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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section describes disassembly and assemblyprocedures for the repair of transaxle assembliesused in J25-35A lift trucks. This series of lift truckscan be equipped with either solid cushion tires orpneumatic tires. A description of the wheels andtires is included in this section. See the sectionPERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 30 foradditional information for changing the tires.DESCRIPTIONEach drive wheel has a traction motor and gearreduction system. The PROCONTROLTMcontrolsthe speed and direction of rotation for each drivewheel. This control permits this series of lift trucksto turn in a smaller than normal space.There are three steps in the gear reduction betweenthe traction motor and the drive wheel. (See Fig-ureFlGURE 1. LOCATION OF THE TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLYFIGURE 2. TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY (1 of 2)2.) Both gear reduction systems are the same ex-cept for the housing. There is a left and a righthousing. A coupling holds the two housings togetherto form a solid drive axle assembly. The couplingis part of the casting for the right housing and fas-tened to the left housing with 3/8 UNC x 1 inchcapscrews. A fill hole and dipstick are in the cou-pling for adding oil and to measure the oil level inthe housings. The traction motors turn in oppositedirections from each other when the lift truck trav-els in a forward or reverse direction. Disc brakesare connected to the first intermediate shafts of thegear reduction system and are the primary brakesfor the lift truck.FIGURE 2. TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY (2 of 2)REPAIRSREMOVALThe transaxle assembly is fastened to the frame atfour places. The drive axle housing is part of thetransaxle assembly. Two frame mounts fit the driveaxle housing and hold the drive axle to the frame.Two bolts that fasten the transaxle assembly to theframe are found near the mounts for the tractionmotors (See Figure 3.) The transaxle assembly isremoved from the lift truck as a single unit.WARNINGPUTTING THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKSThe lift truck must be put on blocks for sometypes of maintenance and repair. The re-moval of the following assemblies willcause large changes in the center of grav-ity: battery, upright, drive axle, and thecounterweight. When the lift truck is puton blocks, put additional blocks in the fol-lowing positions:1. If the battery and drive axle are to beremoved: Put blocks under the counter-weight so that the lift truck can not fall back-ward.2. If the battery and counterweight are tobe removed: Put blocks under the uprightassembly so that the lift truck can not fallforward.A. Remove the upright assembly. See the sectionUPRIGHTS, REPAIRS, 4000 SRM 211 for moreinformation.B. Do not remove the battery. Disconnect the bat-tery and separate the connector. Put the lift truckon blocks as shown in Figure 3.C. Remove the drive wheels from the axles.D. Drain the oil from each transaxle housing.E. Make an identification of the power cables tothe traction motors. Disconnect the power cables.F. Remove the traction motors from the transaxle.The gear on the traction motor shaft is part of a setwith the first intermediate gear. Make sure the mo-tor gears are installed with their correct interme-diate gear when the traction motors are installedagain. Each set of gears has a symbol so that anidentification of the set can be made. If the identi-fication marks are not easily seen, make a note ofwhich traction motor goes with each transaxle sec-tion.G. If the lift truck is equipped with power steer-ing, loosen the strap from around the power steer-ing motor. Use a sling between the power steeringmotor and the overhead guard to hold the powersteering motor and pump.H. Disconnect the brake lines at the master cylin-der. Put a cap on the fitting for the master cylinderto prevent leakage of the brake fluid. Remove thebracket for the parking brake linkage. Disconnectthe linkage at the end of the cable above the brakecalipers.FIGURE 3. REMOVING THETRANSAXLE ASSEMBLYl. If the lift truck is equipped with the optional seatbrake, disconnect the hydraulic line to the brakecylinder at the power steering pump. (See the sec-tion BRAKES, 1800 SRM 245 for more informa-tion about the seat brake.)J. Put a floor jack or other lifting device in posi-tion under the transaxle assembly. Use the floorjack to hold the weight of the transaxle assembly.K. Remove the two capscrews that hold the backof the transaxle to the frame. Remove the two capsfor the frame mounts that hold the axle housings tothe frame.L. Use the floor jack or lifting device to lower thetransaxle assembly from the frame. Make sure thecables and hoses do not cause interference whenthe transaxle assembly is removed from the lifttruck.C. Remove the capscrew and washer that holdsthe brake disc to the first intermediate shaft. Use adriver to push the first intermediate shaft and bear-ings out of the housing. Remove the gears from thehousing. Remove the brake disc from the calipers.D. Rotate the axle so that the detent in the nut onthe end of the axle can be seen. Use a chisel to liftthe detent out of the groove in the axle. Removethe nut and remove the axle from the housing. Theaxle will slide from the axle gear. Remove the bear-ings and oil seal from the axle housing.ASSEMBLYThe following procedure describes a transaxle sec-tion that has been completely disassembled. If thetransaxle was not completely disassembled, usethe necessary steps that describe the parts that mustbe assembled. The second intermediate shaft is thelast part of the gear reduction system to be as-sembled. The other parts of the gear reduction sys-tem have preload and clearance measurements thatmust be checked before the second intermediateshaft is installed.Replace the oil seals and the O-rings during as-sembly.A. Install the inner bearing for the first intermedi-ate shaft into the transaxle housing. Put the gearsfor the first intermediate shaft into the transaxlehousing. Make sure that the first intermediate gearis the part of the matched set you are installing inthe transaxle. Make sure the chamfer for the firstpinion gear is towards the first intermediate gear(see the circle detail in Figure 2).B. Install a new O-ring on the first intermediateshaft. Align the gears and install the shaft into thetransaxle housing.C. Install the spacer on the first intermediate shaft.Make sure that you do not cut the O-ring. Installthe oil seal, brake disc, washer, and capscrew onthe shaft. Make sure that the inner roller bearing isfully installed against the shoulder of the first in-termediate shaft and in the bore of the transaxlehousing. Tighten the capscrew to 50 N.m (40 lbfft).DISASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 2)A. Remove the cover for the transaxle assembly.Remove the shaft covers. Make a note of the shimarrangement under each cover. This shim arrange-ment will be used for assembly.NOTEIf both gear reduction systems of thetransaxle assembly are disassembled,make a note which housing and first in-termediate gear go together. Each gearis part of a set which includes the piniongear on the traction motor shaft. The setof gears must operate together or thegear reduction system will operate withadditional noise.The second intermediate shaft must beremoved first during disassembly to haveaccess to other parts for removal. Afterthe second intermediate shaft has beenremoved, either the drive axle can bedisassembled or the first intermediateshaft can be removed. Disassemble thetransaxle as necessary for repairs.B. Use a puller to remove the second intermediateshaft and bearings from the housing. The gears willslide from the shaft as it is removed. Remove thegears from the housing.zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl