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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the differential, speed reducer, drive axle, wheelbearings, and the mounts for the axle housing.The methods used to fasten the drive wheels to the hubare different for the three configurations. SeeFIGURE 3. When the drive axle is disassembled orassembled, small changes in the procedure must bemade for the differences in the axles.WARNINGDESCRIPTIONThe mount brackets for the drive axle housing arefastened to the frame of the lift truck with six bolts onthe E/J1.25–1.75XL (E25–35XL) models and eightboltsontheE2.00–3.00XL(E40–60XL),E2.00–3.20XM (E45–65XM), J2.00–3.00 (J40–60XL)and the N30XMH models. The outer ends of the axlehousings are the spindles for the wheel bearings. Thecups for the tapered roller bearings for the wheelbearings are pressed into the wheel hubs. The nut on theend of the spindle holds and adjusts the preload on thewheel bearings. The axle shafts are fastened to the hubsby capscrews. Studs and nuts fasten the wheel to the huband brake drum. The back plate and brake assembliesare fastened to the mount brackets for the axle housing.The transmission and differential are a single assembly.(See FIGURE 6.) The transmission has a speed reducergear that engages the splines on the shaft of the tractionmotor. A second speed reducer gear is fastened to thepinion shaft for the differential.There are three configurations of drive wheel mountsused on the E/J1.25–1.75XL (E25–35XL) series of lifttrucks because of the variations in tires that areavailable:E1.25–1.75XL (E25–35XL)standard solid tireswide tread solid tiresJ1.25–1.75XLpneumatic tiressolid tires shaped like pneumatic tires(The pneumatic tires are available in standard and widetread configurations, but the mount to the drive axle isthe same.)The lift truck must be put on blocks for sometypes of maintenance and repair. The removal ofthe following assemblies will cause large changesin the center of gravity: attachment, mast, driveaxle, battery, and the counterweight.When the lift truck is put on blocks, putadditional blocks in the following positions:a. Before removing the mast and drive axle, putblocks under the counterweight so that the lifttruck can not tip backward.b. Before removing the battery or counterweight,put blocks under the mast assembly so that the lifttruck can not tip forward.Put the lift truck on blocks only if the surface is solid,even, and level. Make sure that any blocks used tosupport the lift truck are solid, one piece units.11547FIGURE 1. PUTTING THE LIFT TRUCK ONBLOCKS13235344333272520313381915323142*36*3738 3912409412*3*4*5*13116*10121614212278131712923E2.00–3.20XM (E45–65XM)DRIVE AXLE SHOWN. THEOTHER MODELS ARESIMILAR. THE WHEELCONFIGURATIONS FORTHE E/J1.25–1.75 (E25–35XL)ARE SHOWN IN FIGURE 3.2426302918284425718* NOT USED ON E2.00–3.20XM (E45–65XM) AND THE N30XMH1. MOTOR, TRACTION2. CAPSCREW,MOTOR MOUNT*3. WASHER*4. SPACER*5. WASHER*6. WASHER*7. NUT8. LOCKWASHER9. CAPSCREW10. O–RING11. TRANSMISSIONANDDIFFERENTIAL12. HOUSINGPLUGPLUGWASHERCAPSCREWBREATHERDIPSTICKO–RINGSPINDLENUT24., LEFTHANDLOCKWASHERCAPSCREWBRAKE, RIGHTHANDBEARING CONEBEARING CUPOIL SEAL34. BRAKE DRUM35. STUD36. WHEEL/AXLENUT*37. WASHER38. LOCKWASHER39. NUT40. AXLE41. DOWL PIN42. STUD*43. WHEEL NUT44. GREASE FITTINGFIGURE 2. DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLY245 62138711456PNEUMATIC1.2.3.4.STANDARDLOCK NUTLOCK PLATEWASHEROUTER BEARINGS5.6.7.8.WIDE TREADOIL SEALINNER BEARINGSEALSPACERFIGURE 3. DRIVE WHEEL MOUNTING (E/J1.25–1.75XL [E25–35XL])REPAIRSREMOVAL OF THE DRIVE AXLE1. Remove the battery as described in the PERIODICMAINTENANCE section.2. Remove the mast assembly as described in the sectionfor THE MASTS. Drain the oil from the differential.Remove the floor plates.NOTE:The drive axle can be removed with the tractionmotor as one unit. Many service persons remove thetraction motor before the drive axle is removed toreduce the weight of the unit. See THE FRAME sectionfor procedures to remove the traction motor. Theprocedure in this section will describe removal of thedrive axle after the traction motor has been removed.3. Disconnect the brake lines to the wheel cylinders. Putcaps on the open fittings.4. E/J1.25–1.75XL (E35–35XL). Disconnect the handlever assembly for the parking brake from the cowl.Loosen the retainer that holds the hydraulic lines andcables near the floor plate. Carefully slide the hand leverassembly and cables past the hydraulic lines and electricwires so that the hand lever assembly and cables can beremoved with the drive axle.E/J2.00–3.00XL (E/J40–60XL).parking brake cables at the brakes.DisconnecttheE2.00–3.20XM (E45–65XM) and N30XMH.Disconnect the return spring from the park brake pedal.Remove the park brake pedal. Disconnect the park brakeassembly from the frame. Do not remove the mountingbolts from the park brake assembly. Remove the nutsand washers so that the bolts will keep the park brakeassembly in one unit. After the park brake assembly hasbeen removed from the frame bracket, put the nuts andwashers on the bolts.3NOTE:Some early models of the electric XL series oflift trucks have M20 x 2.5 x 80 bolts instead of7/8x 14UNF bolts.7. Remove the mounting bolts for the hydraulic filter.With the hoses still attached to the filter, move the filterto improve access to the mounting bolt for thetransmission. Remove the mounting bolt that is locatedon the top of the transmission/differential assembly (seeitem 12, FIGURE 2.)8. Slide the drive axle assembly from the lift truck. Usea crane and slings to move the drive axle to a work space.Disassembly of the Drive Axle11540FIGURE 4. LOWER THE DRIVE AXLE TO THESURFACE1. Remove the capscrews that hold the axle shaft to thehub. There are two holes with threads in the flange of theaxle shaft. Put capscrews (M12 x 1.75) in these holes toloosen the axle shaft from the hub.2. Bend the lock plate so that the nut can be removedfrom the axle spindle. Remove the nut, lock plate,washer, and bearing cone. Carefully slide the hub andbrake drum assembly from the spindle. Keep the spindlein the center of the hub and brake drum assembly duringremoval so that the oil seal in the hub is not damaged.Do not permit oil or grease to get on the brake shoes.3. Remove the inner bearing cone from the spindle.[E/J1.25–1.75XL (E25–35XL) models also have aspacer between the grease seal and the shoulder of thewheel spindle.]4. If the brakes must be repaired, disassemble the brakeassembly as described in the section for THE BRAKES.If disassembly of the brakes is not required, slide thebrake assembly and the axle mount bracket from theaxle spindle.5. The axle spindles are not normally removed from thedifferential housing. If repairs are necessary, remove the16 M12 x 1.75 x 35 capscrews that hold the axlespindles to the differential housing. Remove the axlespindles.6. Remove the six M10 x 1.5 x 30 capscrews andwashers and the two M10 x 1.5 x 40 capscrews andwashers from the bottom of the differential housing.Remove the transmission and differential assemblyfrom the differential housing.11541FIGURE 5. REMOVE THE DRIVE AXLE FROMTHE LIFT TRUCK5. Remove the drive wheels and lower the lift truck sothat the drive axle and the front of the frame is on thefloor. (The steering wheels are on the floor and hold theend of the frame with the counterweight.)6. Remove the7/8x 14 UNF bolts that hold the axlemounts to the frame. Turn the axle mounts forward sothat there is additional clearance for removal of the driveaxle.4Disassembly of the Transmission andDifferential1. Remove the access plate from the top of the speedreducer. Use a small prybar to remove the hub cap fromthe end of the pinion shaft.2. Disassemble only the parts of the transmission anddifferential that must be repaired. If the ring gear andpinion are not to be replaced, but parts of the differentialmust be replaced, check the contact pattern beforedisassembly. The pattern and the gear clearance are usedas references for assembly. See the Assembly section forthe procedures.3. Loosen or remove the thrust screw for the ring gear.Remove the lock plates for the adjusting nuts. Removethe bearing caps, adjusting nuts,bearing cups, and thedifferential assembly. Make sure that you do not changethe parts from the right and left sides of the differential.4. Use a sharp punch to raise the lock detent from the slotin the pinion shaft. Raise the lock detent carefully aspossible so that there is minimum damage to the threadson the pinion shaft when the special lock nut is removed.5. Use a piece of soft metal (copper or aluminum) toprevent the speed reducer gear from turning when thespecial lock nut is removed. Use the soft piece of metalbetween the speed reducer gears or between the speedreducer gear and the housing. Remove the special locknut. (This special lock nut is tightened to 340 N.m [250lbfft].) Discard the special lock nut.6. Remove the special washer with the key tab. Use abrass hammer to remove the pinion from thetransmission case. The speed reducer gear and spacerwill slide from the pinion shaft as it is removed from thetransmission case. Make a note of the shim arrangementbetween the bearing and the spacer.7. Remove the speed reducer gear and spacer from thetransmission case.8. Remove the spacer from the pinion shaft. Use a pressto remove the bearing cone from the pinion. Make a noteof the shim arrangement between the bearing cone andthe pinion.9. Use a press or a puller to remove the bearing conesfrom the differential case.10. Remove the ring gear. Remove the 127/16UNF x 1inch bolts and the special hardened washers. Do not usea press or a hammer to remove the ring gear. Heat thedifferential in hot oil or water [82 to 100°C (180 to212°F)] to loosen the ring gear.11. Disassemble the differential. Remove the eight3/8UNF x 3–1/2inch capscrews and washers and separatethe differential case. Remove the cross, spider gears,and axle gears.12. Remove the bearing retainer for the input gear to thespeed reducer. Remove the four M8 x 1.25 x 25capscrews and washers. Remove the bearing retainer,gear and bearings. Make a note of the shim arrangement.Use a puller to remove the inner bearing cup from thetransmission case.5
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