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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has two parts. The first part describes themechanical components of the transmission. The sec-ond part describes the hydraulic operation of the trans-mission.12346591281113710141. CONVERTERPUMP DRIVE GEARTRANSMISSION OIL PUMPOIL FILTERINPUT SHAFTFORWARD CLUTCH7. CLUTCHSECOND SPEED CLUTCHFIRST SPEED CLUTCHTHIRD SPEED CLUTCHREVERSE/SECOND SPEEDSHAFTFIRST SPEED SHAFTTHIRD SPEED SHAFTOUTPUT SHAFTOUTPUT GEAROUTPUT YOKE12547FIGURE 1. TRANSMISSION11231. TURBINE2. STATOR3. IMPELLER9418FIGURE 2. TORQUE CONVERTER OPERATIONMECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONGENERAL (See FIGURE 1.)The parts of the transmission are installed in the torqueconverter housing and the transmission housing. Thetorque converter and the drive gears for the hydraulicpumps are inside of the torque converter housing. Themodulator valve, manifold block and the hydraulicpumps are installed on the outside of the torque con-verter housing. The clutch and shaft assemblies are in-stalled in the transmission housing.The stator is installed in the torque converter betweenthe turbine and the impeller. The stator fits on the splinesof the stator tube and does not move. The stator tube isfastened to the torque converter housing.Operation (See FIGURE 2.)The oil pump for the transmission sends oil to the oil fil-ter, control valve, modulator valve, the torque converterand the lubrication circuit. Oil for the torque converterflows between the stator tube and the input shaft. Thecentrifugal force of the moving impeller causes the oil toflow from the inner edge to the outer edge of the impel-ler. This oil then flows toward the outer blades of the tur-bine and returns to the inner blades of the turbine. Theoil then leaves the turbine and enters the stator going inthe opposite direction of engine rotation. The blades ofthe stator change the direction of the oil so that oil leavesthe stator going in the direction of engine rotation. Thisoil enters the impeller and helps the impeller increasethe output torque from the torque converter.TORQUE CONVERTERDescription (See FIGURE 1.)The torque converter is installed between the engine andthe transmission and has two functions. The torque con-verter works as a fluid clutch and multiplies the torquefrom the engine as needed. The torque converter hasthree main parts: an impeller, a turbine and a stator.The impeller cover is connected to the engine flywheelby drive plates. The impeller is connected to the impel-ler cover. When the engine and impeller rotate, a gear onthe hub of the impeller turns the drive gears for the hy-draulic pumps through an idler gear. There is one pumpfor the transmission and one pump for the hydraulic sys-tem of the lift truck.The turbine is installed in the torque converter betweenthe cover and the impeller. The input shaft for the trans-mission fits in the splines of the turbine. The turbine ro-tates transmission input shaft.2CLUTCH ASSEMBLIESDescription (See FIGURE 3.)Each of the five clutch assemblies in the transmissionhave a housing, a piston, and friction discs and separatorplates. The friction discs and separator plates are in-stalled in the housing in a sequence. Each friction disc isnext to a separator plate. The steel separator plates havea smooth surface while the friction discs have a frictionmaterial on the surface. The hub in each clutch assemblyengages with the inner teeth of the friction discs. Theouter teeth of the separator plates engage with thegrooves in the housing. A pressure plate holds the fric-tion discs and separator plates in the housing. Two typesof spring assemblies are used to keep the piston retractedagainst the housing. A coil spring is used as the returnspring in the second and third speed clutches. Bellevillewashers are used in the spring assemblies for the for-ward, reverse and first speed clutches. The Bellevillewashers have a stronger force than the coil springs thathelps during the inching operation. There is enoughclearance in the clutch assemblies to let the friction discsrotate when a clutch is not engaged.4328167OUTPUTINPUT5119101.2.3.4.INPUT SHAFTFORWARD CLUTCH HUBFORWARD CLUTCH HOUSINGFORWARD CLUTCH GEAR5.6.7.8.REVERSE CLUTCH HUBREVERSE CLUTCHSECOND SPEED CLUTCHFIRST SPEED CLUTCH9. REVERSE IDLER GEAR10. THIRD SPEED CLUTCH11. OUTPUT GEAR12558FIGURE 3. ARRANGEMENT OF SHAFTS3Operation(See FIGURE 1. and FIGURE 3.)Each shaft in the transmission has oil passages that con-nect the clutch assemblies to the modulator valve. Thereare also oil passages for the lubrication of the clutch as-semblies. Seal rings on each shaft seal the oil passages tothe torque converter housing. When a clutch assembly isactuated, oil flows from the modulator and controlvalves, through the shaft to the piston. The oil flows be-hind the piston and pushes the piston against the separa-tor plates and friction discs. The clutch assembly is nowengaged and the shaft, gears and clutch assembly rotateas one unit.FORWARD CLUTCH ASSEMBLYThe input shaft has the hub for the forward clutch. Thehousing for the clutch assembly is welded to the shaft forthe forward clutch. The forward clutch assembly has theforward gear and clutch hub, a piston, 12 friction discsand 12 separator plates. The shaft for the forward clutchrotates on ball bearings and needle rollers.REVERSE/SECOND SPEED SHAFTThe reverse shaft has the clutch assemblies for reverseand second speed. The housing for both clutch assem-blies is welded to the shaft. The reverse clutch assemblyhas the reverse gear and clutch hub, a piston, 12 frictiondiscs and 12 separator plates. The reverse gear andclutch hub rotate on the shaft on ball bearings. The sec-ond speed clutch has the second speed gear and clutchhub, a piston, 6 friction discs and 6 separator plates. Thesecond speed gear and clutch hub rotate on needle roll-ers and a ball bearing.FIRST SPEED SHAFTThe first speed shaft is installed at the end of the reverse/second speed shaft. The first speed shaft has the gearsand the clutch assembly for first speed. The clutch as-sembly has the first speed gear and clutch hub, a piston,10 friction discs and 10 separator plates. The first speedshaft rotates on ball bearings.THIRD SPEED SHAFTThe third speed clutch has the third speed gear andclutch hub, a piston, 6 friction discs and 6 separatorplates. The third speed gear and clutch hub rotate on ballbearings and needle rollers.OUTPUT SHAFTThe output shaft is installed at the end of the third speedshaft. The output shaft has the output gear and the outputyoke. The output gear is driven by a gear on the firstspeed shaft. The output shaft rotates on tapered rollerbearings and a ball bearing.HYDRAULIC OPERATIONSUMP, FILTER AND PUMPThe transmission housing is also the sump since it hasthe oil supply for the transmission. The oil filter is in-stalled in a housing with the oil pump and pressure regu-lator valve. The oil filter is replaceable and has a by–pass valve. The by–pass valve permits oil to flow pastthe oil filter when it has a restriction. The oil pump is in-stalled on the torque converter housing with the pressureregulator valve. The pump is driven by idler gears thatare driven by the torque converter. The oil pump pullsoil from the sump through the suction tube. The oil thengoes through the oil filter and the pressure regulatorvalve. At the pressure regulator valve the oil flows to theshift control valve and the torque converter circuit. Oilin the torque converter circuit flows through the torqueconverter and oil cooler to the lubrication circuit.CONTROL VALVE (See FIGURE 4.)The control valve is installed on the outside of transmis-sion. Two solenoid valves and four spools within thevalve body control the flow of oil into the transmission.There are solenoid valves forFORWARDandRE-VERSE.The oil flows from the transmission pump andregulator and through the control valve to the modulatorvalve. At the control valve the supply oil flows to all ofthe spools in the valve body.4Solenoid Valves (See FIGURE 4.)The solenoid valves are installed on the body of the con-trol valve. The solenoid valves control the flow of oil tothe direction spools. There is a solenoid valve for FOR-WARD and one for REVERSE. The solenoid valves areoperated by the switches in either the direction controllever or by the Monotrol pedal. When a solenoid is notenergized, the passage for oil through the solenoid isclosed. When a solenoid is energized, the spool in thesolenoid moves and closes the passage to the drain cir-cuit. At the same time, the solenoid opens the passagefrom the supply circuit to the passage for the pilot pres-sure to move the direction spool.7Inching Spool (See FIGURE 4.)NOTE:Inching affects only the direction clutches.The movement of the inching spool is controlled by theinching/brake pedal. When the operator pushes on theinching/brake pedal, the linkage pushes the guide for theinching spool into the valve body. Pushing the guide al-lows the inching spool to move and decrease the flow ofoil to the direction spool. At the same time, the inchingspool lets some oil from the engaged clutch flow to thedrain circuit. Completely depressing the inching spoolstops the flow of oil to the direction spools. During thissame period the passages to the clutch pistons are opento the drain circuit.81214121810149113111314171615141. VALVE BODYFORWARD SOLENOIDFORWARD SPOOLREVERSE SOLENOIDREVERSE SPOOLSPRINGPLUNGERGUIDEINCHING SPOOLRANGE SPOOLSUPPLY OILTO MODULATOR VALVE ANDFORWARD CLUTCHTO MODULATOR VALVE ANDREVERSE CLUTCHDRAINTO FIRST SPEED CLUTCHTO SECOND SPEED CLUTCHTO THIRD SPEED CLUTCHPRESSURE FROM SOLENOID451812554SHOWN IN FORWARD–SECOND POSITIONFIGURE 4. CONTROL VALVE5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl