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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}TWO–SPEED POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION (HYSTER T–40)Description And OperationGENERALThis section has a description and the operating princi-ples of the two–speed powershift transmission. The sec-tion is in two parts. The first part describes the mechani-cal components of the transmission. The second part de-scribes the hydraulic operation of the transmission. Seethe section,TWO–SPEED POWERSHIFT TRANS-MISSION (HYSTER T–40), Repairs, 1300 SRM325,for information on repair and troubleshooting thistransmission.verter, transmission pump, control valve and four shaftassemblies.Torque Converter (See FIGURE 2.)The torque converter is installed between the engine andthe transmission. The torque converter has three mainparts: an impeller, a turbine and a stator.The impeller is connected to the flywheel of the engineby a drive plate flange on the impeller engages with thetransmission pump for the transmission and operates thepump when the engine is running.The turbine fits inside of the impeller and engages theinput shaft of the transmission. The stator also fits insideof the impeller and engages the stator tube on the trans-mission.456MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONThe transmission has a housing assembly, torque con-1. HOUSING, TORQUECONVERTER2. TRANSMISSION3. TRANSMISSION FILTER4. CONTROL VALVE5. REVERSE SOLENOID6. FORWARD SOLENOID7. DIPSTICK7312FIGURE 1. HYSTER T–40 TRANSMISSION16779701318252451. CONVERTERFLYWHEELPILOT HUBDRIVE PLATEHOUSING, TORQUE CONVERTERHOUSING, FLYWHEELTABS FOR TRANSMISSION PUMPACCESS COVER164FIGURE 2. TORQUE CONVERTERTransmission Pump (See FIGURE 3.)The transmission has its own hydraulic system. A trans-mission pump is installed in the front cover of the trans-mission and is driven by the impeller of the torque con-verter. The cover has passages for oil to flow to andfrom the transmission pump.2876234rotation. The input shaft has the reverse–low and the re-verse–high clutch assemblies. Both clutches are in-stalled in the reverse clutch housing. Each of the clutchassemblies has a piston, friction disks, separator plates,a pressure plate and a return spring. The teeth on the re-verse clutch housing are engaged with the teeth on theforward clutch housing. The hub for the reverse–lowclutch is engaged with the large gear on the counter-shaft. The hub for the reverse–high clutch is engagedwith the small gear on the countershaft.Forward Clutch ShaftThe forward clutch shaft is installed next to the inputshaft. The teeth on the forward clutch housing are en-gaged with the teeth on the reverse clutch housing. Dur-ing operation, the forward clutch shaft rotates in the op-posite direction of engine rotation. The forward clutchshaft has the forward–low and the forward–high clutchassemblies. Both clutches are installed in the forwardclutch housing. Each of the clutch assemblies has a pis-ton, friction disks, separator plates, a pressure plate anda return spring. The hub for the forward–low clutch isengaged with the large gear on the countershaft. The hubfor the forward–high clutch is engaged with the smallgear on the countershaft.511. COVERTRANSMISSION PUMPSTATOR TUBEINPUT SHAFT FOR TRANSMISSIONINLET PASSAGES FOR TRANSMISSIONPUMP6. CHECK PORT FOR SYSTEM (PUMP)PRESSURE REGULATOR7. CHECK PORT FOR TORQUE CONVERTERREGULATOR8. SYSTEM PRESSURE REGULATORClutch Assemblies(See FIGURE 5. and FIGURE 6.)The four clutch assemblies use the same parts and oper-ate in the same manner. The friction disks and separatorplates are installed in the housing in a sequence. Eachfriction disk is next to a separator plate. The separatorplates have a smooth surface while the friction diskshave a friction material on the surface. The hub in eachclutch assembly engages with the inner splines of thefriction disks. The outer splines of the separator platesengage with the grooves in the clutch housing. A pres-sure plate holds the friction disks and separator plates inthe housing. A return spring keeps the piston retractedagainst the housing. There is an orifice in each piston.The orifice releases any oil pressure in the piston hous-ing caused by centrifugal force after the clutch is disen-gaged. There is enough clearance in the clutch assem-blies to let the friction disks rotate freely when a clutchassembly is not engaged.3FIGURE 3. TRANSMISSION PUMP AND FRONTCOVERShaft Assemblies (See FIGURE 4.)The four shaft assemblies are: (1) the input shaft (withreverse clutch assemblies), (2) forward clutch shaft, (3)countershaft and (4) the output shaft.Input ShaftThe input shaft is driven by the engine through thetorque converter and rotates in the direction of engine331524611664921034663011613117841. PUMPFRONT COVERINPUT SHAFTCOUNTERSHAFTOUTPUT SHAFTFORWARD SHAFTREVERSE–LOWCLUTCH ASSEMBLYREVERSE–HIGHCLUTCH ASSEMBLYFORWARD–LOWCLUTCH ASSEMBLYFORWARD–HIGHCLUTCH ASSEMBLYMANIFOLD BLOCK5FIGURE 4. TWO–SPEED POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION (HYSTER T–40)4FORWARD LOW AND HIGH CLUTCH ASSEMBLIES82 3 ,4, 517910, 111910, 1198 2324134666762034 1316 17181412 1518 1716 14151313.–SNAP (3)BALL BEARINGTHICK THRUST WASHERTHRUST BEARING (2)THIN THRUST WASHER (2)NEEDLE BEARING (3)LOW–SPEED PINION AND HUBRETAINER RING (2)PRESSURE PLATE (2)FRICTION DISKS (18)SEPARATOR PLATES (18)THRUST WASHERSNAP RING (2)SPRING RETAINER (2)SPRING (2)O–RING (2)PISTON (2)PISTON SEAL (2)SHAFT AND CLUTCH HOUSINGBALL BEARING (2)SNAP RING (2)SPACERHIGH–SPEED PINION AND HUBBALL ,BEARINGFIGURE 5. FORWARD LOW AND HIGH CLUTCH ASSEMBLIES (1 of 2)5
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