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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALDESCRIPTIONThis section has the description and the repair pro- The traction motor turns a speed reducer that is at-cedures for the drive axle, speed reducer and differ- tached to the pinion shaft of the differential. Theential for the following series of electric lift trucks: hypoid ring gear and pinion part of the differentialassembly is also a one-stage speed reducer. The ringgear transfers power through the differential assem-E20-30BSbly to the axles. The differential assembly permitsE20-30BH (Europe only)the axles to rotate at different speeds when the liftThe hubs are different between the “BS” series and truck is turned. The brake drums and drive wheelsthe “BH” series, but the repair procedures are simi- are connected to the hubs. Different tire clearancesare necessary for cushion tires (BS) and pneumaticlar.tires (BH). The outer axles and hubs are different forthe two series of lift trucks, but the operation is thesame. See Figures 1 and 2.REPAIRSD. To remove the outer bearing cone, push on oneside of the wheel and then on the other. Remove thebearing cone and protect it from dirt. Loosen the ad-A. Remove the nuts for the drive axle. Hit the axle justment of the brake shoes as necessary to removeflange with a large hammer to loosen the tapered dow- the brake drum and wheel.els. Remove the axle.E. Raise or lower the lift truck as needed to slide thewheel and brake drum assembly from the lift truck.CAUTIONDo not hit the studs with the hammer.F. If the bearing cups must be removed from the hub,use a puller or a brass driver. The inner bearing cupB. Tilt the uprights backward. Put blocks under the must be removed to replace the oil seal inside of theuprights. Tilt the uprights forward to raise the wheels hub.from the ground.REMOVAL OF THE DRIVE AXLE(E20-30BS) (See Figure 1)C. Loosen the lock plate and remove the bearing ad-justment nut and lock plate.G. If the brake drum must be removed from the wheelfor repairs, remove the wheel nuts, lock washers,and tapered dowels.1FIGURE 1. E20-30BS DRIVE WHEEL AND AXLE ARRANGEMENT2INSTALLATIONREMOVAL OF THE DRIVE AXLE(E20-30BH) (See Figure 2)A. Install a new oil seal (Item 7, Figure l) and lubri-A. Tilt the uprights backward. Put blocks under thecate the inner bearing with grease. Install seal withuprights. Tilt the uprights forward to raise the wheelsspring toward outside of truck.from the ground.B. Slide the brake drum and wheel assembly on theaxle housing.B. The wheel nuts hold the wheel assembly and theaxle to the hub. Remove the wheel nuts and removethe wheel assembly. Remove the four socket headCAUTIONDo not damage the seals when installingcapscrews that hold the axle flange to the hub. Hit theaxle flange with a large hammer to loosen the axle.the hub assembly.Remove the axle.CAUTIONDo not hit the studs with the hammer.C. Install the outer bearing, lock plate, and bearingadjustment nut.D. Tighten the bearing adjustment nut to 200 N.m (150lbf ft) while rotating the wheel. Loosen the bearing C. Loosen the lock plate and remove the bearing ad-adjustment nut. Tighten the bearing adjustment nut to justment nut and lock plate.34 N.m (25lbf ft). Bend the tabs of the lock plate tohold the bearing adjustment nut in position.D. To remove the bearing cone, push on one side ofthe brake drum and then on the other. Remove theE. Use grease to hold the O-ring in position on the bearing cone and protect it from dirt. Loosen the ad-hub. For models that do not use an O-ring, use a liq- justment of the brake shoes as necessary to removeuid sealant. Apply the sealant to the axle flange.the brake drum.F. Install the axle. Install the tapered dowels, lock E. If the bearing cups must be removed from the hub,washers, and nuts. Tighten the nuts to 80 N.m (60 lbf use a puller or a brass driver.ft).The inner bearing cup must be removed to replaceG. Fill the axle housing to the fill and check plug the oil seal inside of the hub.with gear oil. Wait five minutes for the oil to flow tothe hubs before checking the oil level again.3FIGURE 2. E20-30BH DRIVE WHEEL AND AXLE ARRANGEMENTINSTALLATIOND. Tighten the bearing adjustment nut to 200 N.m (150lbf ft) while rotating brake drum. Loosen the bearingA. Install a new oil seal and lubricate the inner bear- adjustment nut. Tighten the bearing adjustment nut toing with grease.34 N. m (25 lbf ft). Bend the tabs of the lock plate tohold the bearing adjustment in position.B. Install the brake drum and hub housing on the axle.E. Use grease to hold the O-ring in position on theCAUTIONhub. For models that do not use an O-ring, use a liq-Do not damage the seals when installinguid sealant. Apply the sealant to the axle flange.the hub assembly.C. Install the outer bearings, lock plate, and bearing F. Install the axle. Install the four 1/4 UNC x 1 inchadjustment nut.socket head capscrews that hold the axle to the hub.4G. Install the wheel. Tighten the wheel nuts to 200N.m(150 lbf ft).WHEELS AND TIRESE20-30BSH. Fill the axle housing to the fill and check plugwith gear oil. Wait five minutes for the oil to flow tothe hubs before checking the oil level again.The E20-30BS series of lift trucks use cushion tires.The tire tread can be either smooth or with lugs. Donot mix types of tread on the lift truck. See Figure 3for the tire sizes and part numbers.FIGURE 3. CUSHION TIRES SIZES (E20-30BS)5
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