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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and the instructions forthe disassembly and assembly of the speed reducer anddifferential.1DESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)The speed reducer is a one stage reducer with a smallerdrive gear and a larger driven gear. The speed reducertransfers power between the transmission and the differ-ential. It decreases the revolutions per minute betweenthe engine and the axle and increases the torque. Thespeed reducer housing holds the speed reducer gears andthe differential assembly.The hypoid ring and pinion set of gears is also a onestage speed reducer. The ring and pinion gears transferthe power to the drive axles and wheels.92351. OIL LEVEL FILLAND CHECK PLUGFIGURE 1. DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLYThe differential assembly is fastened to the ring gear.The ends of the axle shafts have splines that fit into thedifferential side gears.REPAIRSREMOVALThe speed reducer and differential are in the same hou-sing. The normal procedure is to remove the completedrive axle assembly from the lift truck when making re-pairs. The service brake system is also connected to thedrive axle housing.1. Remove the carriage and mast assembly as describedin the section onMASTS, 4000 SRM 115.If the unit hasa Vista mast, remove the mast assembly as described inVISTA MASTS, 4000 SRM 198.2. Disconnect the battery.3. Disconnect the return spring from the brake pedal.Disconnect the clevis on the pedal linkage. The pedalwill stay in a low position to give clearance when re-moving the drive axle assembly.4. Disconnect the flexible brake line at the transmission.Put caps on the open fittings.5. Disconnect the wires at the following places:Sparking brake switchSbrake pressure switch6. Disconnect the mount for the accelerator bracketfrom the speed reducer housing (two capscrews). Loos-en the clamp for the engine stop cable (diesel only).7. Disconnect the parking brake mechanism from theframe. Use two 5/16 inch UNC bolts to hold the parkingbrake mechanism together.8. Connect a lifting device to the frame. Put a floor jackunder the speed reducer to hold the drive axle assemblyin position. Remove the four large capscrews that holdthe drive axle assembly to the frame. These capscrewsare tightened to a torque of 1000 Nm (740 ft lbf).9. Raise the lift truck frame. Make sure the wires andcables still attached to the drive axle assembly movefreely. Make sure the splines of the yoke of the universaljoint slide out of the speed reducer. Remove the driveaxle assembly from under the lift truck.190961. RINGBEARING CUPBEARING CONEDIFFERENTIAL CASERING GEARTHRUST WASHERAXLE GEARSPIDERSPIDER GEARTHRUST WASHERBEARING CUPSPECIAL COTTER PINDIFFERENTIAL HOUSINGTHRUST SCREWBREATHERGASKETSPEED REDUCER COVEROIL SEAL19. RINGPILOT BEARINGPINIONBEARING CONEBEARING CUPSPACERSHIM26. CARRIERLARGE REDUCER GEARWASHERNUTPLATEBEARING CONEBEARING CUPSPACERBEARING CARRIERSMALL REDUCER GEARFIGURE 2. SPEED REDUCER AND DIFFERENTIAL2DISASSEMBLY11. Drain the oil from the drive axle assembly.2. Put the drive axle assembly on blocks. Remove theaxles. See the section onTHE DRIVE AXLE, 1400SRM 49.3. Disconnect the lines to the brake master cylinder. Re-move the brake pedal assembly from the speed reducerhousing.4. Use bolts to connect a lifting chain or a sling to thespeed reducer housing. Connect a crane to the liftingchain or sling. Remove the 12 capscrews that hold thedifferential to the drive axle housing. Separate the speedreducer housing from the drive axle housing. DO NOTdamage the surfaces where the housings join. Lift thespeed reducer and differential assembly away from thedrive axle housing.5. Make identification marks with a punch on the bear-ing caps, adjustment rings and housing. The bearingcaps and adjustment rings must be assembled again inthe housing in the same position. See FIGURE 3.6. Remove the two special cotter pins that lock the ad-justment rings in position.2368721. SMALL REDUCER GEAR2. LARGE REDUCER GEAR3. PINION NUTFIGURE 4. THE SPEED REDUCER7. Remove the four bolts and remove the bearing capsand adjustment rings.8. Remove the ring gear and differential assembly fromthe housing.9. Disassemble the ring gear and the differential assem-bly as needed for repairs. Use a punch to mark the differ-ential case so that it will be assembled again in the sameposition. If necessary, remove the bearings from the dif-ferential case with a puller or a press.10. Remove the cover from the speed reducer.11. Remove the eight place bolts and remove the pinion,bearing carrier and bearings.12. Put the pinion assembly in a vise with brass or softjaws. The large reducer gear goes between the jaws. Re-move the nut, washer and the large speed reducer gearfrom the pinion shaft. This nut was tightened to a torqueof 950 to 1220 Nm (700 to 900 ft lbf).13. If necessary, remove the small gear reducer assem-bly from the housing. Remove the six capscrews to re-move the gear and bearing carrier. Remove the fourplace bolts to disassemble the gear from the bearings.Make a note of the shim arrangement.E02611. IDENTIFICATION MARKSCLEANINGClean the parts in a solvent. Do not use steam or gasolineto clean the parts.3FIGURE 3. DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLYINSPECTION1. Careful inspection of the parts before assembly isvery important. Inspect all bearing surfaces. Replace allbearings that are worn or damaged. Remove all bearingsneeding replacement with a correct puller or press. Theparts will become damaged if a drift and hammer isused.2. Inspect the ring gear and pinion for wear and damage.When necessary to replace either the pinion or ring gear,the gears must be replaced as a set.3. Inspect the differential assembly for wear and da-mage. The thrust washers must be replaced in sets. Dif-ferential gears and axle gears must be replaced in com-plete sets. Check the holes in each differential halfwhere the spider assembly is connected. Check that thespider and the holes for the spider in the differential caseare round.4. Inspect the axle shafts for cracks, damage or wear.Axle shafts must be straight.5. Inspect the housing for cracks and damaged surfaces.Make necessary repairs before assembly. The threadsmust be clean to make correct adjustments.following sizes:0.51 mm (0.020 inch)0.18 mm (0.007 inch)0.13 mm (0.005 inch)123736910851. CONEBEARING CUPSHIMBEARING CARRIERSMALL REDUCER GEARSPACERFIGURE 5. ASSEMBLY OF THE SMALLREDUCER GEAR2. Tighten the four bolts that hold the plate to the smallreducer gear to a torque of 24 Nm (18 ft lbf). Check thepreload on the bearings. Adjust the shims to give a rotat-ing torque of 0.6 to 2.3 Nm (5 to 20 inch lbf). Install theassembly for the small reducer gear in the housing.Tighten the six capscrews to a torque of 75 Nm (55 footlbf).ASSEMBLYLoctiteR liquid adhesive is applied to all nuts and boltsused on the differential assembly. Loctite does notchange the torque values.Torque values are for fasteners with a very thin layer ofoil to prevent rust. Increase torque values 10% for fas-teners that have all lubricant removed.1. Assemble the parts of the small reducer gear. The pre-load on the bearings is controlled by shims between thespacer and the bearing. The shims are available in theThe Pinion Assembly1. Assemble the pinion assembly. Install the pilot bear-ing and one of the bearing cones on the pinion. Alwayspress on the inner race when installing the bearings. Thebearings must be seated against the shoulders of the pi-nion. Install the snap ring to hold the pilot bearing on thepinion.491061. RINGPILOT BEARINGPINIONBEARING CONEBEARING CUP6. CARRIERREDUCER GEARWASHERNUTFIGURE 6. THE PINION ASSEMBLY2. Install the bearing cups in the bearing carrier. Installthe bearing carrier on the pinion. Install the two spacersremoved during disassembly. The spacers are availablein the following widths:Inch(mm)Inch(mm)0.238 (6.05)0.267 (6.78)0.239 (6.07)0.273 (6.93)0.240 (6.10)0.279 (7.09)0.24l (6.12)0.285 (7.23)0.242 (6.15)0.291 (7.39)0.243 (6.17)0.297 (7.54)0.255 (6.48)0.303 (7.70)0.26l (6.63)Use two spacers in any sequence to give the correct pre-load to the pinion bearings. Install the second bearingcone on the pinion.3. Install the reducer gear, washer and nut on the pinion.Put the large reducer gear in a vise with soft jaws. Makesure you do not damage the gear. Make sure the pinionassembly is held tightly in the vise. Tighten the nut to atorque of 950 to 1120 Nm (700 to 900 ft lbf). Check therotating torque of the pinion caused by the preload onthe bearings. The limits are 0.6 to 4.0 Nm (5 to 35 inchlbf). (Small adjustments to the preload can be made bychanging the torque on the nut within the limits.)EXAMPLESNumber on OLD GEARNumber on (NEW GEAR)SHIMS TO BE REMOVEDFROM OLD SET1+0.012–(+0.010)+0.002 inch2+0.012–(0.010)+0.022 inch3+0.010–(0.012)–0.002 inch(ADD SHIMS)4–0.012–(–0.012)+0.002 inchLook at the number on the old pinion gear.Subtract the number that is on the new gearfrom the number on the old gear. The remain-der is the amount of shims measured in inchesthatth t must b removed ft bed from th shim set onthe hitthe old gear. (In example 3 you can see that anegative number shows that shims must beadded.In examples 1, 2 and 4, subtract the shims fromthe shim set In example 3, add shims to the oldset.3shim set. Use this shim set as a reference forthe ppinion depth. The final pppinion depth is foundpby dj ti the hib adjusting th shim sets according t th pat-tdi to the ttern on the ring gear teeth.FIGURE 7. ADJUSTING THE SHIMS FOR NEW HYPOID GEARS5
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