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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}INTRODUCTIONThe clutch disc has splines and it slides on the splinesof the clutch shaft. The pressure plate cover is fas-This section has the description and repair procedures tened to the engine flywheel by capscrews. There arefor the oil clutch system.coil springs between the cover and the pressure plate.When the pressure plate pushes the clutch disc againstDESCRIPTIONthe flywheel, the clutch disc must turn with the fly-wheel.The function of the clutch is to connect and discon-nect the power from the engine to the transmission. The release mechanism has four levers that pull thepressure plate toward the cover. This action compres-GENERALFIGURE 1. PARTS OF THE OIL CLUTCHFIGURE 2. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FOR THE OIL CLUTCHses the coil springs and releases the tension of the pres-sure plate on the clutch disc. The levers turn with thecover. Because the linkage to the clutch pedal does notturn, a release bearing is needed to operate the clutch le-vers.The clutch is also used for inching. When inching, therelease mechanism does not fully release the force of thepressure plate on the clutch disc. The clutch disc turns ata different speed than the flywheel. Because the pressureplate and flywheel are touching the clutch disc, the partsget hot. The oil supply tube sends hydraulic oil to theclutch assembly to cool the parts. The clutch housing isthe sump for the clutch hydraulic system.The oil clutch system has a separate hydraulic pump thathas a flow control valve. The flow control valve is set at25-26 lt/min (6-7 gal/min) at 1100 kPa (160 psi) and 1755rpm. The oil flows from the pump to the oil cooler in theradiator. From the oil cooler the oil flows through an oilfilter. Oil from the outlet of the filter goes to cool the oilclutch and to lubricate the pump drive arrangement. Toprevent damage to the oil cooler and filter when the oil iscold, a by-pass valve is installed in the pump. The by-pass valve opens when the pressure reaches 1380 kPa(200 psi). When the by-pass valve opens, oil flows bothto the sump and to the oil cooler. A pressure switch isinstalled in the supply line for the oil cooler. The switchenergize a warning light when the oil pressure decreasesto 40-70 kPa (6-10 psi).FIGURE 3. HYDRAULIC SCEMATIC FOR THEOIL CLUTCH SYSTEMREPAIRSREMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLYNOTE: The oil clutch assembly can be removed with theengine and transmission installed.A. Remove the pedal bracket (see Figure 4) as follows:CAUTION2. Disconect and remove the clutch link to the releasecrank.3. Disconnect the brake push rod at the brake pedal. Re-move the pedal return spring.4. Remove the capscrews that hold the pedal bracket tothe transmission. Remove the pedal bracket assembly.B. Remove the suction line between the pump and theAlways remove the clutch booster spring before dis-clutch housing to drain the oil. Remove the by-pass lineconnecting the clutch linkage.between the pump and the clutch housing. Put caps onl. Loosen the eyebolt for the clutch booster spring. Re- the fittings. (See Figure 2.)move the spring.time) that hold the pressure plate assembly to the fly-wheel, then remove the pressure plate. Remove the clutchdisc. (See Figure 5.)CAUTIONThe clutch disc can fall when the pressure plate isremoved.K. Remove the release bearing and collar from the yoke.Cut the lock wire and remove the set screw that holds theyoke to the release shaft. Slide the release shaft from theclutch housing and yoke. (See figure 8.)FIGURE 4. PEDAL BRACKETC. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the oil cooler atthe pump and the oil filter. Put caps on the open fittings.Remove the oil line that fits between the flywheel hous-ing and the oil filter. (See Figure 2.)D. Remove the oil pump from the clutch housing. Re-move the sleeve from the driven sprocket for the pumpdrive.E. Remove the capscrews for the universal joints at thetransmission input shaft and the clutch shaft. Removethe universal shaft. Remove the splined yoke from theFIGURE 5. PRESSURE PLATEclutch shaft, then remove the clutch shaft. Remove thecapscrews for the bearing carrier. Remove the bearingCLEANING AND INSPECTIONcarrier from the clutch housing.A. Clean all parts of the clutch with solvent. Make sureF. Remove the capscrews that hold the clutch housing to the screen is free of metal particles.the frame. Connect a lifting device to the clutch housing.B. Inspect the bearings in the clutch housing and bearing(The clutch housing can be removed from the top or thecarrier for wear or damage. Do not try to clean the releasebottom of the lift truck.) Put blocks under the flywheelbearing.housing to hold the weight of the engine.C. Inspect the clutch disc for holes in the lining. CheckG. Remove the capscrews that hold the clutch housing tofor burnt lining that is black or hard. Check for loosethe flywheel housing. The two capscrews at the bottomrivets or a bent plate. Check the splines on the disc forare removed from the flywheel housing.wear or damage.H. There are holes with threads in the clutch housing soD. Inspect the pressure plate for grooves or burned areas.that the clutch housing can be separated from the fly-Look for cracks on the surface of the pressure plate. Checkwheel housing. Install capscrews in these holes and sepa-for broken springs. Inspect the pressure plate cover forrate the housings.cracks near the mounts for the levers. Check the leversI. Push on the bearing for the driven sprocket through the for wear or damage.hole for the pump and slowly remove the clutch housingE. Inspect the splines of the clutch shaft for wear or dam-from the lift truck.age. Inspect the bearing surfaces of the shaft for damage.J. Loosen each of the eight capscrews (2-3 turns at aF. Inspect the areas of the release shaft for wear or dam-age. Make sure the bearing on the yoke rotate freely.G. Inspect the flywheel for grooves and cracks that arelonger than 6.25 mm (0.25 in). Look for areas that havebeen too hot and have turned blue.H. Inspect the clutch pedal bearings for wear.ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATIONA. Install the pilot bearing in the flywheel.B. Hold the correct side of the clutch disc against theflywheel. See Figure 6. Put the pressure plate assemblyagainst the flywheel and disc. Start several capscrewsthrough the holes in the pressure plate cover. Do nottighten the capscrews.FIGURE 7. INSTALLING THE PRESSURE PLATEscrew. Install the lock wire between the lock screw andthe yoke. Install the release bearing and collar and thespring on the yoke. Make sure the nozzle for the clutchdisc is in the correct position. (See Figure 8.)F. Apply a sealant (Hyster Part No. 264159) on the flangeof the clutch housing. Install the clutch housing to theflywheel housing. Install the capscrews and tighten themto 38 N.m (28 1bf ft).G. Install the bearing on the clutch shaft. Install the bear-ing and shaft in the bearing carrier. Install the snap ringfor the bearing in the bearing carrier. Install the seal inthe bearing carrier. Install the O-ring on the bearing car-rier. (See Figure 1.)H. Install the bearing carrier and the clutch shaft in theclutch housing. Make sure the clutch shaft fits into thepilot bearing. Tighten the capscrews for the bearing car-rier to 38 N.m (28 lbf ft). Install the yoke on the clutchshaft. (See Figure l.)FIGURE 6. CLUTCH DISCI. If removed, install the mount brackets on the clutchC. Slide the clutch shaft through the splines of the clutch housing. Tighten the capscrews for the mount bracketsdisc into the pilot bearing in the flywheel. Install the re- to 165 N.m (122 1bf ft). Install the capscrews, washersmainder of the capscrews. (See Figure 7.)and shims that hold the clutch housing to the frame. Re-D. Tighten the eight capscrews one turn at a time until all move any blocks from under the engine so that the mountthe capscrews are tight. The torque on the capscrews must brackets are on the mounts. Use a level on the frame ofthe lift truck to make sure the frame is parallel with thebe 20 N.m ( 1 5 1bf ft). Remove the clutch shaft.floor. Use a level on the yoke of the clutch shaft to checkE. Lubricate the bearings for the release shaft. Install the that the yoke is vertical. Add or remove shims from un-der the mount bracket so that the yoke is within 0.5-1.5mm (0.02-0.06 in) of true vertical. After
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