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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and the repair pro-cedures for the two speed manual transmissionused with the oil clutch. The repair procedures forthe differential are also in this section. A trouble-shooting section is included at the end of the sec-tion.DESCRIPTIONThe manual transmission has two speeds in boththe forward and reverse directions. It has an inputshaft, a forward idler gear, a range idler gear andan output shaft. The input shaft, forward idler gearand range idler gear are held in the transmissionby the bearing carrier. The output shaft is in thelower part of theFIGURE 1. MANUAL TWO-SPEED TRANSMISSIONtransmission housing. All the shafts turn in taperedroller bearings. The gear selection mechanism forthe range gears has a synchronizer. The gear se-lection mechanism for the direction gears does nothave a synchronizer. The lift truck must be fullystopped before the direction control is moved.The input shaft has splines on its end for the clutchdisc. The other end of the shaft has the forwardand reverse gears and a sliding sleeve with splines.The forward and reverse gears are in a fixed posi-tion and they turn freely on the shaft. The slidingsleeve with splines must always turn with the shaft.Each gear can be locked to the input shaft by thesliding sleeve with splines. The sliding sleevemoves along the shaft by the fork which is con-trolled by the direction control lever. The forwardidler gear and the range idler gear transfer powerfrom the input shaft to the output shaft. The outputshaft has the range gears, a sliding sleeve withsplines and a pinion. The operation of the rangegears is similar to the forwardand reverse gears except the sliding sleeve has asynchronizer. During engagement of the range gears,the synchronizer assembly makes the rotating speedof the gear the same as the output shaft. This func-tion permits smooth selection of the range gears.OPERATION (SEE FIGURES 1 AND2)When the clutch is engaged, the power from theengine is transferred to the input shaft. When thedirection control lever is in the NEUTRAL posi-tion, both the forward and reverse gears turn freelyon the input shaft. They cannot transfer power tothe output shaft. When forward gear is selected,the fork moves the sliding sleeve toward the for-ward gear. The teeth of the sliding sleeve engagewith the teethFIGURE 2. TRANSMISSION OPERATIONof the forward gear. The forward gear locks to theinput shaft. Now the forward gear must turn withthe input shaft. Power from the forward gear trans-fers to the forward idler gear then to the range idlergear. Then the power transfers to the range gearwhich is selected.The selection of the range gear is similar to theselection of the direction gears. When the rangegear is selected, the fork moves the sliding geartoward the selected gear. The selected gear nowmust turn with the output shaft. Power transfersfrom the range idler gear to the selected range gearwhich turns the pinion. If the range gears were inneutral, they would both turn freely on the outputshaft.Figure 2 shows the transfer of power through thegears of the transmission for two different condi-tions. The illustration at the top of Figure 2 showsthe condition when the control levers aremoved to the REVERSE and HIGH positions. Theclutch is engaged and power from the engine trans-fers to the input shaft. The direction control levermoves to REVERSE which locks the reverse gearto the input shaft. The reverse gear does not touchthe forward idler gear the reverse gear turns therange idler gear. The range control lever moves toHIGH which locks the high gear to the output shaft.The range idler gear then turns the high gear andthe output shaft.The illustration at the bottom of Figure 2 showsthe condition when the control levers are movedto FORWARD and LOW. The direction control le-ver moves to FORWARD which locks the forwardgear to the input shaft. The forward gear turns theforward idler gear which turns the range idler gear.The range control lever moves to LOW whichlocks the low gear to the output shaft. The rangeidler gear then turns the low gear and the outputshaft.REPAIRSREMOVALBefore removal of the transmission, check the con-tact pattern of the ring and pinion gear as describedin Steps A - D. The results you get will be used forreference during assembly of the transmission.A. Drain the oil from the drive axle.B. Remove the upright assembly as described inTHE UPRIGHT section.C. Remove the cover from the differential assem-bly.D. Apply grease to approximately 5 of the teeth onthe ring gear as shown in Figure 9. Turn the pinionand check the pattern of contact on the ring gear.Compare the patterns you get with the patternsshown in Figure 10. If the pattern is correct, theshims for the output shaft will not have to bechanged.The engine and transmission must be removed fromthe lift truck as a unit. See THE FRAME sectionfor the correct procedures.A. When the engine and transmission are on thefloor, fasten a lifting device to the transmission.B. When the transmission has support, loosen theplacebolts that hold the transmission to the flywheelhousing. Make sure the input shaft does not bendthe clutch disc during separation.INSTALLATIONA. Use a lifting device to install the transmissionto the flywheel housing. Use a new gasket duringinstallation. The input shaft must align with thesplines of the clutch disc. Make sure the input shaftdoes not bend the clutch disc.B. Install the capscrews that hold the transmissionto the flywheel housing. Tighten the capscrews toa torque of 35 1bf ft (47 N.m).C. Install the engine and transmission to the lifttruck as described in the section for THE FRAME.DISASSEMBLYBefore disassembly of the transmission, carefullyclean the transmission housing. Keep the parts in aclean container when they are removed. Keep theparts of a unit together to prevent the loss of parts.Disassemble the transmission as shown in Figure3.NOTEDisassemble the clutch assembly as de-scribed in the section for THE OILCLUTCH.Step 2.Remove the placebolts that hold thebearing carrier to the transmission thenremove the bearing carrier. Remove theinput shaft assembly. To remove theidler gears, first move the forwardidler toward the direction shown. Thenremove the range idler gear and the for-ward idler gear.NOTEPut the transmission in a stand to makeremoval of the pinion shaft easier.Step 1.Remove the cover from the top of thetransmission. Disconnect and removethe oil lines. Remove the neutral safetyswitch and the detent mechanisms.Loosen the bolts that hold the forks tothe shafts. Remove the shafts from thetransmission housing.NOTELater units also have a pin that holdsthe Forward/Reverse fork to the shaft.Remove this pill.Step 3.Install a special plate to the pinion asshown. Remove the sump pan. Use apunch to move the bent part of thepinion nut away from the output shaft.Remove the nut. Remove the outputshaft.FIGURE 3. DISASSEMBLY OF THE TRANSMISSION (1 of 2)CLEANINGStep 4.Disassemblethe input shaft as follows:A. Remove the snap rings from eachend of the shaft.B. Use a puller to remove the bear-ing cones.C. Pull the gears and the spacers fromthe shaft.Clean the transmission housing with steam. Washthe housing with water to remove any soap. Cleanthe gears, bearings and shafts with solvent. Dry allthe parts with compressed air.INSPECTIONCheck the shafts for damage where bearings turn.The splines must be smooth. The gears must nothave damage on their bores. Check for damage ofthe gear teeth.ASSEMBLY OF THETRANSMISSIONAssemble the transmission as shown in Figure 4.After assembly of the transmission, install theclutch assembly as described in the section for THEOIL CLUTCH.NOTEThe depth of the pinion must be adjustedduring the following conditions:1. The pinion and the ring gear are re-placed.2. The bearings for the output shaft arereplaced.3. The contact pattern between the gearswas wrong which was made during dis-assembly.Adjust the depth of the pinion as described in StepB.Step 5.Use a puller to remove the bearingcones from the idler gears.FIGURE 3. DISASSEMBLY OF THETRANSMISSION (2 of 2)zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl