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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}Ronald C. ArkinThe MIT Press, Cambridge, USAPart 2Experimental design – comments [1]design of a behavior-based controller for a legged walking robotInitially the robot was provided with the ability tostand up and conduct a simple walk.This worked adequately for smooth terrain butposed problems as the robot attempted to walkover irregular surfaces.Behaviour-Based Robotics2Experimental design – comments [2]design of a behavior-based controller for a legged walking robotBased on the requirements of this extendedcapability, force balancing was added to modifythe leg controllers and help the robot maintain asteady posture.Whiskers were then added to provide morewarning to the control system to deal with largerobjects that the robot needed to climb over.Behaviour-Based Robotics3Experimental design – comments [3]design of a behavior-based controller for a legged walking robotA final problem was noted involving balance insituations where the robot was heavily tilted foreor aft (pitching).To compensate, an inclinometer coupled with newpitch stabilization code was added to provide evenbetter performance as the robot maneuvered overhighly irregular terrain.Behaviour-Based Robotics4Experimentaldesign – comments [4]design of a behavior-based controller for a legged walking robotIt was then decided to allow the robot to trackwarm objects such as people, so infrared sensorswere added, coupled with a new behaviour toprovide prowling.Each of these competencieswas added incrementally,based upon the results ofprevious experiments andthe goal of providing greaterutility for the robotic system.Behaviour-Based Robotics5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl hannaeva.xlx.pl