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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONGENERALThis section has the repair instructions for the singlespeed powershift transmission and torque converter.The description and operation of the powershift trans-mission is described inSINGLE SPEED POWER-SHIFT TRANSMISSION, DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION, 1300 SRM 113.The repair instruc-tions for the speed reducer and differential are found inthe section forTHE SPEED REDUCER AND DIF-FERENTIAL, 1300 SRM 82.REPAIRSREMOVALThe powershift transmission can be removed from thelift truck by either of two methods. If the engine is to beremoved, the transmission and engine can be removedas an assembly. The instructions for this procedure are21found inTHE ENGINE, 600 SRM 3 (GM) or 600SRM 105 (Perkins)section. Following the other meth-od, the mast, drive axle and speed reducer are removed.The transmission is then removed from the front of thelift truck. The following instructions are for the secondmethod.34 567891110139414121. SHAFTSTATOR SUPPORTSEAL FOR FORWARD CLUTCHPISTON FOR FORWARD CLUTCHFORWARD CLUTCHPISTON RETURN SPRINGREVERSE CLUTCH8. FOR REVERSE CLUTCHSEAL FOR REVERSE CLUTCHCONTROL VALVEPLANETARY RING GEARPLANETARY GEAR CARRIERLARGE SUN GEARFIGURE 1. PARTS OF THE H60–110E POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION11. Remove the carriage and mast assembly as describedin the section forMASTS, 4000 SRM 115.If the unithas a Vista mast, remove the mast assembly as de-scribed inVISTA MASTS 4000 SRM 198.2. Open the hood and remove the floor plates. Discon-nect the battery ground cable.3. Remove the drive axle and speed reducer. See theTHE SPEED REDUCER AND DIFFERENTIAL,1300 SRM 82,for the procedure.4. Put a drain pan under the transmission. Remove theplug from the transmission sump plate. Install the plugafter the oil has drained.5. Remove the pump inlet tube from the fitting underthetransmission. Remove the fill tube. Remove the wiresfrom the transmission temperature sender and parkingbrake solenoid. Remove the capscrews that go throughthe flywheel housing into the transmission housing.6. If the lift truck is equipped with a Forward and Re-verse lever, disconnect the wire to the solenoid.7. Disconnect the hydraulic line from the transmissionpump. Disconnect the hydraulic lines to the filter. Re-move the nuts from the filter bracket studs. Remove thecapscrew from the clamp that holds the lubrication linefor the pump drive. Disconnect the lubrication linefrom the transmission. Put caps on all the fittings.8. Put a floor jack under the transmission pan. Removethe capscrews that hold the transmission housing to theflywheel housing. The turbine shaft must be out of thetorque converter before lowering the transmission.NOTE:The torque converter will drain when the trans-mission is removed. Put a pan under the torque convert-er.Remove the transmission from under the front of thelift truck.9. On the diesel model, remove the four capscrews thathold the torque converter plate to the flywheel. Re-move the torque converter. On the gasoline and LPGmodels remove the six 12 point capscrews that hold thetorque converter to the drive plate.DISASSEMBLY1. Remove the universal joint from the output shaft ofthe transmission. Disconnect the lines to the Monotrolpedal. Put caps in all the holes to prevent dirt from en-tering the control valve.2. Clean the outside of the housing with steam. Makesure all dirt is removed from around the control valve.8986FIGURE 2.CHECKING THE CLEARANCE OFTHE TURBINE SHAFT3. Before disassembling the transmission, check theclearance of the turbine shaft with a dial indicator. SeeFIGURE 2. Push the turbine shaft into the transmissionand set the dial indicator at zero. Pull on the shaft andread the indication on the dial indicator. The indicationmust be 0.025 to 0.480 mm (0.001 to 0.019 in). A clear-ance greater than 0.480 mm (0.019 in) indicates wearon the thrust surfaces or the wrong amount of shimsinstalled.287678987FIGURE 3.CHECKING THE CLEARANCE OFTHE STATOR SUPPORTFIGURE 5.REMOVING THE FORWARD PIS-TON AND SEAL4. Remove the six capscrews that hold the stator sup-port to the end cover. Put a dial indicator in the positionshown in FIGURE 3. Push the stator support into thetransmission and set the dial indicator on zero. Pull thestator support and read the indication on the dial indica-tor. If the stator support does not move freely, use aplastic hammer to push it into the transmission. Set thedial indicator on zero and use the capscrews to pull thestator support. The indication must be 0.025 to 0.125mm (0.001 to 0.005 in). An indication other than thisspecification indicates wear or the wrong shimsinstalled.5. Remove the capscrews from the sump plate. Removethe sump plate.6. Remove the eight capscrews that hold the input cov-er to the housing. Remove the input cover and piston.Remove the piston and seal from the input cover.CAUTIONThe input cover will be pushed from the housing bysprings when the capscrews are removed.7. Remove the stator support and shims. Keep theshims together. Remove the forward sun gear. Removethe turbine shaft.8. Remove the ten springs from the pressure plate. Re-move the forward clutch discs and separator plates. Re-move the special capscrew that holds the pressure plateto the housing. Remove the pressure plate and reverseclutch discs and separator plates.9. Remove the eight capscrews that hold the bearingcarrier for the output shaft to the housing. Remove thebearing carrier assembly from the housing. Remove thereverse piston and seal.10. Put the flange of the output shaft in a vise. Removethe three capscrews with an allen wrench. Remove thewear plate. Remove the six capscrews in the planetarygear carrier. Disassemble the planetary gear carrier byremoving the plate, shafts, thrust washers, bearings andgears. Remove the thrust washer and shims from theend of the output shaft.38768FIGURE 4.REMOVE THE END COVER1287581. FORWARD SUN GEAR2. PISTON RETURN SPRINGS8979FIGURE 6.REMOVING THE FORWARD SUNGEARFIGURE 9.REMOVE THE SPECIAL CAPSCREW8766FIGURE 7.REMOVING THE TURBINE SHAFT8765FIGURE 10.USE CAPSCREWS TO PULL THEPRESSURE PLATE2187571. SHIMS AND THRUST WASHER2. FORWARD CLUTCH DISCS ANDSEPARATOR PLATES8756FIGURE 8.REMOVE SHIMS AND THRUSTWASHER FROM OUTPUT SHAFT; REMOVEFORWARD CLUTCH DISCS AND PLATES4FIGURE 11.REMOVE THE REVERSE CLUTCHPLATE AND DISCS11. Bend the lock plate away from the nut. Remove thenut and lock plate from the output shaft. Slide the out-put shaft from the splines of the planetary gear carrier.Remove the planetary gear carrier from the bearingcarrier. Remove the Reverse ring gear from the bearingcarrier.12. Remove the six capscrews that hold the controlvalve. Remove the control valve.ACLEANINGClean all parts of the transmission with solvent. Usecompressed air to dry the transmission.CAUTIONDO NOT use solvent to clean the brake cylinder. Usealcohol to clean the brake, piston and cylinder.INSPECTION1. Visually inspect the races and rollers of the bearings.Replace the bearing assembly if any damage is found.2. Inspect all the thrust washers and wear plates. Wearon thrust washers and wear plates causes clearances tochange.3. Check the bushings, needle bearings and shafts forwear or damage.4. Make sure the piston return springs are all the samelength and are not bent. Check the pistons and bores forscratches.5. Inspect the torque converter hub for wear or grooves.Inspect the bore of the end cover for wear.6. Put snap ring pliers in the hub of the torque conver-ter. Expand the tips of the pliers so that they touch thesplines on the inner race of the stator clutch. Quicklyturn the pliers counterclockwise and stop quickly. Thestator must turn with the inner race and continue to turncounterclockwise after the inner race is stopped. Whenthe pliers are quickly turned in the clockwise direction,only the inner race will turn.7. Use snap ring pliers to lift the inner race of the statorclutch. The inner race must not have more than 1.5 mm(0.062 in) clearance. The thrust surfaces are worn if theinner race moves more than 1.5 mm (0.062 in).BC8753FIGURE 12.DISASSEMBLING THEPLANETARY GEAR CARRIER5
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