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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has a description and the repair proceduresfor the speed reducer.also has the gears and linkage to permit forward and re-verse travel of the lift truck.The speed reducer is installed on the differential hous-ing. The output shaft of the transmission is connected tothe input shaft of the speed reducer. The forward and re-verse gears and the sliding sleeve are installed on the in-put shaft. A pair of idler gears are used to connect the re-verse gear to the output gear. The output gear is installedon the pinion shaft of the differential.DESCRIPTION (See FIGURE 1.)The speed reducer transfers power between the trans-mission and the differential and increases the torquefrom the engine to the drive wheels. The speed reducer26.9 mm(1.059 in) HOUSINGSPEED REDUCER HOUSINGINPUT SHAFTREVERSE GEARSLIDING SLEEVEFORWARD GEARBEARING COVERIDLER GEARIDLER SHAFTOUTPUT GEARPINION SHAFTBEARING COVER11608FIGURE 1. SPEED REDUCER1OPERATION (See FIGURE 2.)When the engine is running and the direction control le-ver is in the Neutral position, the input shaft in the speedreducer rotates freely. When the lever is moved to theForward position, the sliding sleeve moves and engagesthe forward gear to the input shaft. The forward gear en-gages directly with the output gear and rotates the differ-ential for Forward travel. For Reverse travel, the slidingsleeve engages the reverse gear to the input shaft. Thereverse gear is in contact with the idler gear and the idlergear is in contact with the output gear. The transfer ofpower through the idler gears causes the output gear torotate in the opposite direction for Reverse travel.11577FORWARD1.2.3.4.INPUT SHAFTIDLER GEARSFORWARD GEARREVERSE GEARREVERSE5. OUTPUT GEAR6. SLIDING SLEEVE7. SELECTOR RAILFIGURE 2. OPERATION OF THESPEED REDUCERREPAIRSREMOVAL (See FIGURE 3.)1. Disconnect the linkage at the lever that is on the speedreducer housing. Disconnect the wires at the neutralstart switch. Disconnect the cable clamps at the housing.2. Disconnect and remove the drive shaft between thespeed reducer and the transmission.3. Drain the oil from the speed reducer housing. Removethe cover from the speed reducer.4. Remove the nut from the pinion shaft and remove theoutput gear. Remove the nuts and tapered sleeves thathold the speed reducer to the differential housing. Re-move the speed reducer from the bottom of the lift truck.3DISASSEMBLY (See FIGURE 4.)1. Remove the detent ball and spring and the neutral startswitch assembly. Loosen the nut on the selector rail,then remove the rail from the fork. Pull the selector railfrom the housing. Remove the fork from the slidingsleeve.121. OUTPUT GEAR2. TAPERED SLEEVE3. PINION SHAFT34432. Remove the bearing covers for the input shaft and theidler shaft.3. Use a press to push the input shaft from the housing asshown in FIGURE 4. Make sure to use a block as a sup-port under the sliding sleeve. Also make sure the slidingsleeve is aligned with the teeth of the drive gear. Thedrive gear must be pushed through the sliding sleeve.FIGURE 3. REMOVE THESPEED REDUCER221256631. PRESS2. INPUT SHAFT3. SLIDING SLEEVEFIGURE 4. DISASSEMBLE THE SPEED REDUCER4. Disassemble the bearings and gears from the inputshaft.5. Remove the plug in the housing for the idler shaft. Usea press at this hole to push the idler shaft from the gears.housing. Use a press to push the idler shaft through thegears and into the bearing cone. Use a press to install thebearing cone on the other end of the idler shaft.3. Install the bearing cup in the bearing cover for theidler shaft. Install the bearing cover without shims.Tighten the capscrews to 27 N.m (20 lbf ft). Measure theclearance between the housing and the bearing cover.Add shims under the bearing cover that are 0.03 to 0.08mm (0.001 to 0.003 in) greater than the measured clear-ance. Install the bearing cover and the bracket for the di-rection control linkage. Tighten the capscrews to 27N.m (20 lbf ft). (See FIGURE 5.)4. Install the bearings in the forward and reverse gears.Install the reverse gear (small) on the input shaft. Installthe bearing cone in the bearing cup that is in the housing.Put the forward gear (large) in the housing against thebearing cone. Put the sliding sleeve in the housing. Use apress to install the input shaft through the bearings.Make sure the drive gear on the input shaft is aligned3CLEANING AND INSPECTIONClean the parts of the speed reducer in solvent. Checkthe gear teeth and splines for wear or damage. Check thebearings and the bores for the shafts for wear or damage.ASSEMBLY (See FIGURE 1., FIGURE 5.and FIGURE 6.)1. Install the bearing cups for the input shaft and the idlershaft in the speed reducer housing.2. Install the bearing cone for the idler shaft in the bear-ing cup that is in the housing. Install the idler gears in thehousing. The large gear fits toward the input side of thewith the sliding sleeve. Install the bearing cone on theinput shaft.121134611. BEARING COVERFIGURE 5. INSTALL THE BEARINGCOVERS35. Install the bearing cup in the bearing cover for the in-put shaft. Install the bearing cover without shims. Tight-en the capscrews to 27 N.m (20 lbf ft). Loosen the cap-screws then tighten them by hand. Measure the clear-ance between the bearing cover and the housing. Addshims under the bearing cover that are 0.03 to 0.08 mm(0.001 to 0.003 in) greater than the measured clearance.Install the bearing cover and tighten the capscrews to 27N.m (20 lbf ft). (See FIGURE 5.) Use a sealant on theflange and install the oil seal carrier for the input shaft.Tighten the capscrews to 27 Nm (20 lbf ft).6. Install the fork on the sliding sleeve. Install the selec-tor rail, washer and nut. Install the detent ball, spring andcapscrew. Install the neutral start switch assembly. Ad-just the fork on the selector rail so that the sliding sleeveengages the forward and reverse gears when in thosedetent positions. Make sure the sliding sleeve is in theNeutral position when the rail is in the neutral detent po-sition. Tighten the nut when the adjustment is complete.(See FIGURE 6.).4115771. FORK2. SELECTOR RAIL3. SLIDING SLEEVE4. NEUTRAL START SWITCH5. DETENT BALLFIGURE 6. INSTALL THE SELECTOR RAILAND FORK7. Apply a sealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) to the flangeof the plug for the idler shaft. Install the plug in the speedreducer housing.INSTALLATION (See FIGURE 1.)NOTE:Check the length of the studs on the differential.The length must be the dimension shown in Figure 1 tomake sure there is adequate threads for installation ofthe tapered sleeves and nuts.1. Apply a sealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) to the flangeof the bearing carrier on the differential. Put the outputgear on the pinion shaft. Put the speed reducer in posi-tion on the differential. Install the tapered sleeves andnuts. Tighten the nuts to 100 N.m (74 lbf ft).2. Install the nut on the pinion shaft. Tighten the nut to855 to 1100 N.m (630 to 812 lbf ft).3. Install the gasket and cover on the speed reducer.4. Lubricate the splines with grease and install the yokefor the drive shaft. Install the drive shaft. Use a threadlocking compound on the capscrews for the universaljoints. Tighten the capscrews to 28 N.m (21 lbf ft).5. Fill the speed reducer with 85W–140 lubricant. Theoil level is correct when it is even with the fill plug on thespeed reducer cover.6. Install the bracket for the shift lever. Connect the link-age to the selector rail. Adjust the linkage as described inChecks and Adjustments. Check the operation of theneutral start switch. The engine must start only when thedirection control lever is in the Neutral position.CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTSADJUST THE DIRECTION CONTROLLINKAGE (See FIGURE 7.)1. Adjust the ball joint (2) so that the shaft is 52 to 56 mm(2.05 to 2.21 in) from the crank.2. Put the selector rail in the speed reducer in the Neutralposition. Install the link (4). Adjust the length of the linkso that the control lever is 90°to the center line of the lifttruck.3. Move the control lever to the Forward position. Ad-just the stop (7) so that there is 0.025 to 0.050 mm (0.001to 0.002 in) clearance between the stop and the crank onthe shaft. Shift the control lever to the Reverse positionand adjust the stop as described for the Forward posi-tion.116011. SHIFT LEVERSHAFT2. BALL JOINT3. CRANK4. LINK52 to 56 mm(2.05 to 2.21 in)5. FORWARD–REVERSESPOOL6. SPEED REDUCER7. STOP8. BEARING BLOCKFIGURE 7. ADJUST THE DIRECTIONCONTROL LINKAGE5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl