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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis sectioii has the description and repair proceduresfor the transmission and differential. The ring gear andpinion and the differential are part of the transmissionassembly.DESCRIPTION (See Figure 1)The three speed transmission has three speed rangesfor both Forward and Reverse. The gears on the main.shafts are engaged by the sliding sleeves and thesplines on the gears. High gear and intermediate gearhave synchronizer mechanisms for easy gear changes.The gear teeth of all the gears are constantly engagedwiththe teeth of the other gears. There are two main shaftsand two countershafts. The output gear is installed onthe pinion shaft. Most of the shafts rotate on taperedroller bearings.The range main shaft has a ball bearing on one end ofthe shaft and roller bearings on the other end. Thcpinion is held in the transmission housing by a bearingcarrier.OPERATION (See Figure 2)The power enters the transmission from the clutchthrough the drive shaft. The input gear is engaged withthe range countershaft. When a range gear is selected,the range shaft gear turns the gear for the forward andFIGURE 1. TRANSMISSIONFIGURE 2. OPERATION OF THE TRANSMISSIONreverse shaft. The reverse gear is directly engagedwith the output gear. The power for Forward mustflow through the torward countershaft before turningthe output gear. The splines in the output gear engagewith the splines on the pinion shaft.Forward and Reverse are engaged by moving a slid-ing sleeve with internal splines. Both the forward andreverse gears have splines. The shaft has a hub thathas splines. When the sliding sleeve moves from theNeutral position on the shaft hub, its splines engageboth the shaft hub and the gear. The gear that is se-lected is locked to the shaft hub and must turn withthe shaft.The engagement of low speed gear is similar to that ofthe forward and reverse gears. The difference is that thesliding sleeve is on the ge;tr when in the Neutral position.When low speed is selected, the sliding sleeve moves toengage the splines on the shaft. The splines of the slidingsleeve engage the splines of both the low speed gear andof the range shaft. The engaged splines make the shaftturn with the low speed gear.High gear and intermediate gear have synchroni as-semblies to prevent wear when changing gears. Thesynchronizer assemblies change the speeds of thegears so that they are turning the same speed as theshaft. The synchroniiers also prevent the sliding sleevefrom engaging the gear splines until the gear is turningwith the shaft. The sleeve then engages the splines inthe same way as the sliding sleeves for low speed,Forward and Reverse.The sliding sleeves are moved by forks that are fas-tened to selector rails. The selector rails slide in thehousing and are moved by outside linkage. Detentballs and springs hold the rails in the correct posi-tions. A pin is installed between the rails for the lowspeed gear and the higli and intermediate speed gear.The pin preients the enlightment two gears at the sametime.The ring gear and pinion multiply the torque from thetransmission. The differential permits the drive wheelsto turn at different speed when the lift truck is turninga corner.REPAIRSREMOVALThe normal procedure is to remove the manual trans-mission and the drive axle as an assembly. The trans-mission can also be removed by itself by first remov-ing the oil clutch assembly. See the the section forTHE OIL CLUTCH ASSEMBLY.A. Remove the floor plates. Disconnect the groundcable from the battery.B. Remove the pedal bracket (see Figure 3) as fol-lows:WARNINGAlways remove the clutch booster spring beforedisconnecting the clutch linkage.1. Loosen the eyebolt for the clutch booster spring.Remove the spring.2. Disconnect and remove the clutch link from therelease crank. See Figure 34 or 35.3. Disconnect the brake push rod at the brake pedal.Remove the pedal return spring.4. Remove the capscrews that hold the pedal bracketto the transmission. Remove the pedal bracket as-sembly.C. Disconnect the shift linkages at the selector rails.Remove the bracket for the linkage cranks from thetransmission. See Figure 32 or 33.D. Remove the upright assembly as described in thesection on UPRIGHTS.E. Disconnect the brake lines at the wheel cylinders.(See Figure 4.)F. On S6.00-7.00XL (S135-155XL) units, removethe ca-bles from the parking brake. Rcmove the park-ing brake lever from the cowJ. Rcmove the clampsfor the parking brake cal)lv.s at the frame.G. Put blocks on both sides (front and back) of thesteering tires so that the lift truck can not move. Con-nect a lifting device to the front of the frame. Put afloor jack under the transmission to hold the driveaxle in position. Remove the four large capscrewsthat hold the drive axle assembly to the frame. SeeFigure 4. These capscrews are tight. Use a wrenchwith a long handle or a large air wrench.FIGURE 3. PEDAL BRACRETFIGURE 4. DRIVE AXLERemove the drive axle assembly from under the lifttruck. Make sure the output yoke for the clutch slidesout of the clutch housing.H. Remove the axle shafts from the drive axle.I. Fasten a lifting device to the input end of the trans-mission. Turn the axle housing so that the lifting de-vice is holding the transmission in a vertical position.Remove the capscrews that hold the transmission tothe axle housing. Lift the transmission from the axlehousing with the lifting device.DISASSEMBLYSelector Rails and Forks (See Figure 5)A. Loosen the capscrews at both ends of the inputshaft. Remove the top cover from the transmissionhousing. Remove the detent ball;assemblies and theneutral start switch.B. Put the three selector rails in the Neutral position.Loosen the lock nut on the low speed rail. Turn thelow speed rail to remove the rail from the fork andnut. Remove the low speed fork. Push the low speedrail into the transmission and remove it from the hous-ing.C. Loosen the lock nuts on the selector rails. Mea-sure the distance from the fork to the last thread onthe rail as a reference for assembly. Remove the snapring from the rail for intermediate and high speed. Turnboth of the selector rails so that they can be removedfrom the input end of the transmission. Remove theselector rails, forks and lock nuts.Gear AssembliesA. Remove the cover from the transmission housing.Remove the input yoke and the input gear from thecover. Remove the rollers for the input gear from therange main shaft.B. Put marks on the bearing retainers for the shafts sothat they can be assembled in the same positions. SeeFigure 6. Remove the bearing retainers from the cover.C. Put the transmission in a vertical position. Removethe range countershaft and forward countershaft. Ifnecessary, remove the bearings from the shafts.D. Remove the capscrew and washer from the endof the range main shaft. (See F’igure 16.) RemoveFIGURE 5. SELECTOR RAILS AND FORKSthe range main shaft. Remove the snap ring for thesynchronizer assembly. Remove the synchronizer andthe gears from the range main shaft.FIGURE 7. ARRANGEMENT OF SHAFTSOutput Gear and DifferentialNOTE: If the same parts for the differential (bearingsand gears) are going to be installed again, check thering gear and pinion clearance. Use the proceduresdescribed in Assembly of the differential. Also, whenremoving the adjustment rings, count the number ofturns it takes to remove each adjustment ring. Usethe number of turns during the assemhly proceduresto put the adjustment rings in the same position.A. Remove the capscrews that hold the bearing carrierlor the pinion in the transmission housing. Use a driftto push the pinion and pilot bearing from the housing.FIGURE 6. BEARING RETAINERSE. Remove the direction main shaft. If necessary, re-move the bearings and gears from the direction mainshaft.FIGURE 8. OUTPUT GEAR AND PINION
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