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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and repair proceduresfor the oil clutch assembly and the manual transmission.The function of the clutch is to connect and disconnectthe power from the engine to the transmission. Theclutch disc has splines and slides on the splines of thetransmission input shaft. The pressure plate cover is fas-tened to the engine flywheel by capscrews. There arecoil springs between the cover and the pressure plate.When the pressure plate pushes the clutch disc againstthe flywheel, the clutch disc must turn with the fly-wheel.DESCRIPTIONOil Clutch Assembly, H6.00–7.00XL(H135–155XL) (See FIGURE 1.) HOUSINGRELEASE SHAFTOIL SUPPLY TUBEJET PUMPO–RINGSPRINGJET PUMP NOZZLERETURN LINEBREATHER LINENOZZLE FOR COOLING OIL1. CLUTCH HOUSING2. TRANSMISSIONHOUSING3. ENGINE ADAPTER4. FLYWHEEL5. PILOT BEARING6. CLUTCH DISC7. PRESSURE PLATE8. RELEASE BEARING9. INPUT SHAFT FORTRANSMISSION10. SCREWLOCKWIRESPRINGRELEASE SHAFTFIGURE 1. OIL CLUTCH ASSEMBLYFIGURE 2. OIL CLUTCH1When the clutch pedal is depressed, the release bearingpushes against the four levers in the pressure plate.These levers pull the pressure plate toward the cover, re-leasing the tension of the pressure plate on the frictiondisc.The clutch is also used for inching. When inching, therelease mechanism does not fully release the force of thepressure plate on the clutch disc. The disc turns at a dif-ferent speed than the flywheel. Because the pressureplate and flywheel are touching the disc, the parts gethot. The oil supply tube sends hydraulic oil to the clutchparts for cooling. SHAFTBEARING RETAINERTAPERED ROLLER BEARINGROLLER BEARINGTHRUST BEARINGSYNCHRONIZER ASSEMBLYTOP COVERRAIL9. BALL AND SPRINGSHIMTHIRD GEARSPECIAL SNAP RINGSECOND GEARSPRINGSYNCHRONIZER RINGFIRST GEAR17. GEARNEEDLE BEARINGTHRUST BEARING AND RACEBEARING RETAINERTHRUST WASHERNEEDLE BEARINGFIGURE 3. MANUAL TRANSMISSION2The oil supply for the clutch assembly comes from thereturn circuit of the steering system. From the steeringcontrol unit, the oil flows to the brake valve and then theclutch housing. At the clutch housing the oil goes to twofittings. One fitting supplies oil for cooling the clutchdisc. The other fitting supplies the oil to operate the jetpump at the bottom of the clutch housing. The jet pumpremoves the cooling oil from the clutch housing andsends it back to the hydraulic tank. A hose fitting nearthe center of the housing is used as a breather for theclutch housing.Manual Transmission (See FIGURE 3.)The manual transmission has four speeds. The For-ward–Reverse arrangement is in the speed reducer. Aspacer in the reverse lug and a setscrew in the rail pre-vents the use of the reverse gear that is in the transmis-sion.The manual transmission has an input shaft, a mainshaftand a cluster gear. The second, third and fourth speedgears have synchronizers and are always engaged withthe cluster gear. The first speed gear slides on the main-shaft and engages the cluster gear only when first gear isselected.The input shaft has a tapered roller bearing as a support.The mainshaft has a ball bearing. The end of the main-shaft rotates inside a bore in the input shaft gear. A rollerbearing and thrust bearing separate the two shafts. Thecluster gear has a needle bearing on each end of the gear.A thrust bearing in the cluster retainer and a thrust wash-er on the case keep the cluster gear in position.The synchronizer assemblies make the gears turn thesame speed as the main shaft during a gear change.When the clutch pedal is pushed, the input shaft and thegears turn freely. During a gear change the selector forkmoves the sliding sleeve toward the gear. The gear andthe mainshaft are not turning at the same speed. Whenthe sliding sleeve moves toward the gear, it pushes onthe shoulders of the pins of the synchronizer ring. Thesynchronizer ring causes friction on the stop ring that isfastened to the gear. The friction causes the gear to turnthe same speed as the sliding sleeve. The sliding sleevecan rotate the synchronizer ring a small amount whenthe mainshaft and the gear are turning the same speed.The sliding sleeve can now slide past the shoulder of thepins. The splines of the sliding sleeve engage both thesplines of the gear and the splines of the mainshaft. Thegear must now turn with the mainshaft. The synchroniz-ers prevent wear on the splines by making sure the partsare turning the same speed when the splines are beingengaged.A gear selector lever on the transmission cover movesthe two rails. One of the rails moves the first and secondspeed fork. The other rail moves the third and fourthspeed fork. An interlock plunger prevents both railsfrom moving at the same time. Detent balls and springskeep the rails and forks in the correct position. The thirdrail is not used and is prevented from moving by a plugin the transmission cover.REPAIRSOIL CLUTCH ASSEMBLYRemoval and Disassembly (See FIGURE 1.and FIGURE 2.)1. Remove the transmission and clutch housing as de-scribed in the procedures for the transmission.2. Remove the pressure plate assembly and clutch discfrom the flywheel.3. Remove the clutch linkage parts from the clutch hous-ing as necessary.CleaningClean all parts of the clutch with solvent. The two clutchshaft bearings must be free of oil when inspected forwear. Do not try to clean the clutch release bearing.Inspection1. Inspect the clutch disc for holes in the lining. Checkfor burnt lining that is black or hard. Check for loose riv-ets or a bent plate. Check the splines on the disc for wearor damage.2. Inspect the pressure plate for grooves or burned areas.Look for cracks on the surface of the pressure plate.Check for broken springs. Inspect the pressure plate3cover for cracks near the fulcrums for the levers. Checkthe levers for wear or damage.3. Inspect the splines of the input shaft for wear or dam-age. Inspect the bearings for wear on the races and balls.The cam bearings must turn freely.4. Inspect the shaft for the clutch release bearing. In-spect the needle bearings for wear.5. The release bearing must turn freely. Check the sur-face for grooves or wear.6. Inspect the flywheel for grooves and cracks that arelonger than 6.25 mm (0.25 in). Look for areas that havebeen too hot and have turned blue.Assembly and Installation (See FIGURE 1.and FIGURE 2.)1. Install the pilot bearing in the flywheel.2. Hold the correct side of the clutch disc (rivet heads to-ward the transmission) against the flywheel. Put thepressure plate against the flywheel and disc. Start sever-al capscrews through the holes in the pressure plate cov-er. Do not tighten the capscrews.3. Slide the input shaft through the splines of the clutchdisc into the pilot bearing. Tighten the capscrews for thepressure plate cover to 20 N.m(15lbf ft). Remove theinput shaft.4. If removed, install the flywheel housing to the trans-mission housing. Use a gasket between the housings.Tighten the capscrews at the transmission housing to110 N.m (80 lbf ft).5. If worn, replace the needle bearings in the clutchhousing. Replace the oil seal for the release shaft. Installthe release shaft in the clutch housing. Install the yoke,lock screw and lock wire. Install the release bearing andspring on the yoke.6. Install the jet pump with O–ring and spring in theclutch housing. Install the jet pump nozzle in the clutchhousing. Tighten the fitting for the nozzle, making surethe nozzle holds the jet pump in position.7. Install the tube and nozzle for the cooling oil. Makesure the nozzle for the cooling oil is toward the holes inthe pressure plate.48. Install the clutch housing on the engine adapter. Use asealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) on the flange of theclutch housing. Tighten the capscrews to 31 N.m (23 lbfft).9. Install the drive shaft. Use a thread locking compoundand tighten the capscrews for the universal joints to 28N.m (20 lbf ft).10. Adjust the clutch pedal linkage as described inChecks and Adjustments.TRANSMISSIONRemoval, H6.00–7.00XL (H135–155XL)1. Remove the floorplates. Remove the rubber coverfrom the transmission cover. Push on the cap for the se-lector lever and rotate the cap until the spring pushes thecap from the tower. See FIGURE 4. Remove the leverassembly. Put a clean cloth in the socket for the lever.1. SELECTOR LEVER2. RUBBER COVER3. CAP4. SPRINGFIGURE 4. LEVER ASSEMBLY2. Remove any clamps that are fastened to the transmis-sion. Disconnect the oil lines at the clutch housing. Putcaps on the open lines.3. Loosen the eyebolts for the clutch pedal springs. Re-move the springs. Disconnect the clutch linkage at theclutch housing.WARNINGAlways loosen the eyebolts for the clutch pedalsprings when working on the clutch.4. Remove the four capscrews from the yoke at the uni-versal joint. Separate the universal joint from the yoke.Remove the drive shaft from the speed reducer. Put thetransmission in gear and loosen the mainshaft nut.5. Put straps around the transmission and connect a lift-ing device to the straps. Make sure the lifting device isholding the weight of the transmission. Remove thecapscrews that hold the engine mounts to the frame. Re-move the capscrews that hold the engine mounts to theclutch housing. Remove the mounts.6. Lower the transmission and engine a small amountusing the lifting device. Make sure no parts of the enginetouch the firewall. Put blocks under the engine adapterto keep it in position.7. Remove the capscrews that hold the clutch housing tothe engine adapter. Move the transmission from the en-gine and lift the transmission from the lift truck.8. Remove the four capscrews that hold the transmissionto the clutch housing. Separate the housings.Disassembly1. Remove the drain plug and drain the oil from thetransmission case.2. Put the selector lever in the Neutral position. Removethe capscrews from the transmission cover. Remove thecover. Move the sliding sleeve into the Fourth Gearposition. Move the first speed gear into the Second Gearposition to prevent the mainshaft from turning. Removethe nut for the output yoke. Remove the output yoke.3. Remove the capscrews for the mainshaft bearing re-tainer. Remove the mainshaft bearing retainer and main-shaft spacer.4. Remove the capscrews for the retainer for the clustergear bearing. See FIGURE 5. Remove the bearing re-tainer, thrust race and thrust bearing.5. Remove the capscrews from the bearing retainer forthe input shaft. Slide the bearing retainer from the inputshaft. Rotate the input shaft so that the notch in thesplines of the input shaft aligns with the teeth of the clus-ter gear. Pull the input shaft from the transmission.10086FIGURE 5. REMOVING THEBEARING RETAINER6. Push the mainshaft toward the output end of the trans-mission case until the bearing is out of the case. Use apuller to remove the bearing from the mainshaft.7. Remove the thrust bearing from the front of the main-shaft. Slide the third and fourth speed synchronizer fromthe mainshaft and remove it from the case.8. Lift the mainshaft assembly from the transmissioncase. Prevent the first speed gear from sliding on themainshaft.9. Remove the capscrew and retainer from the reverseidler shaft. Pull the idler shaft from the transmissioncase. Remove the reverse idler gear from the transmis-sion case.10. Remove the capscrews from the bearing retainer forthe cluster gear. Lightly hit the bearing retainer with aplastic hammer to loosen it from the case. Remove thebearing retainer, thrust race and thrust bearing.11. Remove the cluster gear from the case. Remove thethrust washer. Remove the bearing for the cluster gearby pushing it into the case.12. If the tapered roller bearings needs to be replaced,use a puller to remove the bearing cup from the bearingretainer. See FIGURE 6.5
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