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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONThis section describes disassembly and assembly proce-dures for the repair of transaxle assemblies used inJ30XMT, J35XMT and J40XMT or J1.60XMT,J1.80XMT and J2.00 XMT lift trucks. This series of lifttrucks can be equipped with either solid tires, pneumaticshaped solid tires or pneumatic tires. A description ofthe wheels and tires is included in the sectionPERIOD-IC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 528or8000 SRM584.The transmission/drive axle assembly is called a trans-axle. There are two different transaxle assemblies usedS1 Series TransaxleBrake rotor retained with nut.No grease fittings.Pinion gear is mounted on traction motor armature shaft.Traction motor has upper and lower bearings.on the J30XMT, J35XMT and J40XMT or J1.60XMT,J1.80XMT and J2.00 XMT lift trucks. The S1 series wasused from product introduction until mid 1996. Trucksmanufactured after mid 1996 are equipped with the S2series transaxle.When servicing the transaxle it is important to deter-mine if it is a S1 series or S2 series assembly. Compo-nents and assemblies are not interchangeable. Differenttraction motors are used for the different transaxle as-semblies. Left and right transaxles must always be of thesame series.S2 Series TransaxleBrake rotor retained with bolt.Grease fitting at top of case for pinion bearing lubrication.Pinion gear is part of the transaxle assembly (integral).Traction motor has upper (brush end) bearing only.TABLE 1 – TRANSAXLE IDENTIFICATIONGENERALThe J30XMT, J35XMT and J40XMT or J1.60XMT,J1.80XMT and J2.00 XMT lift truck has a left and aright drive unit. Each of the two drive units consists of atransaxle and a traction motor. Each transaxle assemblyis attached to the truck frame. The traction motor ismounted directly on the transaxle. The torque of thetraction motor is transmitted independently to eachdrive wheel by dual reduction gearing in each transaxleassembly. The pinion gear engages the matched ringgear in the transaxle assembly. The traction motors nor-mally turn in opposite directions to enable the drivewheels to turn in the same direction. When the steeringangle of the steer tire reaches 60 degrees, power to theinside traction motor is removed. When the angle of thesteer tire reaches 85 degrees, the inside traction motor isreversed. This arrangement permits this series of lifttrucks to turn in a smaller than normal space.The transaxle features a dual reduction design utilizingboth spiral bevel and helical gears. Left and right trans-axle assemblies of each series are the same except forthe housing, housing cover, service brake bracket andpark brake bracket. There are left and right assembliesfor these components.WeightGear RatioGear OilCapacityS1 SeriesTransaxle80 kg (177 lb)15.87:11.3 litres (0.34 gal)S2 SeriesTransaxle80 kg (177 lb)15.61:11.18 litres (0.313 gal)TABLE 2 – TRANSAXLE SPECIFICATIONSDisc brakes are connected to the intermediate shafts ofthe gear reduction system. Both the park and servicebrake use the same brake rotor.LUBRICATIONBoth transaxles are lubricated using standard gear oil.See the section,PERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000SRM 528or8000 SRM 584for additional information.There are three plugs and a breather on each transaxleassembly. The breather and the fill plug are located inthe top of the housing. The drain plug and an oil levelplug, to check the oil level, are located in each housingcover. The gear oil should be changed every 2000 hours.On S2 series transaxles, grease is used to lubricate theouter pinion bearing. A grease fitting is located at the topof each transaxle assembly to allow lubrication at the1required intervals. The grease fittings are accessed byremoving the drive tires. Multi-purpose grease (HysterP/N 3020399 or equivalent) must be used. See the sec-tion,PERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 528or8000 SRM 584for lubrication instructions, lubrica-tion intervals and grease specifications.WARNINGCare must be taken during greasing of the outer pin-ion bearing. If grease is allowed to remain on the ex-terior of the transaxle assembly or traction motor,the grease may contaminate the disc brake systemand cause brake system malfunction. Personal inju-ry or property damage can result if the brake systemfails.REPAIRSREMOVALEach transaxle assembly is fastened to the frame withfive capscrews and lockwashers. The transaxle and trac-tion motor may be removed from the lift truck as a unitor the traction motor may be removed separately. Theinstructions that follow are for removing one transaxleassembly (including the traction motor).4. If pneumatic tires are on the lift truck, deflate thetires. Remove the drive wheel lug nuts. Remove thedrive wheels from the axles. See the section,PERIOD-IC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 528or8000 SRM584.Refer to WHEELS AND TIRES.5. Remove the drain plug and drain the oil from thetransaxle housing into a suitable container (minimum0.5 gallon capacity).6. Remove the capscrews retaining the disc brakeshield and remove the shield.7. Remove the cotter pin and clevis pin to disconnectthe park brake linkage.8. Disconnect the hydraulic brake lines from the ser-vice brake calipers. Plug both the brake lines and the cal-iper ports to keep dirt from entering the system and thebrake fluid from leaking out.9. Remove the floor plates. Mark and disconnect thepower cables from the traction motor.WARNINGThe lift truck must be put on blocks for some types ofmaintenance and repair. The removal of the battery,mast, transaxle, or the counterweight, will causelarge changes in the center of gravity. When the lifttruck is put on blocks, put additional blocks in thefollowing positions:a. If the battery and transaxle are to be re-moved. Put blocks under the counterweight sothat the lift truck cannot fall backward.b. If the battery and counterweight are to be re-moved. Put blocks under the mast assembly sothat the lift truck cannot fall forward.1. Remove the mast assembly. See the section,MASTS, 4000 SRM 522for removal information. Re-fer to REPAIRS.2.. Loosen, but do not remove, the drive wheel lug nuts.3. Do not remove the battery. Disconnect the batteryand separate the connector. Put the lift truck on blocks.Make certain the blocks are behind the wheel. See thesectionPERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM528or8000 SRM 584.Refer to HOW TO PUT THELIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS.2WARNINGThe transaxle and traction motor assembly is heavy.Be sure that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,slings etc.) are suitable and of adequate capacity tolift the transaxle and traction motor. The transaxleand traction motor can weigh approximately 111 kg(245 lbs).10. The traction motor has a M10 1.5 threaded holefor attaching a lifting eye. Either use a lifting eye and ahoist, or position a floor jack under the transaxle assem-bly. If a floor jack is used make certain that the transaxlerests firmly on the jack so that it will not fall.11. Remove the five capscrews and washers retainingthe transaxle to the frame. Use the floor jack or liftingdevice to lower the transaxle assembly from the frame.Make sure the cables and hoses do not cause interfer-ence when the transaxle assembly is removed from thelift truck.INSTALLATIONWARNINGThe transaxle and traction motor assembly is heavy.Be sure that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,slings etc.) are suitable and of adequate capacity tolift the transaxle and traction motor. The transaxleand traction motor can weigh approximately 111 kg(245 lbs).1. Position the transaxle assembly under the lift truck.Using a floor jack or hoist, raise the transaxle assemblyhigh enough to install the capscrews and washers. ApplyLoctite 271 (Hyster P/N 226414) or equivalent to thethreads of the capscrews before installation. Tighten thecapscrews to 256 NSm (189 lbf ft).2. Connect the power cables to the traction motor.3. Remove the plugs from the hydraulic brake linesand the service brake caliper. Attach the brake lines tothe calipers.4. Install the clevis pin and attach the park brake link-age. Install a new cotter pin.5. Install the disc brake shield between the transaxle.Install the drive wheels. Tighten the wheel nuts to 170NSm (125 lbf ft).6. Remove the lift truck from the blocks.7. Remove the fill and level plugs from the transaxleand fill the transaxle with the recommended gear oil. Filluntil oil starts to come out of the level plug opening.Install the plugs.8. Install the floor plates.9. Check, adjust and bleed the brakes if necessary. Seethe section,BRAKES, 1800 SRM 570.10. Install the mast assembly and connect the battery.See the section,MASTS, 4000 SRM 522for installa-tion information.INSPECTIONWARNINGCleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic, andcan cause skin irritation. Wear protection when han-dling solvents and always follow the recommenda-tions of the manufacturer.1. Before assembling the transaxle, wash and thor-oughly clean all parts in a suitable solvent and dry. Makecertain that all gasket material or sealing compound hasbeen removed from the housing and covers, and that allmating surfaces are smooth.2. Check housing for cracks. Check all threaded holesand wheel studs for damage. Check to see that the trans-axle breather is not plugged.3. Check all bearings for excessive wear or flat spots.Dip clean bearings in new, clean gear oil and wrap in aclean, lint free cloth until ready for assembly.4. Check all gears and shafts for excessive wear ordamaged teeth.On the S1 series transaxle only, check for damagedkeyways. Check keys for rounded edges or cracks.Check the keys for proper fit in the keyways of the shaftswhere they belong. If the keys do not fit properly, re-place the key and/or shaft.5. Replace all worn or damaged parts. When assem-bling the transaxle use all new stake nuts, O-rings andseals. The pinion gear and ring gear must be replaced asa matched set.3S2 SERIES TRANSAXLEDISASSEMBLY9. Remove the bolts retaining the inner bearing cap tothe transaxle cover. Remove the cap and O-ring.10. Remove the seal from the inner bearing cap.11. Remove the inner shims. Use a piece of mechanicswire and a tag to group and identify the shims for use inassembly.12. Remove the transaxle cover.13. Remove the inner bearing race from the transaxlecover.14. Remove the intermediate shaft assembly.15. If necessary, press the inner bearing and outer bear-ing from the intermediate shaft.16. Remove the outer bearing race from the transmis-sion housing.WARNINGThe transaxle and traction motor assembly is heavy.Be sure that all lifting devices (hoists, cables, chains,slings etc.) are suitable and of adequate capacity tolift the transaxle and traction motor. The transaxleand traction motor can weigh approximately 111 kg(245 lbs). The traction motor alone weighs approxi-mately 34.5kg (76 lb).NOTE:There are several groups of shims used to setclearances in the transaxle assembly. During disassem-bly, use a piece of mechanics wire and a tag to separateand identify each shim group for use in assembly.1. Remove the four capscrews and washers retainingthe traction motor to the transaxle. Remove the tractionmotor. The traction motor has a M10 1.5 threaded holein the top of the motor to enable a lifting eye to beinstalled.CAUTIONFailure to completely straighten the staked portionof the nut prior to removal can cause damage to theshaft threads.17. Straighten the staked portion of the axle shaft nut.18. Remove the nut and washer from the axle shaft. Dis-card the stake nut.19. Remove the helical gear from the axle shaft.20. Remove the axle shaft from the housing.21. Remove the outer oil seal from the housing.22. Remove the inner and outer bearings and races.23. Remove the pinion shaft stake nut, washer, upperspacer, grease seal and upper bearing. Discard the stakenut.24. Remove the pinion shaft.25. Remove the outer shims. Use a piece of mechanicswire and a tag to group and identify the shims for use inassembly.26. Remove the oil seal and intermediate spacer.27. Remove the inner bearing from the pinion shaft.28. Remove the inner shims. Use a piece of mechanicswire and a tag to group and identify the shims for use inassembly.CAUTIONFailure to completely straighten the staked portionof the nut prior to removal can cause damage to theshaft threads.2. Straighten the staked portion of the pinion shaft nut.3. Manually apply the park brake. Loosen, but do notremove, the pinion shaft stake nut and the bolt retainingthe brake rotor.4. Remove the service brake and the mounting bracketfrom the transaxle housing. See the section,BRAKES,1800 SRM 570.5. Remove the park brake and park brake bracket fromthe transaxle housing. See the section,BRAKES, 1800SRM 570.6. Remove the bolt and plain washer from the brakerotor side of the shaft. Remove the brake rotor.7. Remove the bolts retaining the outer bearing cap tothe transaxle housing. Remove the cap and O-ring.8. Remove the outer shims. Use a piece of mechanicswire and a tag to group and identify the shims for use inassembly.429. Remove the inner and outer bearing races from thehousing.2. Install the outer bearing race (28) into the housing(1). Install the inner bearing (34) race into the housingcover (65).3. Install the ring gear and intermediate shaft assemblyinto the housing. Lubricate the bearings with gear oilprior to installation.NOTE:Do not install sealant on the transaxle ortransaxle housing at this time.4. Install the housing cover (65) on the housing usingbolts (5) and lockwashers (69). Tighten the bolts to 52NSm (38 lbf ft).NOTE:Do not install the inner oil seal (40) in thebearing cap at this time. Do not install outer O-ring (22)or inner O-ring (39) at this time.5. Install the the outer shims.a. If using the ring and pinion gears removed atdisassembly reuse the original shims in the originallocations.b. If the ring and pinion gears are replaced or if thetooth contact pattern is not correct, install shims(35, 36, 37, 38) as required to obtain a total shimthickness of 1.6 mm (0.063 in). Refer to the ap-propriate Parts Manual for a listing of availableshims and shim thickness.6. Install the outer bearing cap (20) using bolts (21).Tighten the bolts to 26.1 NSm (232 lbf in).7. Install the inner shims.a. If using the ring and pinion gears removed atdisassembly reuse the original shims in the originallocations.b. If the ring and pinion gears are replaced or if thetooth contact pattern is not correct, install shims(23, 24, 25, 26) as required to obtain a total shimthickness of 1.6 mm (0.063 in). Refer to the ap-propriate Parts Manual for a listing of availableshims and shim thickness.8. Install the inner bearing cap (41).9. Temporarily install the brake rotor (43). Use washer(44) and bolt (45) to retain the brake rotor to the inter-mediate shaft assembly.10. Check the rotating torque of the assembly at bolt(45).5ASSEMBLYGeneralNOTE:The ring and pinion gears must be replaced asa matched set.The numbers in the ( ), in the following procedures re-fer to item numbers in FIGURE 1.Ring Gear Installation1. Inspect the housing, cover and internal componentsfor wear or damage. Refer to TRANSAXLE, INSPEC-TION.2. Mount the ring gear (30) to the intermediate shaft(29) by uniformly heating the ring gear to 82-105°C(180-221°F). This will allow the ring gear to slip overthe shaft without interference.CAUTIONDo not use a press or hammer to install the ring gear.Damage to the ring gear and/or intermediate shaftcould result.a. Immerse the ring gear in a non-flammable solu-tion such as water and heat the solution to the propertemperature. If the immersion method is not practi-cal, the ring gear may be dry heated to the propertemperature in an oven.b. While the ring gear is hot, bolt the ring gear tothe intermediate shaft using bolts (32) and washers(31). Lubricate the bolt threads and tighten it to 50NSm (37 lbf ft).NOTE:The ring gear must be bolted to the intermedi-ate shaft while the ring gear is hot. The bolts must betorqued while the ring gear is hot.c. Allow the assembly to cool and torque the ringgear retaining bolts again. Torque the bolts to 50NSm (37 lbf ft).Intermediate Shaft Installation1. Press the inner bearing (33), and outer bearing (27)on the intermediate shaft.
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