER MODELSDESCRIPTION(See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 2.)The drive axle assembly is fastened to the frame of thelift truck by four capscrews. The outer ends of the axle1. SHAFTHUBBRAKE DRUMLOCK NUTLOCK PLATE6. NUTAXLE SPINDLE*BEARING ASSEMBLYOIL SEAL*O–RING* EARLIER MODEL ARRANGEMENTFIGURE 2. DRIVE AXLE1REPAIRSREMOVALLift Trucks With A Manual TransmissionDo the following procedure to remove the drive axleand manual transmission as a unit.1. Remove the floor plates. Disconnect the negative ca-ble from the battery.2. See FIGURE 3. Do the following procedure to re-move the pedal bracket:3. Disconnect the shift linkages at the selector rails. Re-move the bracket for the linkage cranks from the trans-mission. (See FIGURE 3.)4. Remove the mast and carriage assembly as describedin the sectionTHE MAST, 4000 SRM 340.5. Disconnect the brake lines at the wheel cylinders.(See FIGURE 4.)6. Remove the parking brake lever from the cowl. Re-move the clamps for the parking brake cables at theframe.WARNINGAlways remove the clutch booster spring before dis-connecting the clutch linkage.a. Loosen the eyebolt for the clutch booster spring(3). Remove the spring.b. Disconnect and remove the clutch link from therelease crank at the clutch housing.c. Disconnect the brake push rod at the brake pedal(4). Remove the pedal return spring.d. Remove the capscrews that hold the pedalbracket to the transmission. Remove the pedalbracket assembly.231. BRAKE LINE2. CAPSCREWFOR MOUNT1211751141.2.3.4.PEDAL BRACKETCLUTCH PEDALCLUTCH BOOSTER SPRINGBRAKE PEDAL11757FIGURE 4. DRIVE AXLEFIGURE 3. PEDAL BRACKET27. Put blocks on both sides (front and back) of the steer-ing tires so that the lift truck can not move. Connect alifting device to the front of the frame of the lift truck.Put a floor jack under the transmission to hold thetransmission in position. Remove the four largecapscrews that hold the drive axle assembly to theframe. These capscrews are tightened to 1000 N.m(740 lbf ft). (See FIGURE 4.)8. Raise the lift truck frame. Make sure the parkingbrake cables that are still attached to the drive axle as-sembly move freely. Make sure the output yoke for theclutch slides out of the clutch housing. Roll the driveaxle assembly from under the lift truck.9. Drain the oil from the axle housing. Remove thecapscrews that hold the axle shafts to the hubs. Removethe axle shafts. Put the drive axle assembly on blocksso that the transmission is in a vertical position.10. Fasten a lifting device to the input end of the trans-mission. Remove the capscrews that hold the transmis-sion to the axle housing. Lift the transmission from theaxle housing with the lifting device.Lift Trucks With A Powershift TransmissionDo the following procedure to remove the drive axleand speed reducer as a unit.1. Remove the floor plates. Disconnect the negative ca-ble from the battery.2. Remove the mast and carriage assembly as describedin the sectionTHE MAST, 4000 SRM 340.3. Disconnect the brake lines at the wheel cylinders.(See FIGURE 4.)4. On lift trucks with a MONOTROLRpedal, removethe rod that fits between the parking brake lever and theswitch on the cowl. Remove the parking brake leverfrom the cowl. Remove the clamps for the parkingbrake cables at the frame.5. Put blocks on both sides (front and back) of the steer-ing tires so that the lift truck can not move. Connect alifting device to the front of the frame of the lift truck.Put a floor jack under the speed reducer to hold thespeed reducer in position. Remove the four largecapscrews that hold the drive axle assembly to theframe. These capscrews are tightened to 1000 N.m(740 lbf ft). (See FIGURE 4.)6. Raise the lift truck frame. Make sure the parkingbrake cables that are still attached to the drive axle as-sembly move freely. Make sure the output yoke for thedrive shaft slides out of the transmission. Roll the driveaxle assembly from under the lift truck.7. Drain the oil from the axle housing. Remove thecapscrews that hold the axle shafts to the hubs. Removethe axle shafts. Put the drive axle assembly on blocksso that the speed reducer is in a vertical position.8. Remove the drive shaft from the drive gear of thespeed reducer. Remove the cover from the speedreducer. Connect a lifting device to the speed reducerhousing. Remove the capscrews that hold speedreducer housing to the drive axle housing. Separate thespeed reducer housing from the drive axle housing. DONOT damage the surfaces where the housings join. Liftthe speed reducer and differential assembly away fromthe drive axle housing.11757FIGURE 5. SPEED REDUCER3DISASSEMBLY(See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 2.)WARNINGCompletely remove the air pressure from the tiresbefore removing them from the lift truck. Air pres-sure in the tires can cause the tire and wheel parts toexplode, causing serious injury or death. Tires andwheels must be changed and repaired only bytrained service personnel.1. Remove the air pressure from the tires. Remove thevalve to make sure that all of the air is out of the innertube. Push a wire through the valve stem to make surethe valve stem does not have a restriction. Remove thewheels from the hubs.Do not permit oil or grease in the brake fluid or onthe brake linings.WARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic, andcan cause skin irritation. When using cleaning sol-vents, always follow the safety instructions of the sol-vent manufacturer.1. Do not release brake lining dust from the brake lin-ings into the air when the brake drum is removed.2. Use a solvent approved for cleaning of brake parts towet the brake lining dust. Follow the instructions andcautions of the manufacturer for the use of the solvent.If a solvent spray is used, spray at a distance so that thedust is not released into the air.3. When the brake lining dust is wet, clean the parts.Put any rags or towels in a plastic bag or an airtightcontainer while they are still wet. Put a “DANGER-OUS FIBERS” warning label on the plastic bag or air-tight container.4. Any cleaning rags that will be washed must becleaned so that fibres are not released into the air.WARNINGBrake linings can contain dangerous fibers. Breath-ing the dust from these brake linings is a cancer orlung disease hazard. Do not create dust! Do not cleanbrake parts with compressed air or by brushing. Usevacuum equipment approved for brake dust or fol-low the cleaning procedure in this section. When thebrake drums are removed, do not create dust.Do not sand, grind, chisel, hammer, or change liningsin any way that will create dust. Any changes tobrake linings must be done in a restricted area withspecial ventilation. Protective clothing and a respira-tor must be used.2. Remove the hub and brake drum assembly from theaxle. Remove the adjustment nut and lock nut for thebearings. Pull the hub from the axle housing.3. If necessary, remove the parts of the brake assemblyas described in the sectionTHE BRAKE SYSTEM,1800 SRM 338.4. Remove the capscrews that hold the axle spindle tothe drive axle housing.NOTE:The spindles are pressed into the drive axlehousing on later models (see FIGURE 1.).CAUTIONDo not permit oil or grease on the brake linings. Use abrake cleaning fluid as necessary to clean linings thatwill not be replaced.INSPECTIONInspect the bearings, bearing surfaces and seals fordamage. Inspect the splines on the axle shafts for dam-age.ASSEMBLY(See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 2.)1. Install the O–ring on the axle spindle. Install the axlespindle on the axle housing and tighten the capscrewsto 225 N.m (166 lbf ft).2. Install the brake assembly as described in the sectionTHE BRAKE SYSTEM, 1800 SRM 338.Install thebrake drum on the hub:a.SINGLE WHEELS:Install all the bolts on thedrum. Use several wheel nuts to keep the parts to-gether. Tighten the nuts for the hub to 285 N.m(210 lbf ft).CLEANINGCAUTIONDo not use an oil solvent to clean the wheel cylinder.Use a solvent approved for cleaning of brake parts.4b.DUAL WHEELS:Install all the bolts on thedrum. Tighten the nuts for the hub to 285 N.m(210 lbf ft).3. Install the inner seal in the hub. Install both bearingcups in the hub. Lubricate the inner bearing cone withwheel bearing grease, then install the bearing cone inthe hub. Install the outer seal in the hub.4. Install the hub on the axle spindle, then install theouter bearing cone. Install the bearing adjustment nut.5. Adjust the wheel bearings:a. Tighten the adjustment nut to 200 N.m (150 lbf ft)while rotating the hub.b. Loosen the adjustment nut to less than 27 N.m (20lbf ft), making sure the hub rotates freely. Tightenthe adjustment nut to 34 N.m (25 lbf ft). Lock theadjustment nut at this position or tighten until thenut aligns with the lock plate. Install the lockplate and the lock nut. Tighten the lock nut to 136N.m (100 lbf ft).2. Use a sealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) on the flangeof the axle shaft. Install the axle shafts on the hub.Tighten the capscrews for the axle shaft to 225 N.m(166 lbf ft). See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 2.3. Install the drive shaft and capscrews for the universaljoints. A thread locking compound (Hyster Part No.264134) must be used on the capscrews. Make sure thecapscrews are thoroughly cleaned before using thethread locking compound. Tighten the capscrews to 24N.m (18 lbf ft) using a cross pattern. Tighten thecapscrews again using the same sequence.NOTE:The use of alignment pins can help during theinstallation of the drive axle. Make the alignment pinsby removing the heads of capscrews that hold the driveaxle to the frame. Install the alignment pins in theframe, then install the drive axle. Replace the align-ment pins with the capscrews, one at a time.4. Move the drive axle assembly under the lift truck.Use a floor jack under the transmission to help align theoutput yoke with the splines of the clutch shaft. Makesure the hydraulic tubes are not damaged. Lower theframe until the holes in the drive axle housing alignwith the holes in the frame.5. Install the capscrews that hold the drive axle housingto the frame (see FIGURE 4.) Tighten the capscrews to1000 N.m (740 lbf ft).6. See FIGURE 3. Install the pedal bracket:a. Lubricate the bearings for the clutch pedal withmulti–purpose grease. Install the pedal and snapring on the shaft.b. Use a sealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) betweenthe pedal bracket and the transmission. Install thebracket and tighten the capscrews to 38 N.m (28lbf ft). Install the push rod and return spring forthe brake pedal. Install the link between the re-lease shaft and the clutch pedal. Adjust the clutchpedal before installing the clutch booster spring.Install the clutch booster spring and tighten thenuts for the eyebolt completely.c. Adjust the clutch pedal as described in the sectionTHE OIL CLUTCH SYSTEM, 1200 SRM334.7. Install the links for the shift linkage. Move the selec-tor rail for Forward and Reverse to the Forward (in) po-5WARNINGAdd air pressure to the tires only in a safety cage. In-spect the safety cage for damage before use. Whenadding air pressure, use a clip–on chuck with enoughhose to permit the operator to stand away from thesafety cage.6. Inflate the tires to the correct pressure as shown inSpecifications. Install the wheels on the hubs. Tightenthe wheel nuts to 610 to 680 N.m (450 to 500 lbf ft).INSTALLATIONLift Trucks With A Manual TransmissionDo the following procedure to install the drive axle andmanual transmission as a unit.1. Connect a lifting device to the input end of the trans-mission. Apply a sealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) tothe flange of the axle housing. Align the differentialbearing caps with the hole in the axle housing. Lowerthe transmission into the axle housing. Install the clampfor the parking brake cable. Tighten the capscrews forthe transmission housing to 90 N.m (66 lbf ft).zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl