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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the drive axle, wheel bearings and the mounts for theaxle housings. The differential and ring and piniongears are described in the sections for thePOWER-SHIFT TRANSMISSION, DESCRIPTION, 1300SRM 75 or 1300 SRM 255.rotate in the mounts. The outer ends of the axle housingsare the spindles for the wheel bearings. The wheel bear-ings are tapered roller bearings with the cups pressedinto the brake drums. The nut on the end of the axlehousing holds and adjusts the wheel bearings. The axleshafts are fastened to the brake drums by capscrews (S–series) or the wheel studs (H–series). The back plate andbrake assembly are fastened to the axle mounts. Theaxle housings are also the mounts for the mast.The outer wheel bearing is lubricated by gear oil fromthe differential housing. The inner wheel bearing is lu-bricated by wheel bearing grease. MOUNTFRAMEAXLE HOUSINGAXLE SHAFT5.6.78BRAKE DRUMINNER BEARINGSEALOUTER BEARINGDESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)The drive axle assembly is fastened to the lift truckframe by separate mounts. The drive axle assembly can10637H–SERIESS–SERIESFIGURE 1. DRIVE AXLE1REPAIRSREMOVAL1. Remove the mast assembly as described in the sectionforMAST, REPAIR, 4000 SRM 223.2. Raise the front of the lift truck and put blocks underthe frame. Drain the oil from the differential housing.7. Put a block for support under the transmission. Re-move the bolts that hold the axle mounts to the frame.Remove the mounts from the axle housings.8. Remove the capscrews that hold the axle housings tothe differential housing. (See FIGURE 3.) If necessaryremove the capscrews that hold the differential housingto the transmission.WARNINGDeflate tires completely (H–Series) before removingthe wheels. Do not remove the nuts that hold thewheel halves together while the tire is inflated.3. Remove the drive wheels.4. Remove the capscrews (S–Series) or screws (H–Ser-ies) that hold the axle shafts to the brake drums. Thereare two holes with threads in the flange of the axle shaft.Put capscrews (M12x1.25) in these holes to push theaxle shaft from the brake drum. Or, hit the end of the axleshaft with a soft hammer. Remove the axle shaft.9589FIGURE 3. REMOVE THE AXLE HOUSINGCLEANINGClean all parts of the drive axle with solvent. Dry withcompressed air.INSPECTIONInspect the bearings and seals for defects. The axlehousings must rotate freely in the mounts. The splinesfor the axle shafts must not be damaged.10634ASSEMBLY (See FIGURE 1.)1. If removed, install the differential housing on thetransmission. Apply sealant Hyster Part No. 264159 onthe flange of the housing. Tighten the capscrews to 38N.m (28 lbf ft).2. Install a new O–ring on the axle housing. (SeeFIGURE 4.) Install the axle housing into the differentialhousing. Install the capscrews and lock washers. Tight-en the capscrews to 66 N.m (48 lbf ft).FIGURE 2. AXLE MOUNT5. Bend the lock washer, then remove the nut, lockwasher and flat washer. Remove the brake drum andbearings. If the brake drum cannot be easily removed,loosen the brake shoes by turning the adjuster wheel.6. Disconnect the brake lines at the wheel cylinders. Re-move the brake shoe assemblies from the back plates.Remove the back plates from the axle housings.2grease from outer surface at the bearing. Do not addgrease to the hub cavity. Install the washer (chamfer to-ward differential) and bearing on the axle housing. In-stall the brake drum. Use care not to damage the sealwhen installing the brake drum. Install the outer bearingcone.9688FIGURE 4. INSTALL THE O–RINGS3. Assemble the brake assembly to the mount for theaxle housing as described in the section forTHEBRAKE SYSTEM, 1800 SRM 221.(See FIGURE 5.)9590FIGURE 6. LUBRICATE THE AXLE HOUSINGS6. Install the washer, lock washer and nut. Tighten thenut to 205 N.m (150 lbf ft) while rotating the brakedrum. Loosen the nut until the brake drum rotates freely.The torque must be less than 27 N.m (20 lbf ft). Tightenthe nut to 34 N.m (25 lbf ft) or to the first alignment posi-tion after 34 N.m (25 lbf ft). Bend the lock washer tohold the nut.7. Apply sealant Hyster Part No. 264159 to the flange ofthe axle shaft. Install the axle shaft. Tighten the screwson the H–Series to 20 N.m (15 lbf ft). Tighten the cap-screws on the S–Series to 155 N.m (115 lbf ft).8. Install the wheels. Tighten the wheel nuts to 155 N.m(115 lbf ft).9. Install the mast as described in the section forMAST,REPAIR, 4000 SRM 223.Fill the differential housingwith 80W–90 or 85W–140 gear lubricant through thefill hole. Remove the air from the brake system as de-scribed in the sectionTHE BRAKE SYSTEM, 1800SRM 221.10635FIGURE 5. BRAKE ASSEMBLY4. Lubricate the axle housings with NEVER–SEEZERand slide the mounts with the brake assembly on the axlehousings. (See FIGURE 5.) Install the bolts, lock wash-ers and nuts as shown in Figure 1. Tighten the nuts to 325to 380 N.m (240 to 280 lbf ft). Connect the brake lines.(see FIGURE 6.)5. Install the seal in the center of the brake drum. Lubri-cate the inner bearing with grease. Remove excess3TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEMThe lift truck will not move.The drive axle assembly has leaks.An axle shaft is broken.The drain or fill plug is loose.The seals are damaged.The O–rings are damaged.Noise.The bearings are damaged.The brake assembly is installed wrong.The oil level is too low.The axle capscrews or nuts are loose.The nut for the brake drum is loose.CAUSE4
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