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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the description and operation of thesingle–speed powershift transmission. The transmis-sion is used in several models of Hyster lift trucks. The21housings are different, but the principles of operationare the same. The instructions for repairing the single–speed powershift transmission are in thePOWER-SHIFT TRANSMISSION REPAIRS, 1300 SRM111,section of the service manual.34 567891110139414121. SHAFTSTATOR SUPPORTSEAL FOR FORWARD CLUTCHPISTON FOR FORWARD CLUTCHFORWARD CLUTCHPISTON RETURN SPRINGREVERSE CLUTCH8. FOR REVERSE CLUTCHSEAL FOR REVERSE CLUTCHCONTROL VALVEPLANETARY RING GEARPLANETARY GEAR CARRIERLARGE SUN GEARFIGURE 1. PARTS OF THE H60–110E POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSIONDESCRIPTIONThe single–speed powershift transmission has fourmain parts: the torque converter, the clutches, the plan-etary gear system and the control valve.The torque converter has an impeller, a turbine, a statorand a one direction clutch. The impeller has a set ofcurved blades and is fastened to the flywheel. The tur-bine also has blades, but is not connected to the fly-wheel. The turbine is connected to the turbine shaft bysplines. The stator is between the turbine and the im-peller. The one direction clutch permits the stator toturn with engine rotation but prevents it from rotatingin the opposite direction.1192345610781. CLUTCHPRESSURE PLATEREVERSE CLUTCHPLANETARY GEAR CARRIERBEARING CARRIERDRIVE GEARDRIVEN GEARHYPOID PINION GEARSHORT PINION GEARLONG PINION GEAR5166FIGURE 2. PARTS OF THE S40–50F, S30–120E POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSIONThe planetary gear set has two planetary sun gears, aplanetary ring gear and a planetary gear carrier withtwo sets of pinion gears. The planetary gear carrier isconnected to the output flange. The small sun gear is onone end of the turbine shaft. The other end of the tur-bine shaft has splines that engage the turbine. Theplanetary gear carrier has three short pinion gears andthree long pinion gears. The planetary gear carrier canbe stationary while the pinion gears turn or the carriercan rotate around the sun gears.The clutches have friction discs and separator plates.Each clutch has a piston and seal that are in a piston ca-vity. When the cavity fills with oil, the piston movesand presses the friction discs and separator plates toge-ther. The Forward friction discs are connected to thelarge sun gear by splines. The friction discs for Reversehave splines that connect the discs to the ring gear. The2separator plates for both clutches are held to the pres-sure plate by large splines. A special capscrew fastensthe pressure plate to the housing. When a clutch is ap-plied, a planetary gear is prevented from turning.The control valve controls the pressure and timing ofthe flow of oil to the clutch piston cavities, the coolingcircuit, and to the torque converter. A series of pressureregulators keeps the pressure correct for the differentcircuits. An inching valve permits the clutches to disen-gage a small amount for slow speed operation. TheMonotrol pedal is used to change the direction of thelift truck by moving the direction spool in the controlvalve. A direction control lever is available instead ofthe Monotrol pedal. A solenoid, energized by a switchon the parking brake lever, controls the release of theclutches for a neutral condition.OPERATIONthe direction of engine rotation. The oil then flowsfrom the outside to the center of the turbine. The turbi-ne blades change the direction of the oil flow so that theoil that is leaving the center of the turbine is going theopposite direction of engine rotation. See FIGURE 4.to FIGURE 6. The stator is between the turbine and im-peller in the center of the torque converter. When theoil hits the stator blades, the one direction clutch pre-vents the stator from turning against engine rotation.The blades of the stator change the direction of the oilso that the oil enters the impeller in the direction of en-gine rotation. The stator permits the torque converter toincrease the torque of the engine. The force of the oilentering the impeller from the stator helps the impellerand engine turn.54639415121. DIRECTION CLUTCHSTATOR SUPPORT TUBETURBINE SHAFTFIGURE 3. PARTS OF THETORQUE CONVERTERVORTEX FLOWTHE TORQUE CONVERTERThe torque converter has two main functions. Thetorque converter works as a fluid clutch to smoothlytransfer power from the engine to the transmission.Also, the torque converter multiplies torque. Thetorque of the engine is increased by the torque convert-er when the additional torque is needed to move the lifttruck. If the need for additional torque is low, thetorque converter works as a fluid clutch.The impeller has a set of curved blades that send the oilaway from the center of the impeller when the impellerturns. The oil is rotating when it leaves the impeller.Because the impeller is curved, the oil flows into theouter edge of the turbine. The oil moves the turbine in9416ROTARY FLOWFIGURE 4. TYPES OF FLOW361524942231. SHAFTRING FOR SMOOTH OIL FLOWSTATORONE DIRECTION CLUTCHTURBINEFIGURE 5. OIL FLOW IN THE TORQUE CONVERTER1231. TURBINE2. STATOR3. IMPELLER9418FIGURE 6. TORQUE CONVERTER OPERATION412with force. The torque converter again increases torquewhen torque is needed.394191. OUTER RACE2. ROLLERS3. SPLINES ON INNER RACEFIGURE 7. ONE DIRECTION CLUTCH9417FIGURE 8. LIFT TRUCK AT CONSTANTSPEED (NO TORQUE MULTIPLICATION)When the lift truck starts moving, the turbine starts tur-ning. The centrifugal force of the rotating turbine sendsthe oil that is in the turbine against the oil flow from theimpeller. The oil moving in this direction decreases theamount of oil flow to the impeller from the stator. Be-cause the flow to the impeller decreases, the additionalforce on the impeller decreases. Less torque is avail-able when less torque is needed.When the lift truck is traveling at a constant speed onlevel ground, the turbine and impeller turn at approxi-mately the same speed. The centrifugal force of the oilis the same for both the impeller and turbine. The oildoes not flow through the stator and no additionaltorque is transferred. The rotating oil hits the back ofthe stator blades and turns the stator in the direction ofengine rotation. The one direction clutch permits thestator to turn with engine rotation. The impeller, tur-bine, stator and oil rotate as a unit when there is no loadon the turbine.When the lift truck starts up a ramp, the turbine has aresistance to turning. The centrifugal force of the oil inthe turbine decreases. The oil again flows from the im-peller through the turbine and stator enters the impellerTHE PLANETARY GEAR SETIn all planetary gear systems, when one gear is turnedand one gear is prevented from turning, a third gearmust turn. By changing which gear is held, different ra-tios and directions are selected. Because power takesthe path of least resistance, the output gear is the mostdifficult to turn. When a clutch holds a gear to the hous-ing, the resistance of that gear is greater than that of theoutput gear. The output gear will then rotate and the lifttruck will move.The small sun gear turns when the turbine in the torqueconverter turns. This action turns all the gears in theplanetary gear set. To make the planetary gear carrierturn, either the large sun gear or the ring gear must beprevented from turning. The large sun gear is preventedfrom turning by applying the forward clutch. The sepa-rator plates cannot rotate because splines hold them tothe stationary pressure plate. When the forward clutchis applied, the friction discs are pushed against the sep-arator plates and pressure plate. The friction discs pre-vent rotation of the large sun gear when the forwardclutch is applied.5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl