Zgryźliwość kojarzy mi się z radością, która źle skończyła.

Temat 1

What are the threats for the natural environment?   What can an individual do to protect it?

              One of the major problems facing all the people inhabiting our planet is cleaning up the world environment. For many decade this issue has been negated by many countries and the results is that it is more and more difficult to find any unpolluted place on Earth.

              As for as the water is concerned, the prognosis are really gloomy. Sewage dumped directly into rivers pollutes the water so heavily that many countries don’t have enough safe drinking water. The risk of starvation and epidemic is really high. What is more countless of creatures are poisoned so ecosystems are disrupted.

              Another problem is pollution of soil, caused mainly by industry and agriculture. Acid rains caused by chemical substances dissolved in rain ruin crops . Abuse of fertilizers or pesticides destroy the upper layer of soil.

              However the most dangerous problem is contamination of atmosphere. Air is polluted mainly by exhaust gases emitted directly into atmosphere. We have “greenhouse effect” which is caused by carbon-dioxide and normal gases. This effect in global warming which can cause that many places on the planet maybe flooded.

              All these catastrophic ecological possibilities are even hard to quantify. To decrease the risk of self-destruction it seems necessary to take some for steps to clean up the world’s environment. We are also able to do something to protect our natural environment. First of all is sorting a rubbish, we should them out separate plastic, paper, glass, cans, because in every city there are special container helpful in recycling.

              Secondly very important is to protect green area. We shouldn’t destroy trees and plants. We should take care specially about parks in cities, because they reduce fumes and other pollutions and give us oxygen.

              Another point is that we shouldn’t use old cars which emit a lot of fumes and use unleaded petrol which are not so dangerous for our natural environment. What is more we should limit using cars by using bikes and trams.

              To sum up, as we see there are many ways of destroying the natural environment by human. Therefore necessary to take some forceful steps to clean up the world or otherwise men has little chance to survive. That is why each of us must think and take care about our environment.


Temat 2

Discuss the role of television In the contemporary wordl. Explain the reasons for the growing popularity of the Internet.

              In my opinion, television is very important in the contemporary world. Many people watch TV every day. Sometimes in one house there are 3 TVs, since everybody wants to watch something else.

              People use the TV to relax, but sometimes this is bad, because they should go out and play games or go for a walk. Moreover on television we can see very interesting films and programs or we can listen to music. . It keeps us informed about wars, significant political or cultural events, catastrophes, accident and crimes. We don’t have to buy newspapers since on TV we can find latest information.

              TV is popular today, but I think that the Internet will replace it in the future. On the Internet we can talk with people from all countries in the world. Secondly, we can download films, music which isn’t on TV and send text messages to friends. Internet access is quite expensive today, but in the future it will be cheaper.

              To sum up, the Internet will soon become more popular than TV, although TV is so common more and more people start to use their computers more than watch TV.







Temat 3

Crime is a growing problem in many countries. What are the most common kinds of crime people have to cope with in Poland? Discuss the main causes and suggest what could be done to reduce high crime rate.

Violence and crime have rapidly increased in the last few years. It is a very serious problems in some countries. Nowadays you must overcome your fear if you want to go somewhere in the evening.

              Let’s start with the most common kinds of crimes. The most common is theft. Thieves steal everything: money, cars, rob houses and there are also many pickpockets. Robbery, drug dealing and theft are the most common crimes committed by teenagers.

              So let’s go to the main causes of crimes. The first reason is negative influence of brutal TV programs and computer games. Teenagers often became aggressive when they watch too many action films and play brutal games. Another reason is pathology in a family. Young people, from such families, don’t see the point of life. They run away from home. Start to drink alcohol and take drugs. To have money they steal cars. Most of them finish in prison, but when they become free, they steal again. Our government does nothing to help people find some work and to break with addictions. The  government is corrupt, and the most important thing for them is their own money.

              However, there are some ways to reduce high crime rate. First of all, we should have strict law, because criminals should feel afraid. We ought to also try to solve social problems like pathology and help poor people. Children shouldn’t watch brutal films but they should spend time with their family.

              To sum up, crime is a really serious problem. If people want to reduce crime they must take serious steps quickly.



Temat 4

What personal qualities make a good boss, colleague and employee? Would you rather be self-employed? Why/ why not?

Good relationships between employees and bosses are very important to have nice atmosphere at work. It makes our job easier, more efficient and people feel strong motivation to work hard every day. I would like to talk about qualities which in my opinion are most important when you want to be a good colleague, boss and employee.

I will start with colleagues. I think that good colleagues should be friendly. They have to keep smiling or talk with you even if they have a bad day, to keep good atmosphere at work. The second feature which good colleagues should have is being helpful.  It is very important to help each other, because you never know when you need someone’s help. If you have a problem a good colleague will help you.

Now I will go to a good employee’s qualities. In my opinion a good employee must be hard working. It is important, because thanks to hard work you have good results at work. Second feature it is also important to well-qualified. In my opinion, only such a person could be a good employee. Many companies nowadays look for people who are excellent in their area. But what is also important – you must continue learning even if you have already got a good job. The success of a company depends on good employees.

The last person I would like to discuss is the boss. If you want to be a good boss you should be strict but fair. A good boss must show what he expects from his employees. None employee should be treat better than others, because it can cause bitter competition between them or make them lose their motivation.

To sum up, as we can see there are many features that make a good boss, colleague or employee. Everybody should do their best to keep a friendly atmosphere at work.









Temat 5

Why are mobile phones gaining in popularity? How are they changing our life? What are the recent technological developments in this area?

              Nowadays mobile phones are very popular, because they change our lives. Almost everybody has a mobile phones. Sometimes people have a few mobiles. There are a few reasons for the popularity of mobiles.

              We have contact with people from the whole world. We can call almost from every place. If you need to call somebody suddenly you don’t have to look for a phonebook or home. Mobile phones are useful in accidents and dangerous situations, since you can call for help quickly.

              Nowadays we observe the greatest development of mobile phones. We have many technological changes in this area. Mobile phones have many functions. There are camera so we can make photos and record short films and then send to our friends. We can use out mobile us calculator, we can send e-mails, playing games listen to music, some models have great memory so you can record hundreds of your favorite songs. Many mobiles have also GPS which can save our live if we get lost in mountain.

              Mobile phones make our lives faster but also easier. If you have a company you can communicate with your clients as often as you need. In the contemporary business world you must react quickly to changes.

              However, it is difficult to have a private life with a company mobile in your pocket. Some bosses call their employees at all hours.

              To some up, mobiles are important to call and send messages friends and families but you must remember to turn them off on holiday.


Temat 6

Should students have full-time, part-time or seasonal jobs? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of work. Do you find the idea of working abroad attractive? Why/ why not?

              Nowadays a lot of students want to have a job, because work gives them many benefits and opportunities. But have many hours a day should students spend at work? Should students have full-time or part-time jobs?

Firstly, students should concentrate on their classes and school work. The most important thing for students is to pass the exam. They can skip to many classes so they can’t work full-time. However part-time job is good  for students, because they get experience. They must learn how to work hard and get on with their boss and colleagues. If they work during studies their CV looks better.

              Secondly, many students have to work to pay for their studies. Universities in Poland are usually free, however students have to pay for a flat, food, books, free-time activities. What is more some students decide to study abroad during one or two semesters. Life in England or Italy is even more expensive. Students get some scholar ship but they can only pay for their room with this money. They have to find work abroad to pay for everything they need.

              To sum up, it is good that students work but they shouldn’t work too much because they must study.














Temat 7

Why do people travel? Suggest the best means of transport in different situations. What are the advantages of using this particular means of transport over the others?

              Nowadays we have many different means of transport. They become more and more modern. In the contemporary world we can’t imagine our lives without travelling. Cars, planes and coaches changed our planet into a global village. It is really easy to go to all countries of the world. Let’s discuss advantages and disadvantages of cars, coaches and planes.

              I will start with the car. This means of transport has many advantages, so many people use it. Firstly cars are very comfortable, because drivers can use it as often as they want at all times. If you have a good car with air conditions driving is relaxing. However, many cities have a problems with traffic jams. You many spend a lot of time waiting in a traffic jam. Moreover, cars are quite expensive since petrol isn’t cheap and you must pay insurance.

Now I would like to talk about coaches. In my opinion, they might be very comfortable, since they often have a toilet and a self-service bar, where you can get something to eat and drink. Moreover, you can rest during traveling, you can sleep an a very comfortable seat, because you don’t have to drive. What is more driving by coach is cheaper than by car. But there are also some disadvantage. Firstly, many coaches are dirty and in a bad condition. It can be dangerous to travel by coach a specially at night, you never know who you travel with you.

              The last means of transport I would like to talk about is the plane. If you travel far away planes are the fastest and most comfortable. However traveling by plane is rather expensive and many people afford it.

              I think that no means of transport is perfect. They all have advantages and disadvantages, so you have to spend a lot of money or waste a lot of time to get somewhere.


Temat 8

Why do people practise sports? What kinds of sport are most popular in Poland? Should people be allowed to do extreme sports? Would you make any sport illegal?

              Practising sport become more and more popular. We have many sports disciplines. Unfortunately we can observe also development of violent sport, which is really frightening. First I would like to say about good side of sport, then I will talk about dark side of sport which is violent sports.

              First benefit of practicing sport is that it gives our brain more oxygen, which makes that we are healthier and thanks to it our thinking is better and faster. Next benefit is that we are in better physical shape. Physical exercises help to keep fit and health. Besides sport is very helpful if we work very hard – it helps us to fight with the stress and rest a little bit.

              Unfortunately we have also sports which we can classified to violent sports. Good examples of such sports are various kind of fight. In my opinion it should be banned, because of couple reasons. Firstly it is very dangerous, because it influences on our psychological health. It sets negative emotions like angry and revenge. People who practise violent sports don’t think about the rules of fair play and sometimes they even loose self control.

              Violent sport has also bad influence on children, because watching such fights not only an cartoons but also real fight can make them very aggressive. They want to imitate adult which can lead to serious crime.

              I think that most popular sport for men is football. Most men play and watch football in TV and on the stadium as a supporter. Most popular sports for women are basketball, tennis, aerobic and jogging. Women practise sport, because they want to look better and loose some kilograms. 

              So as we see sport can have many benefits and everyone should practise, but we should choose only those disciplines which aren’t dangerous for us and for the others.






Temat 9

What are the advantages and disadvantages of life in a big city and in the country?

Different people choose different places to live. Some prefer living in the country, others love big cities. For me the best place to live is the country or a little town, because big cities have to many disadvantages. I would like to talk about the main problems.

Firstly, big cities are overcrowded. Most of city-dwellers have to live in blocks of flats, since there isn’t enough places for houses. It often happens people don’t know their neighbors and don’t have friends close at hand. In big blocks of flats people may feel very lonely.

Another problem is heavy traffic. There are very often traffic jam especially in rush hour. Many people waste time seating in traffic jams and they get stressed. Moreover, exhaust gases pollute the environment. Finally heavy traffic is connected with many accidents, for example in Poznań you may hear about some accidents almost every day.

Another important problem is high crime rate. Big cities are dangerous especially at night. You may be robbed walking in your neighborhood. In the country you don’t have to worry about your car even if you don’t have a garage. Situation is completely different in he cities.

To sum up, living in a city is risky and sometimes uncomfortable that is way I prefer a small towns.





































Temat 10

How can computer users benefit from the Internet? Is it possible to find a friend, a partner or fall in love via the Internet?  Could using the Internet dangerous in any way?

              The Internet is one of the biggest inventions of the 20th century. I think that almost all computer users have the Internet access and almost everybody knows how to use it.

Let’s start with the benefits. Firstly the internet is a very good source of information. We can find almost everything whenever we want. It’s faster and easier to write a word in search engine and click ENTER than go to libraries or other institutes and search something in traditional way. Also daily news are available in different web sites. People can check the weather, cinema repertoire, bus and train timetables, TV programs, sports results etc.

              Secondly the internet is an easy way of communication. Emails are faster and more comfortable then traditional letters. When we have a microphone and video camera we can participate in video conference with other people from the whole world. What’s important you can talk without any surcharges.  The positive side of it is that you don’t have to control the time of a conversation.

              Another advantage of the internet are online shops. You can buy almost everything, because the choice is very wide. Sometimes even you can catch up a bargain. Many goods are cheaper then at shops, because you get them directly from the producer. It’s also convenient, because you don’t have to go out to purchase anything. What’s more you don’t waste your time staying in queues at post offices and banks, if you have to pay your bills. You can do it online instead.

              In some countries for example Australia where children don’t have opportunities to attend normal lesson at school, because of the distance between villages and cities. They communicate with their teachers and other students via the Internet.

On the other hand the Internet can have a destructive influence. It is also the source of computer viruses which can be transmitted to your computer without your consciousness. Computer hackers may take control of your computer and as a result you cam lose your data. So it’s important to have antivirus and firewall installed.  We should remember that not every website is suitable.

Moreover when you buy something via the Internet you should remember about the risk involved. For example you can get completely different good, not something you wanted to. You may have problems with returning it so before you purchase something you should check the moments of the user you buy it from.

Unfortunately the Internet is time consuming and you can easily get addicted to it. Many people sit long hours in front of the computer screen and they don’t even relies they might be addicted. Addiction can be destructive and result in bad relationship with family and friends. An addicted person is often upset and aggressive, when doesn’t have the access to the Internet.

To sum up, the Internet has a lot of benefits, it is a very useful tool, because it let’s you get information and communicate easily, but in some situations it can be also dangerous.

              The Internet ha changed our society. Very important aspect of the Internet is the possibility of communication. There are many ways of communication through the Internet, like chats, emails, video conferences. Millions of people meet each other every day thanks to the Internet. But is it possible to fall in love online?

              In my opinion, such a relationship as friendship is possible on the web. I think that people need friends a lot. Friends always listen to your problems, give you advice or can say a few comforting words. On chats and forums you can find people with similar interests. You can talk about computer and sport etc.

              However, I think that falling an love online is very hard. In my opinion online friendship may turn into love and real relationship only if two people meet in reality. You may fall in love with the person you imagine but in reality your partner may be different. You may get on well online but have nothing in common on a real date. Yet, many people start relationship online because they don’t have much time and it is easier. But soon they decide to meet in a real pub or restaurant.

              To sum up, you can have friends online, but they can’t replace real life friends. Moreover, you can’t find love in virtual reality.



Temat 11

What is healthy lifestyle? What kind of people is it popular with? Are you one of them?

              For me healthy lifestyle is the way we life and treat our bodies. If we want to live long and happily we should take into account our habits and indulgences. In may opinion the most important things to be in good condition are a good diet, vigorous exercise and rest.

              First I would like to say about balanced diet. We should rather choose whole food than reaches fatty products. To live healthy we must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, which contain vitamins and minerals. We should avoid fat building sweets, ice-cream, cookies and instead eat more whole meal breed, low-fat cottage cheese and drink milk and yoghurt. What is more very important is to eat regular and quite often. To summarize our diet should not only be balanced but also varied. 

              For me healthy lifestyle is also connected with physical activity. Nowadays people don’t have so much activity , because drive everywhere by car, they spend half a day sitting behind a desk and watch TV. In my opinion we should spend at least half an hour daily for example playing tennis, running, swimming or simply walking. It helps us for sure not only to feel better, to achieve relaxation, but what is most important to protect from such serious medical problems as coronary disease, heart attach etc.

              I think that very important is also to sleep and rest a lot. Only relaxed people living without too much pressure and worry have a chance to keep healthy. People who want to live in healthy way mustn’t smoking cigarettes, because it cause serious medical diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease etc.

              So as we see living healthy isn’t very hard. It is sufficient to eat good food, more some physically activity and rest a little bit. It is worth to take care of our health, because thanks to it we can be happier and we can live longer.

              TV and magazines have created ideal people. Ideal women should be very tall, very thin and fashionable. Their man ought to be sporty, well built, rich and successful. Both must be extremely attractive.

              I think that physical appearance is important in live because of a few reasons. Firstly, if we are attractive it helps us to have good mood. You know that you are quite attractive. It is easier to think positively if you are satisfied with your looks. You don’t have to go on diets or dream about plastic operations.

              Secondly, good appearance is helpful; in carrier, especially in show business. All actors, sings and models must be very attractive. It is very difficult to find a famous young actress who is ugly.

              Finally, handsome people have richer social life. They meet new people quickly and easily. They are popular and often go to parties and on dates.

              People make huge effort to improved their looks, especially women. Society demands from them fashionable clothes and trendy hair cuts. People spend a lot of money on clothes and hairdressers. Men spent much time in the gym and women go on diets. Some people take drastic steps and have plastic operations.

              To sum up, good appearance is very important but you must remember about hard work and rely on your intelligence not your looks.















Temat 12

What do people need English for? What does success in language learning depend on? Suggest some strategies.

              Nowadays language learning is very important, cause we need it in every part of our life. That’s why it is necessary to make language learning successfully. There are many factors which success in learning depend on and many strategies of learning. I will present some.

              I will start with those elements the most important in my opinion is innate ability. Some people don’...

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